Cheltenham Festival: Preview Nights

This is a report from Rush on Monday night by one of my fellow owners of Raise The Beat

Monday - Cheltenham Preview Night at Rush

Panel was Oliver Brady (very entertaining and single handedly raised an extra 2k for the charity; while he's not everybody's cup of tea you can't help but warm to the man), Eddie McMahon (Paddy Power) - very good on stats and trends, Ado McGuinness - local trainer, Brian Flanagan - The Star, Andrew Lynch. MC was the TV3 chap, whose name escapes me.

Supreme Novices
Cue Card (AL)
Spirit Son (BF)
BF mentioned Dunraven Storm at 66s might be value.
EM noted the shocking record of favs (6 of the last 31) and PP have the refund special on this race

3 horse race
Realth Dubh not good enough
Starluck - reputedly AP said don't go
AL reckons Ghizao, quite neg on Finians Rainbow
Stats favour French breds (7/16) and high hurdle rating 142+ (9/10)

Champion Hurdle
All negative on Binocular
AM and AL like Hurricane Fly - AL defended him strongly when one of the panel said that he wouldn't battle
BF likes Menorah and that Overturn will ensure a ridiculous pace
OB made a case for Dunguib each way
Stats say to concentrate on first 6 in the betting

Neptune Novices
All very positive on Oscars Well
Henderson has a terrible record (0/21) in this race
So Young possibly wants it soft

AL bank on Time for Rupert - form standing up very well
The MC mentioned that 1833 is thought of as a very good horse by Nicholls

Queen Mother
Masterminded (OB)
Big Zeb (AL)
All were positive on Sizing Europe each way - Arkle winner stats (10/12 first two)

Bit of chat on the bumper - our lad got a mention because of the ownership connection.
Ado McGuinness was most positive on him (he noted that Colm Murphy really likes our guy);
Andrew Lynch guessed at Keys - could be listed class;
Brian Flanagan thought Cheltenian, based a bit on the price tag;
the lad from Paddy Power (Eddie McMahon) noted that we're a loser in their book for 40k;
and Oliver Brady didn't have a clue but wished the “local horse” well!!

Someone said that Star Neuville is only a stayer

World Hurdle
Big Bucks (bomb proof - paddy power - one bet of 250k at 5/4)
Mourad (BF)
good ew Solwhit (AM) will settle, doesn't pull, should have a chance Berties Dream (AL) hopeful of top 3/4 at 66
No big priced winner(greater than 8s) since 1999

All liked Tranquil Sea
Course form vital, winners rated 152 to 157
Riverside Theatre - track won't suit
Ruby Light (Hennesseys) ew if going soft

Triumph Hurdle
Zarkander (BF and EM) - very impressive in a race that provides lots of winners in the triumph
Unaccompanied (AM) she gets handy 7lb sex allowance but BF countered that she might need it soft being by Danehill Dancer and Weld's record in Chelt is terrible - however his one victory did arrive in this race almost 20 yrs ago

Gold Cup
AL would love to ride Imperial Commander in it
EM put forward Tidal Bay each way, which AL referred to as a pig
BF thinks Denman and reckoned that Pandorama will be pulled up (Meade's 2 winners were over hurdles)
Long Run wants a flat track, pilot problems and no 6yo has won since Mill House
Kauto Star - all negative, jumping gone, AL mentioned that he was all out to win at Down Royal
Diamond Harry - no, should have had a prep race
AM suggested Midnight Chase ew, AL said he was only a slow handicapper Kempes ew wasn't laughed at

Other races
Wishfull Thinking if he goes for the new 2m 4f nov chase (BF)
Back in Focus - Albert Bartlett hurdle - best horse that Derek O'Connor has ever ridden in P2P (AL)
Gagewell Flyer - wherever he ends up (BF)

Charity bets
Oscars Well (OB)
Barafundle - Pertemps (EM)
Ghizao (BF)
Time for Rupert (AL)
Imperial Commander (MC chap)

Enjoyable enough

Davy Russell -DR
Barry Geraghty BG
Evan Williams -EW
Brian Flannagan (The Irish Star) BF
Donn McClean -DM,
Colm Murphy = CM

and (MC) Jonathan Mullin

Conference Call: Willie Mullins & Paul Nicholls


DR - Irish below par, DOAL best of ours, Cue Card best by a long shot

BG - refused to pick between 2 hendersons. Spirit Son going on body language, Cue card one to beat, has experience with older horses and good ground will suit

BF - seemed to reckon that Zaidapour mighn't run. 9/4 bit short on Cue Card. Said he would back whichever Barry was on

EW -Likes Recession Proof. Thinks it will place

DM - Doesn't like Recession Proof. His mark of 137 means he won't be good enough. Thinks Spirit Son is the most natural hurdler. Worried that bumper produces stamina horses and Supreme mighn't suit Cue Card

- Recession Proof will like hustle bustle of race. Cue Card most likely winner


DR - Highest rated hurdler usually wins recent arkles so he is going for Starluck

DM - Likes Medermit. Rated 158 over hurdles ans most likely winner. Starluck is a small horse and he isn;t keen on him

BG - Finians schooled well last Friday and is very very good. Jumping wins the arkle and reckons he hasa brilliant leper

EW - West with the Wind @100/1. Ran in handicaps, back to novice company. Will like the ground

CM - Irish form poor. Wasn't blown away by Finians the last day out. Thinks that Merdemit doesn't like being a racehorse.

BF - Ghizao, gave captain chris 10lbs, has chelten form and most likely winner

Willie Mullins call

Quevega -
dekighted with her, done a lovely piece of work last week

Hurricane - worked yesterday, has 2 pieces of work left, drying ground will help

Golden Silver - Will run in QM it seems, may be ridden differently

Mourad - Will improve for better ground and has plenty of class

Fiveforthree- far from ideal prep, worried about bounce factor, wasn't overly confident

Kempes - Would need to improve greatly

MKD - RSA that was all

Quel Esprit - Gallop went well, RSA the plan

Blazing Tempo - Had a setback, will travel over, Centenary novice maybe

Allure of Illusion - best bumper horse reading between the lines, Cool Rua being put away for Aintree mares bumper

Champion Hurdle

BG - Cheltenham suits Binocular, he stays up the hill. menorah's form is rock solid. HF has only beaten Solwhit and needs to improve. Oscar Whiskey not as good as some of the others.

DM - likes hurricane but worried about no Chelt experience

BF - likes Menorah, has the form on the book. Peddlers not quick enough

EW - Khyber Kim massively overpriced. Overturn will set a scorching pace

CM - Peddlers is unbeaten. We don't know how good he is. Big step up for him. Worried about the 2nd season novices stepping up against the seasoned horses and went with Bonocular

DR - 'Hurricane Fly is very good and will win the champion hurdle'. He is an exceptionally good horse, has an amazing turn of foot and Ruby will ride. The only thing taht will stop HF is possibly getting worked up in the parade


BG -
Oscars Well travels, jumps, picks up and stays. impressive horse

DM - Oscars Well won his race 10 seconds faster than the mares race over same distance. One to beat

DR - Massive on So Young. Said he spoke with Paul Townend and was told that this is the best of all Willie's, is not ground dependant and is the next big things

BF - Oscars well but was reconsidering after Davy's words

CM - Oscars Well

RSA Chase

BG - Time for Rupert is rock solid

EW - Wymott will stay and is a grinder. e/w chance

CM - Quito is improving. Dunno whether he goes here or the 4 miler

DM - TFR has the best form. Worried that Aiteen ThirtyThree is a flat course horse

BF - Quinz form shows how foor TFR is

Champion Chase

EW - Big Zeb will beat Masterminded

BG - Masterminded not horse he was. Better ground will improve BZ. Very confident

DM - favourites in betting are wrong way around. BZ will take lot of beating

DR - Arkle winners have great record in following QM. Sizing Europe a big price with conditions he will relish

Paul Nicholls Call

Al Ferof will be a chaser. Needs to improve alot

Ghizao is best bet of day one

No horse hidden in the handicap this year

Grands Crus has won handicaps wheras Big Bucks has won Grade ones. Tom Scudamore will be under a lot of pressure as to how to ride the race

Big Zeb the one to beat in QM

World Hurdle

BG - Big bucks is buying money

DM - Grands Crus is ground dependant, mourad is a real player, BB will win

EW - Big Bucks is a legend. GC beat handicappers the last day

CM - BB banker of meeting

DR - Solwhit will be ridden to get a place, should stay, could be turning the corner. Won't beat BB


BG - Grandouet one of his best rides, Sam Winner the big danger

EW - Really likes Zarkandar, could be special

DR - Irish can;t win this race, filly can't win this, Weld can't train a Cheltenham winner but he is still going for Unaccompanied. He guaranteed that she will get involved at the end

DM - Zarkandar and Unaccompanied in with a huge shout. 7lb allowance in Britain


BG - RT was outpaced in the arkle.They have worked on his jumping. Has a great chance. Poquelin biggest rival if ground is good

DR - Tranquil Sea best bet of entire week. Spoke to Andy Mac and they are very confident. Thinks he has been laid out for it this year with no prep run before.

EW - RT should be fav. Kalhari King not good enough

BF - JY vole great shout if cut in the ground

DM - Worried that connections weren't aiming RT for this initially. Likes KK alot. Has course form and will relish step up in trip


BG - Long Run has great chance. However he thinks Denman has best form in the race and he would ride him if given the chance

EW - Imperial commander- has the least to prove

BF - KS no longer good enough. Likes Denman

CM - Against 2 irish. Tidal Bay good e/w bet

DR - Long Run's jockey a liability, he likes Denman alot but would ride Long Run

DM - 10 yr old have a terrible record. Likes both Irish horses. Kempes galloped home last day so should relish extra 2f. If anyway soft Pandorama has to have a huge chance

Charity Bets

BG - Big Zeb

EW - Williams Wishes - grand annual

CM - Tranquil Sea

BF - Plan A - Fred Winter

DR - Gagewell Flyer - Albert Bartlett

DM - Some Target - NH Chase

My own thoughts on the night

Davy Russell is exactly what you want at something like this. Ballsy, fortright in his opinion, humorous and very likeable. Also hugely keen on the Hurricane

Barry Geraghty is non commital, a fence sitter and doesn't make for a great panelist

Colm Murphy is quiet and shy. Kind of guy i'd like to have horses with but maybe not share a beer with

Donn Mclean is top class. Knows his stuff

Evan Williams is well spoken, not afraid to tip an outsider and knows his stuff

Jonathan Mullin was a good MC. Witty, kept things rolling and came accross as very knowledgeable

Davy was undoubtedly the star of the show
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Owestry preview night

Mark Winstanley ( MW )
Richard Johnson ( RJ )
Paul Ferguson ( PF )
Noel Fehily ( NF )
Chairman of the Panel Mark Ball ( MB )

SUPREME NOVICES - RJ said Cue Card best horse in the race, NF agreed and couldnt see it getting beat, PF has backed Zaidpour but also thinks Cue Card will win, but can make a case for Megans Star e/w at a big price. MW thinks Henderson has the race by the balls and has been told that Geraghty will ride Spirit Son.

ARKLE - With the forecast dry for the next 2 weeks RJ thinks Captain Chris will go for the Jewson. Ghizao cant win unless soft and picked Medermit as did MW as the best hurdler invariably wins the Arkle and Medermit would be his bet of the day. NF cant have Ghizao and he would select Finians Rainbow to ride, whilst PF has backed Medermit & Finians Rainbow and his preference would be for the former.

CHAMPION HURDLE - RJ predctably selected Menorah and said the normally calm Hobbs was really excited after his racecourse gallop this week. NF said Paul Townend & the Irish are really sweet on the Fly yet he would prefer Binocular. PF said Menorah was a really good each way bet but sided with the Fly whilst MW went for Binoular and would be laying Peddlers Cross all day long.

SUN ALLIANCE HURDLE - or whatever they call it now. PF thinks that the Irish horses are superior here, but Oscars Well was too short and sided with So Young but didnt discount First Lieutenenat. RJ said Megans Star would be value if lining up here instead of Supreme, but Bobs Worth is the one to beat as did MW. NF thinks Ireland will win and went for Oscars Well.

RSA - 3 of the panel went for Time for Rupert who MW predicted would go off 5/4 or 11/8 on the day. RJ has been trying to convince Hobbs to run Wishful Thinking here, however he said TFR is his banker of the meeting. Odd one out was NF who said 1833 would have a major chance with juice in the ground.

CHAMPION CHASE - RJ said Sommersby should be in Ryanair, both him PF & NF went for Big Zeb if the ground is good. MW thinks Woolcombe Folly would win as the old guard are not that good anymore.

After the first 2 days RJ had to leave, but he did suggest Kilcrea Kim would have a good chance whichever race he went for, if he had the choice in the Gold Cup would ride Imperial Commander. Snap Tie worked with Menorah this week and if good ground would have an excellent chance in the County.

RJ NAP - Time for Rupert.

Paul Jones ( PJ ) of the Cheltenham Betting Guide now took RJ's place

RYANAIR - MW stated that Poquelin would take the world of beating, NF agreed that he looked rock solid, wheras PJ & PF both went for Kalahari King with the likely good ground conditions

WORLD HURDLE - Unmnous decsion that Big Bucks would win, however they were split on the betting without the favourite, 2 went for Solwhit and 2 for Mourad. There was a lot of negativity regarding Grand Crus that his speed figures were not very special and his requirement for soft ground.

JEWSON - MW & PJ both thougt that Mr Gardner would reverse form with Captain Chris here and that he is currently trading at good odds as he will go off a lot shorter, NF went for Captain Chris, though did say De Bromhead is quietly confident in Loosen my Load. PF went for Hells Bay.

TRIUMPH - NF thinks disregard Sam Winners last run, PF agreed and said it was the best single piece of form this season on his first run. PJ dosnt fancy any of the market leaders and would back Smad Place. MW went for an outsider in Moose Moran of Hendersons who runs on Friday. He said that it is not beyond the realms of possibility that Geraghty would ride this instead of Gandouet or a Media a Luz.

ALBERT BARTLETT - PJ said Kilcream Kim will run here and is the most likely winner, if he dosnt run Champion Court would be his selection. NF has been impressed by Back in Focus. MW & PF both suggested Bobs Worth if he runs here and if not Mossley, also from hendersons each way.

GOLD CUP - MW cant have Long Run, Kauto Star or Imperial Commander. Denman is a watching brief and has backed Kempes but also on good ground put up China Rock e/w at 66/1. PJ was totally against Kauto Star and to a lesser extent Denman, worried about Imperial Commanders preparation so has seleted Long Run by default. NF believes the younger horses still have a bit to find with the older brigade and went for Denman. PF does not have a strong view on the race, but went for Imperial Commander.

SHOULDER RACES SUMMARY - General Consensus was that whichever races Aigle d'or or Quantiveasing go for they would be a hughe gamble and McManus plot horses. Tanks for that was a good fancy for the Grand Annual. Owners are very keen on Galant Nuit in the Kim Muir as has been laid out for the race. David Pipe says Junior is his best handicap bet of the meeting in the Kim Muir, but make of that what you will.Chartreaux was fancied in the Pertemps. Tullymore Dew was fancied whereever he turns up.Aegean Dawn & Psycho for the Morals Cup. The Irish horse for the bumper is Allure of Illusion. Great Endeavour was fancied of his current mark for the handicap chase on the first day.

MW - Tanks for That
NF - Sam Winner
PJ - Medermit
PF - Time for Rupert
Like Davy's comments on Tranquil Sea. The price differential with Poquelin is unjustified and he's almost a forgotten horse in the Ryanair.
A horse that I like myself. Davy doesn't reckon he is ground dependant and that everything they have done with him this year is about getting him ready for the Thursday. His course form of course was included as a bonus
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Great preview the Dublin one. Do you think if Russell came over here and became higher profile like Barry he'd tone it down a bit?
Thursday, March 3rd

Bangor put on their first ever Cheltenham Preview Evening which proved a very popular night (doubtless the red cabbage supper being the main draw) so I will be amazed if this is now not an annual event here. The panel comprised leading trainer Donald McCain Jnr (DM), broadcaster and commentator Stewart Machin (SM) who won a strong running of the most dapper looking shirt contest, local stud owner and influential breeder Richard Aston (RA) and Cheltenham Festival Betting Guide author Paul Jones (PJ). The evening was chaired by racecourse commentator Darren Owen (DO).
DM: I couldn’t believe they were considering the Champion Hurdle for Cue Card – the form wasn’t good enough. It was a no brainer that he should go for this and he’ll take the world of beating. I was very taken with Recession Proof at Newbury as you could call him the winner half-way down the back. It’s top-class handicap form.
SM: I couldn’t back Cue Card at the price. Spirit Son has a high cruising speed and jumps quickly and Henderson can’t wait to get him on better ground. I’d rather take 6/1 Spirit Son than 9/4 Card Card.
RA: I helped sell Cue Card as a foal so have watched him very closely and to have achieved what he has achieved so far is extraordinary given his make and shape. He is my Day 1 nap.
PJ: On official ratings, there are grounds for arguing that Cue Card is too big at 9/4 but I’ve seen so many shorties beaten in this race. I respect Spirit Son a lot but the value here and now if he runs is Day Of A Lifetime at 25/1 for Mullins who has twice won the race with outsiders and very impressive only hurdles start where he wore earplugs having proven unsteerable in the Champion Bumper. He is the best each-way Play when non-runner no-bet comes into force as still in Neptune.
DM: I was very taken with Medermit at Sandown. I couldn’t have Finian’s Rainbow because of the way he jumps – he’s too straight backed. Ghizao strikes me as very tough. I was standing at the last when he won at Cheltenham and he wasn’t
SM: Medermit is the most likely winner. He stays further, has a high cruising speed, his jumping is getting better with every race and I liked the way he found more when Captain Chris challenged him at Sandown. Finian’s Rainbow was fizzy going to the start at Warwick and had no cover in the race and I don’t think it is a given he would have beaten Kilmurry if that horse did not break down. If he runs here, Captain Chris’ jumping is an issue for me as he is better right-handed and that underlying problem could see them take the easier race on paper instead (Jewson).
RA: I know connections of Captain Chris are very sweet on him as an individual and believe there is a lot more improvement to come when he gets better ground. He is getting better from race to race as is his jumping.
PJ: Goodish ground would concern me a little for Ghizao, Realt Dubh has been beating the worst lot of Irish 2m novice chasers I’ve seen for a long time and Finian’s Rainbow’s jumping went to pieces at Warwick when he couldn’t get his own way so it has to be Medermit for all the reasons Stewart has already outlined plus he is likely to be the highest rated hurdler in the field by a huge margin if Starluck doesn’t run, and I don’t think he will, and they have won half of the last ten runnings.
DM: I’m absolutely relieved that Jason’s ban has been revised and he can ride Peddlers Cross. It hasn’t been pleasant the last few days. To be honest, I think I was worse than Jason, who didn’t show much, but he was very subdued the last couple of days when I think it suddenly hit him he might not be riding. It’s a massive relief – we were only trying to do our best. I think Peddlers Cross’ defeat of Binocular at Newbury has been under-rated. Before the race everyone was saying the small field was not going to suit us but we did the donkey work and won it the hard way, then
afterwards people said it did suit us! The way he gets himself to the front and travels is mind blowing and we don’t know how good he is. He was 85-90% at Newbury – he didn’t have an edge on him. He had a blow turning in and pickled up three times in the straight. The better the ground, the better he’ll be but he will cope with bad ground. At Kelso it was very deep and the performance of the 2nd, Bygones of Brid, has been under-rated. Everyone in the north knows he’s a very good horse on bad ground. Peddlers came out of Kelso tremendously well. Who do I fear? I think it’s between us,
Binocular and Menorah. Hurricane Fly has only won in a bog in Ireland beating the same horse. I can’t have him. That’s the theory and it sounds good at the moment! Regards Overturn, he was beaten the moment he jumped off at Wincanton according to Jason. And previously at Kempton, Timmy Murphy said he was very disappointed with Starluck, which is not what I was hoping to hear.
SM: I do like track form here and Hurricane Fly doesn’t have any whereas his three main rivals have all put up their best performance here. I just wonder if this may come a year too soon for Menorah as reigning Supreme winners haven’t won for 40 years but the likes of Brave Inca and Hors La Loi won it later in their career and didn’t he only really beat novices last time? It’s between Binocular and Peddlers Cross for me and the latter is the better price but I would back them both.
RA: I just love Peddlers Cross’ attitude to racing and would go for him but I have this down as just a three-horse race as wouldn’t fancy Hurricane Fly.
PJ: Lack of track form is a worry for Hurricane Fly plus we only really know he is better than Solwhit who is vulnerable to a horse with a turn of foot. Menorah will run well but just come up short for me as I don’t think his form is strong enough as he beat two embryo chasers last time. Before the start of the season I had it between Binocular and Peddlers Cross and what I have seen on the track has only reinforced that view. Peddlers Cross is the better priced so better value but in my gut I just think Binocular will pick him up on the run-in. He has been trained for one race only so runs this season not bother me. I’ve already backed both.
DM: Tornado Bob goes for this. He’s not done anything wrong. Originally, Jason didn’t think he was mature enough, but he’s matured a fair bit. He didn’t like the ground at Ascot last time but we were forced to go to get a run. He’s been running well despite the ground. He doesn’t lack foot and I didn’t think the Neptune was that strong a race. Until I saw Oscar Wells on the TV. Really he’s a chaser for next year. The RSA Chase nest year? Absolutely.
SM: There is not much strength in depth to this race. If you push my arm I would go with So Young at the prices. The fact they are talking of switching Bobs Worth for the Albert Bartlett would worry me, it suggested to me they preferred Minella Class before he got beat at Huntingdon.
RA: Oscars Well is the standout. I was very impressed with him in the Deloitte last time and can improve for Festival ground. First Lieutenant reminds me of Weapons Amnesty and give him a big chance also.
PJ: I can see a clean sweep for the Irish here as don’t rate the British form at all. Bobs Worth was considered an EBF Final horse before he beat Rock On Ruby last time and that form is over-rated for me. I have no problem with Oscars Well except the value straight after the Deloitte has dried up and believe best bet here and now is So Young at 13/2 as if there is a horse that has the potential to blow the field away it could be him. Unbeaten in his last five races and trained by Willie Mullins who dropped him back to 2m last time in same race he did for Mikael D’Haguenet before he won this, if there is a special horse in the race, I think it would be So Young.
DM: Wymott has always found the job too easy and has an awful lot of ability. I was quite impressed by the way he picked up last time. Time For Rupert beat one of mine at Catterick a few years ago and I was really devastated as I fancied it a lot. Paul Webber’s doing a great job with him. Can we beat him? It’s a three mile novice chase around Cheltenham! And it’s the first time these novices have taken each other on.
SM: This is a very good renewal in terms of strength in depth. If I wanted to back a 2/1 shot like Time For Rupert in a race like the RSA I would have wanted him to have the perfect preparation which he hasn’t so would rather watch at those odds. Mikael D’Haguenet makes too many mistakes so I like the look of Wymott and Wayward Prince as both are unflashy, strong staying, far from exciting types but that is the kind of horse that wins the RSA.
RA: I bought Time For Rupert as a foal and sold him to Paul Webber as a three-year-old and he was a revelation last season and I see no chinks in him. He has got everything, he jumps, has class, stays, has guts and a superb physique.
PJ: Time For Rupert is very short for a horse trying to defy 47 years of history in that he hasn’t run in the same calendar and clearly everything has not gone 100% smoothly. Like Aiteenthirtythree, he has only had two chase starts whereas the last 11 winners had at least three. Aiteenthirtythree looks too gorky for me at present and not a ‘now’ horse and more of a Newbury type in slow ground and I can see him getting into all kinds of trouble on Good ground. I like Jessies Dream most as he is crying out for Good ground being by Presenting and the step up to three miles and he did beat two subsequent dual Grade 1 winners when winning the Drinmore.
DM: No strong view to be honest.
SM: Does Master Minded need it soft now? That would worry me and Big Zeb has been unimpressive in Ireland this season. In the cold light of day just how good was last year’s Champion Chase anyway? Probably not good enough to win it this year. I don’t fancy Somersby as at the 2m point at Ascot he was well behind Master Minded in that 2m1f race. Captain Cee Bee could be the e/w value. At his best fresh, he likes Good ground and beat Binocular in the Supreme so no worries about the course.The value has all gone about Woolcombe Folly.
RA: Question marks over everything. If Master Minded is on his game I think he will win. Big Zeb doesn’t excite me.
PJ: Ground is a big worry for Master Minded and Big Zeb is a better horse anyway so should be favourite. Somersby will run on too late but I can see Woolcombe Folly or Captain Cee Bee have every chance but are they quite good enough? The value is 14/1 e/w Golden Silver who is in rude health and not far behind Big Zeb when both at their best. He has been pigeon-holed as a soft ground horse but I am not so sure and he can hit the frame under new exaggerated waiting tactics this season.
DM: I have to support Riverside Theatre because I’ve bought his sister! He’s very solid though.
SM: I place quite a lot of emphasis on track form, especially New Course form, and Poquelin does love the New Course whereas Tranquil Sea has looked far better on the Old Course and would he have it soft enough? Lack of track form puts me off Riverside Theatre to an extent so Poquelin will be a tough nut to crack.
RA: A big vested interest here as I bred Riverside Theatre and I think he will win. I don’t agree he doesn’t handle the course, I just thought the jockey gave up on him far too early in the Arkle last year and then he absolutely flew home. He has gears, is a good jumper and all ground comes alike to him and he is still improving.
PJ: Poquelin was also the solid one last year but he got beat then so do think he is vulnerable and believe Riverside Theatre probably has slightly more talent. I have been with Kalahari King e/w straight after he was third in the Victor Chandler Chase when very bad impeded but he is crying out for this trip on spring ground and has finished 423 at the last three Festivals and has also won at Aintree and Punchestown Festivals so he is only trained for the spring.
DM: Any Given Day hated the ground at Haydock – it was as testing as it’s been in a long time – and was shattered afterwards. I’m hoping it was just the ground and am just waiting to see how he comes back over the next 10 days before committing. He’s very tough and genuine. It’s a terrible thing to say, but I just don’t like Big Buck’s, or should I say I just haven’t taken to him. I do think he will take the world of beating. But it would freshen things up if something did. I love the way Grands Crus gallops and I’m not sure about him needing it soft. The Haydock hurdle course does not ride
as soft as people think. It’s a myth. Horses kick the top off it.
SM: Looking at his action you can be forgiven for thinking that Grands Crus wants soft ground. The hurdles course on the New Course has a lot of racing so I think it will be on the easy side. He is a different style of horse to the 3m stayers that Big Buck’s has usually been beating as he also has speed.
RA: Grands Crus appeals to me at the moment of a being a soft-ground horse. He is very good but whether he can beat Big Buck’s is another matter.
PJ: Not a two horse race at all as Mourad is bang in this, in fact, I think he will be second to Big Buck’s and not Grands Crus and is great value in a without Big Buck’s book at 9/2, especially e/w as he is not finishing out of the first four. Mourad has looked very good this season and will be even better on Festival ground. I think Big Buck’s will win but Mourad without the favourite is a better value bet.
DM: I like tough horses like Marsh Warbler and Local Hero and not necessarily horses that set the world alight. A lot of horses disappointed at Haydock when Local Hero did so I would not worry about that defeat.
SM: Grandouet has rather inherited his position at the top of the betting and I can’t get it out of my head how he was beaten at Wetherby. He doesn’t appeal at the price. In fact none of them do. One hurdles run for Zarkander would worry me. Smad Place for me at a push after a good confidence booster last time.
RA: I’ve definitely got splinters from sitting on the fence on this race. Marsh Warbler if you twisted my arm.
PJ: I can’t get Henderson’s comment out of my head when Grandouet won at Newbury was that he was a flat track horse and would miss Cheltenham for Aintree. I think he has too much speed for a Triumph as does A Media Luz and fastish ground and undulations would worry me for big, shouldery filly like Unaccompanied even though I was taken with her Grade 1 win last time. I like Smad Place e/w as he will love a fast-run 2m1f with a stiff finish as all he does is stay for a yard with a top-notch record in the race and he ran well at Chepstow when third to Marsh Warbler considering he wasn’t scoping right at the time in a tactical race that didn’t play to his strengths. He may need a bit of juice but I like his e/w chance a lot.
DM: Storming Gale’s entry has been scrapped. I was under bidder on Champion
Court at Doncaster and was very disappointed with him the last day – he hung. Kilcrea Kim beat Drill Sergeant here when I fancied Drill Sergeant like mad. I do like tough, hard horses like him in novice events. At a big price each-way I’d suggest Radetsky March. Jason has ridden him a couple of times and likes him. He’ll keep galloping.
SM: A difficult race and I think there was an over-reaction to Back In Focus winning at Haydock on his hurdling debut. 7/1 is short off one run. I quite like Habbie Simpson if he runs here rather than the Coral Cup at 20/1 e/w as he is a tough sort which you need for this race.
RA: I like Champion Court. The yard have been under a cloud but have hot form now.
PJ: If it’s Goodish ground, that would put me right off Back In Focus, Join Together and Court In Motion. The two I like are Kilcrea Kim and Champion Court and hope the former runs here rather the Pertemps Final as bringing high quality handicap hurdle form into this race is a big plus. Champion Court injured himself last time so I would ignore that and judge him on his debut win over hurdles in a Grade 2 where he did everything wrong but still won and is crying out for this step up to 3m.
DM: I’m with Imperial Commander all the way. He’s a hell of a tool and it was a breath of fresh air when he won last year. You can’t say Denman and Kauto Star have gone but they are not what they were – that’s natural progression, isn’t it? As for Long Run, Kempton is a hugely different place to Cheltenham. I hear Albertas Run will run here. Weird Al is also a likely runner.
SM: I’ve tied myself up in knots over this race which has been marred by seeing so little of the main contenders. I am not sure connections of Imperial Commander were as ebullient deep down about his Kempton workout as they made out last week but he is the reigning champ and is this race any stronger? Denman has lost seven of his last eight races and when I spoke to Nick Williams about Diamond Harry, he was most downcast last week saying he could be an autumn horse. I do still keep coming back to Imperial Commander.
RA: Out with the old and in with the new. Long Run underachieved in the RSA but he has the right profile and there is not enough evidence to suggest he doesn’t handle Cheltenham and he certainly wasn’t stopping when he won the King George so the trip will not be a problem.
PJ: Kauto Star has lost his speed, Denman has lost his mid-race ability to pulverise his rivals and no horse in 50 years has won Gold Cup off longer layoff than Imperial Commander and Diamond Harry. Kempes is very interesting as is coming right at the right time and will love decent ground which he hasn’t had in Ireland and we don’t know if Pandorama doesn’t handle Good ground yet and he is the right kind of age and does keep on winning. Long Run is the most likely winner. 12 length winners of the King George would normally be starting about 5/2 for the Gold Cup and he is only six so likely to get even better. Both Cheltenham runs he had excuses of sorts, gone in coat in RSA and 2m4f in Paddy Power got him out of rhythm at a time when yard out of sorts a bit, but he has not run the New Course yet and I reckon all he does is stay so the extra distance can be in his favour. If any horse could win the race by 15 lengths, it is Long Run.
DM: I’ll be taking a team of 10-12 to Cheltenham. Cinders And Ashes, my bumper horse, worked really nicely here yesterday and we were delighted with him. Ebanour is more likely to wait for the Aintree bumper. The step up another 2f is made for him. Chamirey is fairly high quality. He had as easier race as I could have hoped he would at Newcastle. He goes in the 4m, gets the trip and will run a big race if he jumps.

DM: Peddlers Cross
SM: Barafundle (Pertemps Final)
RA: Quevega
PJ: Medermit
DO: So Young
London Racing Club Preview Evening – Wednesday 3rd March

MC – Barry Faulkner (BF)
Dave Nevison (DN)
Lydia Hislop (LH)
George Primarolo, representative of the Tote (GP)

BF: Welcome to the oldest and best Cheltenham Festival Preview Evening here at the London Racing Club. We’ll cover the hurdles first then move on to the chases, so let’s crack on with the Supreme. Cue Card has been the long-standing favourite but are the likes of Spirit Son and Sprinter Sacre good enough to challenge?
LH: Cue Card is a banker for me. 9/4 seems a more than reasonable price when you consider what he’s achieved so far; notably in his run behind Menorah. Spirit Son is good and largely progressive but he is untested on soft ground.
DN: There is no case to be made against Cue Card but I don’t think his run behind Menorah was quite as good as everyone suggests. I just have a feeling that he may be a bit soft. My one against the favourite would be Recession Proof. I thought he battled very well in the Totesport Trophy and he is a likeable sort.
GP: Recession Proof would be my idea of a good each-way bet, especially following John Quinn’s remarks that he will be targeted here rather than the County Hurdle. Last year there were question marks about Dunguib and he was odds-on so Cue Card looks a lot more solid at 9/4.
LH: Just on the comparison between Dunguib and Cue Card, Dunguib was up against high class opposition in Menorah and Get Me Out Of Here and was still mightily fancied. Cue Card is well clear of the field this time around on ratings and is a much bigger price.
DN: I think I’m going to stick with Recession Proof. He’s just such an admirable horse. An each-way bet on him could make your week!
GP: From a market perspective, it would seem as though Zaidpour is definitely coming here. There’s been a fair sum come in for him in the last couple of days.
LH: Zaidpour would be very interesting for me if he were to be tried in first time headgear – watch this space.
BF: Moving on to the Champion Hurdle, Binocular has been better this year than last so why is there such negativity surrounding him?
DN: I don’t warm to Binocular on a personal level having backed Khyber Kim heavily last year for him to be beaten by a horse that wasn’t going to pull through a fortnight before the Festival. I have to say though that he was impressive at Kempton on a track that probably didn’t suit.
LH: I can’t disagree with that, it was such a slick performance and his run at Sandown wasn’t a true measure of his ability in the slightest. This year’s race is a much tougher renewal and it may be worth keeping an eye on him in the paddock as he does have the tendency to get a bit agitated. I do question quite how good last year’s race was given that 11 horses were still in contention at the second last.
BF: Lydia, I understand you have news on Peddlers Cross?
LH: Yes, I was at the BHA this morning at Jason Maguire’s appeal and he is now free to ride Peddlers Cross in the Champion Hurdle.
BF: George, is there anything attractive from a bookies point of view?
GP: The Champion Hurdle is by far the liveliest ante-post heat of the whole Festival and the betting suggests that it is a very strong year. Binocular is a worthy favourite and, in my opinion, has the best form in the book. Hurricane Fly is undoubtedly the strongest of the Irish but no-one really knows how good the Irish hurdlers are. Peddlers Cross must have a chance as he’s such an uncomplicated horse.
BF: Just going back to the Irish view, the form’s a bit of a puzzle isn’t it?
DN: I’m not sure how good a judge beating Solwhit by a country mile on numerous occasions really is. Personally, I love Menorah. He is physically progressive, likeable, gutsy and a very classy horse. I still think Khyber Kim is backable each-way but believe that Menorah and Peddlers Cross will fight it out.
LH: I can’t have Hurricane Fly as he’s unproven at Cheltenham and Peddlers Cross has always struck me as a stayer. Oscar Whisky could be the outsider that could make the frame but I’m a long standing fan of Menorah. There’s just nothing not to like about him.
BF: The David Nicholson Mares Hurdle is next up on day one, is this merely a monopoly for Quevega?
DN: I’d love to see Sparky May win but at 10/11 Quevega could well be a lump job. I just can’t see her being beaten in a very shallow mares race.
LH: This isn’t a race that sets my heart on fire but Quevega should be too good. L’Accordioniste could run well at a big price.
GP: This is a race that no-one touches until the day but Quevega is a banker. Carole’s Legacy finished second last year and looks as good as ever so could have an each-way squeak at 14/1.
BF: On to day two now and the Neptune. Oscars Well looks a worthy favourite but is the ground an issue?
LH: Oscars Well has shown all his best form on soft or bottomless ground and was thumped at Punchestown on his only start on a sound surface. I like Bobs Worth. He handles any ground and is sure to improve when upped in trip.
BF: My only concern with Bobs Worth is Nicky Henderson’s 0-21 record in the race. Has there been any ante-post interest?
GP: Oscars Well was backed heavily since his last win and Bobs Worth is rock solid. There were rumours that he may be stepped up to three miles but I think he’ll run here. In what looks an open renewal, I like the look of Aikman at a big price.
BF: Is it a weaker renewal this year?
DN: Any horse that beats Bobs Worth will win. Oscars Well was stuffed on good ground and it’s almost certain to be good on the day.
LH: I’m not convinced it’s a weaker renewal as it’s full of solid unexporsed horses. We shall only know how strong it is once it’s been run.
BF: The highlight on Thursday is the World Hurdle;an interesting renewal this year?
DN: I don’t understand how anyone can make a case against Big Buck’s. Yes, he hits a flat spot in his races but his record doesn’t lie. I thought Time For Rupert could beat him last year but Big Buck’s pretty much wiped the floor with him. Grands Crus is improving massively but the Champ has still got one more in him.
LH: Big Buck’s was producing efforts rated 170+ last year but he hasn’t this. We’re assuming he’s as good as ever but we don’t know that he’ll fight all the way if he gets challenged. I’m not convinced Grands Crus is quite there yet but he has certainly shown more than Big Buck’s this year.
GP: Grands Crus has been very well backed and was lumped on each-way at around the 3/1 mark. From a bookies view, it’s good that we’ve got a bit of competition this year.
BF: Of all the races at the Festival that have changed character over the years, the Triumph has changed the most. I was hugely impressed with Zarkandar, your thoughts please?
LH: He was quite impressive but I think this is completely wide open. I’ve backed Smad Place at 20/1 and I think that’s a very decent price. He was disadvantaged in the Finale Hurdle but battled well at Wincanton last time out and looks to be a thorough stayer with a great cruising speed.
GP: Zarkandar has been well backed but all his juvenile form is on softish ground. The likely good ground on day four will be different to anything he’s run on before. Molotof ran a cracker in behind him but I think this is a very tricky race.
DN: Zarkandar is a nice looking horse and I was impressed by his Adonis Hurdle win as that seems to be a high quality race. He was a tiny bit novicey but will stay the trip and is a real runner. A Media Luz has impressed recently but may be better on a flatter track. Both Zarkandar and A Media Luz are speedy horses and the Triumph is all about speed.
BF: Nobody’s mentioned Unaccompanied yet. She’s definitely quick but is she classy enough?
LH: She’s definitely open to progress and is a very interesting contender.
BF: The final graded hurdle on the card is the Albert Bartlett. Back In Focus took my eye last time out, was anyone else sufficiently impressed?
DN: This look’s a particularly weak race as no-one has a clue what’s even going to run. I shall be leaving it well alone.
LH: I have no strong opinion either as Rock On Ruby is best placed to win the race but hasn’t been entered.
GP: The Albert Bartlett is an odd race as those at the head of the market are more likely to go elsewhere. One that really intrigues me at a big price is Mossley. He blew out on really bottomless ground so I think you can forgive his last run and he looks a massive price at 25/1.
LH: Bishopsfurze is another at a big price as he should improve over further than what he’s been running on.
BF: On to Dave’s favourite the race, the Champion Bumper.
GP: Bumpers are brilliant betting heats but this one is far too competitive.
LH: All you can do in Bumpers is to look at the horses in the paddock.
BF: Now the Handicaps, has anything been of interest in the markets?
GP: For Non Stop has been well backed in the Coral Cup and County Hurdle but Blackstairmountain has been the best backed horse since the weights came out in the County Hurdle. Snap Tie in the County Hurdle has also been of interest.
DN: I like Kumbeshwar from his run at Kempton and think he could have a live chance in the Fred Winter. He was making ground in the Adonis without massive urgings and could be significantly better than what he’s shown so far.
LH: I like Domination in the Fred Winter. He should be ripe for massive improvement on a sound surface and could be an interesting bet at 16/1. Conditions will have to suit though.
BF: Now we’ve got the hurdles out of the way, let’s kick on with the big three chases, starting with the Gold Cup. Is it as interesting a renewal since Arkle?
DN: Imperial Commander will win if he turns up as he did 12 months ago but there is no denying that he’s an enigma. He does go well at Cheltenham but I worry that he can beat himself. Saying that, he’s not an unreasonable price. Denman and Kauto Star are both reasonable each-way options.
LH: If Denman looks good in the paddock, I think he’ll run a big race. His Hennessy form can be picked at but it was a decent performance and the long break will have optimised his chances. I like him each-way. I fear that Kauto Star is on a downward turn and that Imperial Commander’s setback may be more serious than first thought.
GP: Denman and Kauto Star both drifted after their last runs but have both been backed well each-way. Imperial Commander deserves to just be favourite but has a mountain to climb on the trends. Long Run is my idea of the winner after he was so impressive in the King George.
LH: For place only interests I also like Tidal Bay and Synchronised.
BF: Long Run was ridden differently at Kempton in the King George. Will he be ridden in the same way in the Gold Cup?
DN: The long and short of it is that Long Run is spectacularly good around Kempton but is completely unproven at Cheltenham.
BF: Now on to my favourite race of the Festival, the Champion Chase. Is Master Minded good enought to win again?
DN: I think he needs soft ground and the market seems completely against him at the moment. He won’t win but I don’t know what will.
LH: He was patchy last year but has been putting up solid 170+ performances this. Big Zeb has the beating of Master Minded at his best but Master Minded has shown better form this year.
DN: Big Zeb is undoubtedly better but only if he jumps well.
GP: I don’t think this is a two horse race at all. Big Zeb was faultless in last year’s renewal but there are question marks surrounding him this season. French Opera is my idea of the winner at a bigger price.
DN: Agreed. French Opera must be worth a look if running here. He’s a thoroughly progressive sort.
BF: The Ryanair’s up next and it’s a fascinating race to try and work out.
LH: Kalahari King ran a good trial last time and always peaks at this time of year. J’Y Vole is overpriced.
DN: I like Poquelin because he has quite clearly been laid out for the Ryanair. The Nicholls camp have been very positive about his chances and he’s the most obvious horse.
GP: There’s been no great interest from punters in the Ryanair although Kalahari King is probably the best backed horse. Poquelin deserves to be favourite but if the ground is genuinely good, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Albertas Run challenging.
DN: Albertas Run has excellent Festival form and will be peaking at the right time.
LH: Riverside Theatre does not like going round Cheltenham so I’ll be giving him a miss at 5/1.
BF: The second race of the Festival is up next. Is it a trappy renewal of the Arkle?
DN: It normally is. Finian’s Rainbow is a very good horse but has beaten only 7 horses in 3 runs over fences.
LH: I backed Finian’s Rainbow at 14/1 because he handles Cheltenham really well. No-one can argue with his his jumping at Warwick last time although that run wasn’t particularly encouraging. Ghizao jumps brilliantly and is the best bet at the prices. Medermit has everything going for him but his Huntingdon refusal bothers me. I can’t see past the top three in the betting though.
GP: That pretty much covered it. Finian’s Rainbow is too short, Ghizao is too big and Medermit is solid. At a biggish price, I think Rock Noir could have a say. He has good hurdle form and ran well at Exeter but I’m not certain that he’ll run.
BF: Medermit looked incredible at Sandown and looked as though he’s got the hang of things now.
DN: He has come on leaps and bounds in his last two runs and deserves to be favourite.
BF: Does anybody know anything about the National Hunt Chase as the front six in the market are all Irish?
GP: There has been sustained money for Alfa Beat but it’s not a great betting race this.
BF: I think this is a real puzzle.
DN: Beshabar is a lovely horse and stays really well. He’s come back from injury brilliantly and should go well if he runs.
LH: Aberdale has a hell of a lot of ability but I really don’t have that much of an opinion.
BF: How about the RSA Chase?
LH: It’s hard to crab Time For Rupert after his performances this year and the only thing that you could possibly level at him is his temperature setback. He is my idea of the likeliest winner but I do fancy Wymott each-way. He shall improve for the stiffer stamina test and has a bit of grit about him. He’s a good jumper and is overpriced.
DN: I can’t see anything that Time For Rupert has done wrong and I think he is an absolutely good thing. He is the ideal type to win the RSA.
GP: Time For Rupert desrves to be favourite but I don’t think Wymott will be out of the first 3. He’ll improve for better ground and has a realistic chance.
BF: The Jewson now and Captain Chris.
DN: He was mightily impressive at Kempton with an examplary round of jumping that can only be encouraging. Wishfull Thinking has significantly improved his jumping and has a real chance. One of the two will definitely win.
LH. I don’t like Captain Chris. I think Noble Prince has a strong chance but Wishfull Thinking is the most likely winner. Reve de Sivola is the wrong price even though he jumped atrociously at Sandown. On his form-line with Wishfull Thinking he should be much shorter.
GP: Any bookie offering Non- Runner No Bet on the Jewson is mad because this race could cut up massively. It’s a complete guessing game I’m afraid.
BF: At the prices, I like the winning form of Wishfull Thinking.
BF: The Foxhunters is always an interesting race, has there been any movement in the market?
GP: Not really. The book’s only a couple of days old but we have had a lot of interest in Gone To Lunch.
BF: Any views on the Handicap Chases?
GP: Bensalem was going well in the Spinal Research Handicap Chase when he fell and I think Great Endeavour is crying out for the trip in the same race. Sunnyhillboy will run a big race wherever he goes.
DN: Bensalem is extremely well handicapped and, if he stands up, will win.
LH: I think he’s under-priced given that he’s liable to errors. I’d be against him at the prices. I do like the arguments for Great Endeavour and Sunnyhillboy though.
BF: The Centenary Novices’ Chase, anyone want to take a stab?
GP: This is a tough race full of unexposed chasers with multiple entries. I like Premier Sagas but he’s probably not good enough.
LH: No clue with this one but I can tell you that Oh Crick is the biggest certainty of the Festival in the Grand Annual. You heard it here first!
The panel then went on to place their charity bet for CLIC Sargent Children’s Cancer Charity and they chose to go for Menorah each-way in the Champion Hurdle.
NUI Maynooth

Panel: Kevin O'Ryan, John Carr, Ado McGuinness, Paul Nolan, Ryan McElligott, Robbie McNamara, Patrick Mullins.

Supreme Novices:
All of the panel thought Cue Card was the one to beat. Paddy Mullins said that Day Of A Lifetime holds a better chance than Zaidpour who won a weak Royal Bond and needs heavy ground. Robbie McNamara said Hidden Universe will improve for the better ground and the step back in trip, he expects to be placed. Nolan said the vibes from Gigginstown are that First Lieutenant will run here rather than the Neptune and that Mouse is sweet on his chances.

All in agreement that it was a poor renewal and it was worth taking on those at the head of the betting. Nolan went with Starluck. John Carr said that Meade has always thought a lot of Realt Dubh and he was a big each way price. Robbie expects Medermit to take all the beating.

Champion Hurdle:
Nobody was that keen on Binocular. Paddy Mullins was very bullish about Hurricane Fly. Said he won a bumper on Menorah when he was with Tom Mullins and that he'd go to lectures in a pair of speedos if he beat Hurricane Fly! Doesn't know who rides him yet though. McElligott and Robbie went with Peddlers Cross. Carr went for Menorah. Nolan was keen on Hurricane Fly.

Mullins can't have Oscars Well. Said he couldn't win a bumper and got beaten in some moderate races earlier on in the season. He said So Young doesn't do a tap at home but that Ruby always rated him as the best novice in the yard - better than Zaidpour. Gagewell Flyer goes for the three miler. Nolan, Carr and McElligott went for Jessies' horse. Robbie thinks Bobs Worth will beat the Irish contingent.

General consensus was that Time For Rupert was poor value. Mullins said Mikael D'Haguenet and Quel Esprit will run in this. He seemed much more confident about Quel Esprit who he said worked very well at Leopardstown. Robbie was in agreement about Quel Esprit. Nolan and Ado went with Jessies Dream - both said Elliot rates him a stone and a half better than Chicago Grey who chased home the favourite before Christmas. McElligott gave a good word for The Giant Bolster e/w.

Champion Chase:
Ado tipped up Sizing Europe who will improve for the ground and the fast pace. John Carr stuck with Big Zeb. Robbie said the wind op has transformed Master Minded and that he'd win if anywhere near his form of old. Mullins thought Golden Silver beat Big Zeb fair and square the last day and he expects to confirm form with him. Said they initially thought he was a staying mudlark but that he won on quick ground at Punchestown and that the change of tactics has worked wonders for him. Paul Townend thought they'd been riding him all wrong in England and that he's a different horse when held up. Nolan also went with Golden Silver.

Robbie said the Irish contingent were much better than last year. He rides a horse for Eddie Hales in the race and he gives him an e/w squeak. Said Star Neuville was the one to beat. McElligot and Ado said Colm Murphy was quietly confident about Raise The Beat's chances. Mullins said that Michael O'Leary didn't want to fork out the air fare for either of the Gigginstown pair but that they were worth following wherever they run because they are up there with the best bumper horses he'd ever ridden. Said Allure Of Illusion had been burning up the gallops recently. Also gave good word for the Shark's horse. Said he beat Luska Lad easily in a recent gallop.

Stayers Hurdle:
Paddy was very sweet on Fiveforthree who he thinks is a massive price. Doesn't think Mourad has beaten anything. Said David Casey will ride whatever Townend doesn't ride. Carr and Nolan went with Big Bucks. Both Robbie and Ado went with Solwhit who they think is underrated in England. Said Byrnes was quietly confident of a big run.

Most of the panel think it's between Unaccompanied and Zarkander. Robbie said Unaccompanied was very good at home but she'd like a bit of cut in the ground.

Gold Cup:
Ado went with Kauto Star. Paddy Mullins said he expects a big run from Kempes. McElligot went for Imperial Commander to retain. John Carr and Paul Nolan said the vibes behind Pandorama were very positive and they think he'd go very well. Robbie said he saw Pandorama work at Leopardstown and he couldn't believe the speed he was going at. Robert Bagnall (owner of Pandorama) also spoke at this point. Said the horse definitely runs and that they were very sweet on him. Said Noel Meade texted him after he worked at Leopardstown on Monday and told him to 'get on'!

Other races:
Robbie said Andrew McNamara was very bullish about Tranquil Sea. Mullins said that Call The Police would be their best chance in the handicaps, he'll go for either the Conditionals Hurdle or the Coral Cup. He doesn't know if Sir Des Champs runs but he's a serious horse and he should be followed. Paul Nolan said Noble Prince has a good chance and he also runs a horse called Westmeath.

Best Bets:
John Carr - Tranquil Sea (O'Grady very bullish apparently)
Ado McGuinness - Peddlers Cross
Paul Nolan - Hurricane Fly and Tranquil Sea
Ryan McElligott - Raise The Beat and Solwhit
Patrick Mullins - Hurricane Fly and Fiveforthree
Robbie McNamara - Alfa Beat (rides him in the four miler and expects him to take all the beating)
Thursday, March 3rd

Bangor put on their first ever Cheltenham Preview Evening which proved a very popular night (doubtless the red cabbage supper being the main draw) so I will be amazed if this is now not an annual event here. The panel comprised leading trainer Donald McCain Jnr (DM), broadcaster and commentator Stewart Machin (SM) who won a strong running of the most dapper looking shirt contest, local stud owner and influential breeder Richard Aston (RA) and Cheltenham Festival Betting Guide author Paul Jones (PJ). The evening was chaired by racecourse commentator Darren Owen (DO).
DM: I couldn’t believe they were considering the Champion Hurdle for Cue Card – the form wasn’t good enough. It was a no brainer that he should go for this and he’ll take the world of beating. I was very taken with Recession Proof at Newbury as you could call him the winner half-way down the back. It’s top-class handicap form.
SM: I couldn’t back Cue Card at the price. Spirit Son has a high cruising speed and jumps quickly and Henderson can’t wait to get him on better ground. I’d rather take 6/1 Spirit Son than 9/4 Card Card.
RA: I helped sell Cue Card as a foal so have watched him very closely and to have achieved what he has achieved so far is extraordinary given his make and shape. He is my Day 1 nap.
PJ: On official ratings, there are grounds for arguing that Cue Card is too big at 9/4 but I’ve seen so many shorties beaten in this race. I respect Spirit Son a lot but the value here and now if he runs is Day Of A Lifetime at 25/1 for Mullins who has twice won the race with outsiders and very impressive only hurdles start where he wore earplugs having proven unsteerable in the Champion Bumper. He is the best each-way Play when non-runner no-bet comes into force as still in Neptune.
DM: I was very taken with Medermit at Sandown. I couldn’t have Finian’s Rainbow because of the way he jumps – he’s too straight backed. Ghizao strikes me as very tough. I was standing at the last when he won at Cheltenham and he wasn’t
SM: Medermit is the most likely winner. He stays further, has a high cruising speed, his jumping is getting better with every race and I liked the way he found more when Captain Chris challenged him at Sandown. Finian’s Rainbow was fizzy going to the start at Warwick and had no cover in the race and I don’t think it is a given he would have beaten Kilmurry if that horse did not break down. If he runs here, Captain Chris’ jumping is an issue for me as he is better right-handed and that underlying problem could see them take the easier race on paper instead (Jewson).
RA: I know connections of Captain Chris are very sweet on him as an individual and believe there is a lot more improvement to come when he gets better ground. He is getting better from race to race as is his jumping.
PJ: Goodish ground would concern me a little for Ghizao, Realt Dubh has been beating the worst lot of Irish 2m novice chasers I’ve seen for a long time and Finian’s Rainbow’s jumping went to pieces at Warwick when he couldn’t get his own way so it has to be Medermit for all the reasons Stewart has already outlined plus he is likely to be the highest rated hurdler in the field by a huge margin if Starluck doesn’t run, and I don’t think he will, and they have won half of the last ten runnings.
DM: I’m absolutely relieved that Jason’s ban has been revised and he can ride Peddlers Cross. It hasn’t been pleasant the last few days. To be honest, I think I was worse than Jason, who didn’t show much, but he was very subdued the last couple of days when I think it suddenly hit him he might not be riding. It’s a massive relief – we were only trying to do our best. I think Peddlers Cross’ defeat of Binocular at Newbury has been under-rated. Before the race everyone was saying the small field was not going to suit us but we did the donkey work and won it the hard way, then
afterwards people said it did suit us! The way he gets himself to the front and travels is mind blowing and we don’t know how good he is. He was 85-90% at Newbury – he didn’t have an edge on him. He had a blow turning in and pickled up three times in the straight. The better the ground, the better he’ll be but he will cope with bad ground. At Kelso it was very deep and the performance of the 2nd, Bygones of Brid, has been under-rated. Everyone in the north knows he’s a very good horse on bad ground. Peddlers came out of Kelso tremendously well. Who do I fear? I think it’s between us,
Binocular and Menorah. Hurricane Fly has only won in a bog in Ireland beating the same horse. I can’t have him. That’s the theory and it sounds good at the moment! Regards Overturn, he was beaten the moment he jumped off at Wincanton according to Jason. And previously at Kempton, Timmy Murphy said he was very disappointed with Starluck, which is not what I was hoping to hear.
SM: I do like track form here and Hurricane Fly doesn’t have any whereas his three main rivals have all put up their best performance here. I just wonder if this may come a year too soon for Menorah as reigning Supreme winners haven’t won for 40 years but the likes of Brave Inca and Hors La Loi won it later in their career and didn’t he only really beat novices last time? It’s between Binocular and Peddlers Cross for me and the latter is the better price but I would back them both.
RA: I just love Peddlers Cross’ attitude to racing and would go for him but I have this down as just a three-horse race as wouldn’t fancy Hurricane Fly.
PJ: Lack of track form is a worry for Hurricane Fly plus we only really know he is better than Solwhit who is vulnerable to a horse with a turn of foot. Menorah will run well but just come up short for me as I don’t think his form is strong enough as he beat two embryo chasers last time. Before the start of the season I had it between Binocular and Peddlers Cross and what I have seen on the track has only reinforced that view. Peddlers Cross is the better priced so better value but in my gut I just think Binocular will pick him up on the run-in. He has been trained for one race only so runs this season not bother me. I’ve already backed both.
DM: Tornado Bob goes for this. He’s not done anything wrong. Originally, Jason didn’t think he was mature enough, but he’s matured a fair bit. He didn’t like the ground at Ascot last time but we were forced to go to get a run. He’s been running well despite the ground. He doesn’t lack foot and I didn’t think the Neptune was that strong a race. Until I saw Oscar Wells on the TV. Really he’s a chaser for next year. The RSA Chase nest year? Absolutely.
SM: There is not much strength in depth to this race. If you push my arm I would go with So Young at the prices. The fact they are talking of switching Bobs Worth for the Albert Bartlett would worry me, it suggested to me they preferred Minella Class before he got beat at Huntingdon.
RA: Oscars Well is the standout. I was very impressed with him in the Deloitte last time and can improve for Festival ground. First Lieutenant reminds me of Weapons Amnesty and give him a big chance also.
PJ: I can see a clean sweep for the Irish here as don’t rate the British form at all. Bobs Worth was considered an EBF Final horse before he beat Rock On Ruby last time and that form is over-rated for me. I have no problem with Oscars Well except the value straight after the Deloitte has dried up and believe best bet here and now is So Young at 13/2 as if there is a horse that has the potential to blow the field away it could be him. Unbeaten in his last five races and trained by Willie Mullins who dropped him back to 2m last time in same race he did for Mikael D’Haguenet before he won this, if there is a special horse in the race, I think it would be So Young.
DM: Wymott has always found the job too easy and has an awful lot of ability. I was quite impressed by the way he picked up last time. Time For Rupert beat one of mine at Catterick a few years ago and I was really devastated as I fancied it a lot. Paul Webber’s doing a great job with him. Can we beat him? It’s a three mile novice chase around Cheltenham! And it’s the first time these novices have taken each other on.
SM: This is a very good renewal in terms of strength in depth. If I wanted to back a 2/1 shot like Time For Rupert in a race like the RSA I would have wanted him to have the perfect preparation which he hasn’t so would rather watch at those odds. Mikael D’Haguenet makes too many mistakes so I like the look of Wymott and Wayward Prince as both are unflashy, strong staying, far from exciting types but that is the kind of horse that wins the RSA.
RA: I bought Time For Rupert as a foal and sold him to Paul Webber as a three-year-old and he was a revelation last season and I see no chinks in him. He has got everything, he jumps, has class, stays, has guts and a superb physique.
PJ: Time For Rupert is very short for a horse trying to defy 47 years of history in that he hasn’t run in the same calendar and clearly everything has not gone 100% smoothly. Like Aiteenthirtythree, he has only had two chase starts whereas the last 11 winners had at least three. Aiteenthirtythree looks too gorky for me at present and not a ‘now’ horse and more of a Newbury type in slow ground and I can see him getting into all kinds of trouble on Good ground. I like Jessies Dream most as he is crying out for Good ground being by Presenting and the step up to three miles and he did beat two subsequent dual Grade 1 winners when winning the Drinmore.
DM: No strong view to be honest.
SM: Does Master Minded need it soft now? That would worry me and Big Zeb has been unimpressive in Ireland this season. In the cold light of day just how good was last year’s Champion Chase anyway? Probably not good enough to win it this year. I don’t fancy Somersby as at the 2m point at Ascot he was well behind Master Minded in that 2m1f race. Captain Cee Bee could be the e/w value. At his best fresh, he likes Good ground and beat Binocular in the Supreme so no worries about the course.The value has all gone about Woolcombe Folly.
RA: Question marks over everything. If Master Minded is on his game I think he will win. Big Zeb doesn’t excite me.
PJ: Ground is a big worry for Master Minded and Big Zeb is a better horse anyway so should be favourite. Somersby will run on too late but I can see Woolcombe Folly or Captain Cee Bee have every chance but are they quite good enough? The value is 14/1 e/w Golden Silver who is in rude health and not far behind Big Zeb when both at their best. He has been pigeon-holed as a soft ground horse but I am not so sure and he can hit the frame under new exaggerated waiting tactics this season.
DM: I have to support Riverside Theatre because I’ve bought his sister! He’s very solid though.
SM: I place quite a lot of emphasis on track form, especially New Course form, and Poquelin does love the New Course whereas Tranquil Sea has looked far better on the Old Course and would he have it soft enough? Lack of track form puts me off Riverside Theatre to an extent so Poquelin will be a tough nut to crack.
RA: A big vested interest here as I bred Riverside Theatre and I think he will win. I don’t agree he doesn’t handle the course, I just thought the jockey gave up on him far too early in the Arkle last year and then he absolutely flew home. He has gears, is a good jumper and all ground comes alike to him and he is still improving.
PJ: Poquelin was also the solid one last year but he got beat then so do think he is vulnerable and believe Riverside Theatre probably has slightly more talent. I have been with Kalahari King e/w straight after he was third in the Victor Chandler Chase when very bad impeded but he is crying out for this trip on spring ground and has finished 423 at the last three Festivals and has also won at Aintree and Punchestown Festivals so he is only trained for the spring.
DM: Any Given Day hated the ground at Haydock – it was as testing as it’s been in a long time – and was shattered afterwards. I’m hoping it was just the ground and am just waiting to see how he comes back over the next 10 days before committing. He’s very tough and genuine. It’s a terrible thing to say, but I just don’t like Big Buck’s, or should I say I just haven’t taken to him. I do think he will take the world of beating. But it would freshen things up if something did. I love the way Grands Crus gallops and I’m not sure about him needing it soft. The Haydock hurdle course does not ride
as soft as people think. It’s a myth. Horses kick the top off it.
SM: Looking at his action you can be forgiven for thinking that Grands Crus wants soft ground. The hurdles course on the New Course has a lot of racing so I think it will be on the easy side. He is a different style of horse to the 3m stayers that Big Buck’s has usually been beating as he also has speed.
RA: Grands Crus appeals to me at the moment of a being a soft-ground horse. He is very good but whether he can beat Big Buck’s is another matter.
PJ: Not a two horse race at all as Mourad is bang in this, in fact, I think he will be second to Big Buck’s and not Grands Crus and is great value in a without Big Buck’s book at 9/2, especially e/w as he is not finishing out of the first four. Mourad has looked very good this season and will be even better on Festival ground. I think Big Buck’s will win but Mourad without the favourite is a better value bet.
DM: I like tough horses like Marsh Warbler and Local Hero and not necessarily horses that set the world alight. A lot of horses disappointed at Haydock when Local Hero did so I would not worry about that defeat.
SM: Grandouet has rather inherited his position at the top of the betting and I can’t get it out of my head how he was beaten at Wetherby. He doesn’t appeal at the price. In fact none of them do. One hurdles run for Zarkander would worry me. Smad Place for me at a push after a good confidence booster last time.
RA: I’ve definitely got splinters from sitting on the fence on this race. Marsh Warbler if you twisted my arm.
PJ: I can’t get Henderson’s comment out of my head when Grandouet won at Newbury was that he was a flat track horse and would miss Cheltenham for Aintree. I think he has too much speed for a Triumph as does A Media Luz and fastish ground and undulations would worry me for big, shouldery filly like Unaccompanied even though I was taken with her Grade 1 win last time. I like Smad Place e/w as he will love a fast-run 2m1f with a stiff finish as all he does is stay for a yard with a top-notch record in the race and he ran well at Chepstow when third to Marsh Warbler considering he wasn’t scoping right at the time in a tactical race that didn’t play to his strengths. He may need a bit of juice but I like his e/w chance a lot.
DM: Storming Gale’s entry has been scrapped. I was under bidder on Champion
Court at Doncaster and was very disappointed with him the last day – he hung. Kilcrea Kim beat Drill Sergeant here when I fancied Drill Sergeant like mad. I do like tough, hard horses like him in novice events. At a big price each-way I’d suggest Radetsky March. Jason has ridden him a couple of times and likes him. He’ll keep galloping.
SM: A difficult race and I think there was an over-reaction to Back In Focus winning at Haydock on his hurdling debut. 7/1 is short off one run. I quite like Habbie Simpson if he runs here rather than the Coral Cup at 20/1 e/w as he is a tough sort which you need for this race.
RA: I like Champion Court. The yard have been under a cloud but have hot form now.
PJ: If it’s Goodish ground, that would put me right off Back In Focus, Join Together and Court In Motion. The two I like are Kilcrea Kim and Champion Court and hope the former runs here rather the Pertemps Final as bringing high quality handicap hurdle form into this race is a big plus. Champion Court injured himself last time so I would ignore that and judge him on his debut win over hurdles in a Grade 2 where he did everything wrong but still won and is crying out for this step up to 3m.
DM: I’m with Imperial Commander all the way. He’s a hell of a tool and it was a breath of fresh air when he won last year. You can’t say Denman and Kauto Star have gone but they are not what they were – that’s natural progression, isn’t it? As for Long Run, Kempton is a hugely different place to Cheltenham. I hear Albertas Run will run here. Weird Al is also a likely runner.
SM: I’ve tied myself up in knots over this race which has been marred by seeing so little of the main contenders. I am not sure connections of Imperial Commander were as ebullient deep down about his Kempton workout as they made out last week but he is the reigning champ and is this race any stronger? Denman has lost seven of his last eight races and when I spoke to Nick Williams about Diamond Harry, he was most downcast last week saying he could be an autumn horse. I do still keep coming back to Imperial Commander.
RA: Out with the old and in with the new. Long Run underachieved in the RSA but he has the right profile and there is not enough evidence to suggest he doesn’t handle Cheltenham and he certainly wasn’t stopping when he won the King George so the trip will not be a problem.
PJ: Kauto Star has lost his speed, Denman has lost his mid-race ability to pulverise his rivals and no horse in 50 years has won Gold Cup off longer layoff than Imperial Commander and Diamond Harry. Kempes is very interesting as is coming right at the right time and will love decent ground which he hasn’t had in Ireland and we don’t know if Pandorama doesn’t handle Good ground yet and he is the right kind of age and does keep on winning. Long Run is the most likely winner. 12 length winners of the King George would normally be starting about 5/2 for the Gold Cup and he is only six so likely to get even better. Both Cheltenham runs he had excuses of sorts, gone in coat in RSA and 2m4f in Paddy Power got him out of rhythm at a time when yard out of sorts a bit, but he has not run the New Course yet and I reckon all he does is stay so the extra distance can be in his favour. If any horse could win the race by 15 lengths, it is Long Run.
DM: I’ll be taking a team of 10-12 to Cheltenham. Cinders And Ashes, my bumper horse, worked really nicely here yesterday and we were delighted with him. Ebanour is more likely to wait for the Aintree bumper. The step up another 2f is made for him. Chamirey is fairly high quality. He had as easier race as I could have hoped he would at Newcastle. He goes in the 4m, gets the trip and will run a big race if he jumps.

DM: Peddlers Cross
SM: Barafundle (Pertemps Final)
RA: Quevega
PJ: Medermit
DO: So Young

You kinda get the feeling there is no love lost between McCain and Nicholls from some of the former's comments.

Also interesting to hear SM drawing a distinction between old and new course form, not come across that before.
Are you reviewing these full time now SC?

I finish work a 11pm Mon - Fri - Roddy so i tend to spend a couple of hours winding down and trawling the internet for these reviews. I haven't had a chance to attend one yet - so all the reviews I've pasted on here are the result of others hard work.
Lydia really does talk a pile of cack about Big Buck's . He did enough at Newbury in Nov and as for the Long Walk only AP knows - he appeared from the mist on the bit as far as I could see.
Barafundle being napped for the Pertemps final is on my radar. A remarkably similar profile to Cross Kennon who was fourth in the race last year. I'll be hoping to get 5 places on the day and have a decent bet each way.
Just found this on the Betfair forum from Alan Potts:

Date Joined: 28 Oct 01
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09 Mar 11 11:40 Joined: 28 Oct 01 | Topic/replies: 43 | Blogger: TheAnorak's blog

Only had one bet on the Festival and it will be a quiet week for me this year as family issues have taken a lot of my time this winter.

However, I'm on Barafundle at 14's for the Pertemps - if Grands Cru hadn't run at Haydock, Barafundle would have won that race by at least 15 lengths and would surely be a lot higher in the weights than he will be next week.
Thanks to Terry from Final Furlong

West Berks panel was Stephen Higgins in the chair (very capable and witty northerner - rides work for Alan King) Tanya Stevenson, Tom Symonds (assistant to Nicky Henderson), Warren Greatrex, Jonathen de Giles, Dave Stevens (Corals) and Andy Smith (on course bookie - Festival Racing?)

Can't write it all down as would be here all day, but here's the bits that interested me:

Lot of support for Cue Card. Even if he wasn't below par against Menorah, that was a good run. Tom likes Spirit Son, works impressively well and Nicholls was complimentary about him. Tom say Gibb River inexperienced at this level. Sprinter Sacre is more of a chasing type - one for future definitely.

Reckoned to be weak race. Tom not worried about Finians Rainbow only beating a few horses in his wins this season - but this worried others. Tom says he leads anyway, so number of opponents not relevant. Expect him to lead then. Tom thinks Realt Dubh will ike better ground. Trainers seem very aware of sires and going preferences - probably worth absorbing these sorts of comments. Warren thought that Finians jumped badly at Warwick, which is undulating, so Cheltenham might not suit him. He was on panel with David Pipe on monday and Pipe never gives much away, but he detected confidence in Dan Breen. Warren is quite smart so would expect a run from Dan Breen on that basis. Tanya and Andy smith both like Rock Noir e/w. Andy seemed to know a bit about Jonjo's horses. Medermit fancied on basis of Sandown win and can get a longer trip which is handy in this.

Champion Hurdle
Lots of support for Menorah and Peddlers. Hobbs seemingly bullish about Menorah. Tom said that Binoculars weight is right now, which seemingly it hasn't been - implied that Nicky has kept him for this. Binocular hasn't been back to Ireland this time. Tom thought Oscar Whisky would have been ideal for a 2.5 mile championship. Stephen thought that Mille Chief probably isn't good enough. Tanya thinks that 1000 Stars is a good e/w chance as Mullins' second string.

Stewart Family Handicap Chase
Stephen reported that Bensalem schooled well round the Barbury Castle ptp course the other day (where King trains). David Stevens likes Great Endeavour and backed up by Warren who had more good vibes from Pipe on that one. Tanya says stats totally against horses carrying 11 stone plus in this though. Andy seemed to have something on a jonjo horse but wasn't telling. Might be Sunnyhillboy. Watch out for JP plot horse in this. Tom reported that Quantatitiveasing could run in just about anything - not a scopey sort but does it well.

Sparky May only possible alternative to favourite.
Very strong vibes about So Young who has been well backed and likely favourite on the day. Tom reported on Bobs worth - doesn't do much at home and works indiferently - surprised them on the track. Warren likes him a lot - says he's the type who does just enough - saves it for when it matters.

RSA Chase
Time For Rupert obviously fancied. Tom likes Quel Esprit as well - jumping issues but nice horse. Tanya strong on Wymott. Tanya also keen on Dougie Costello getting a winner or two. I think it was Stephen who had spoken to Nicholls about Aiteen 33 and told him he was around 5/2 for a place. Nicholls response was that this was buying money.

Champion Chase
Apparently Nicholls doesn't really rate Woolcombe Folly. Support for Big Zeb. French Opera runs in this rather than Grand Annual. Andy wants to lay Master Minded, win and place. Captain Cee Bee has a chance if the real one turns up.

Warren spoke warmly about Knight Pass. He seemed to choke up slightly when talking about him - obviously this horse matters a lot. He napped him at the end of the evening. He reckons he won his 2 races in third gear. Worked well at Newbury on Sunday. Tom is keen on Ericht. NJH has fairly poor record in the race but should go well. Star Neuville seemed to be the Irish horse they had picked up on.

Fred Winter
Bar was reopened whilst they discussed this and I work on the bar so didn't hear too much. Tom seems to like Celtus though.

Bar was still going but didn't seem to miss too much of note. They seem to think Somersby will go for this now - and AP might well ride. Tartak higher rating than Poquelin someone said. Need to check that.

World Hurdle
Pipe apparently very keen on Grand Crus, according to Warren. Five For 3 also highly regarded by Mullins. Andy reckons Grand Crus is the lay of the meeting though. Obviously Big Bucks well supported.

Fred Winter - forget about Kumbeshwar and Paintball. Former is King's horse and latter is Charlie Longsdon's. I think that Tom mentioned Paintball as the one he'd like to win if NJH doesn't. Both are e/w shots but open race.

Jewsons - not too many mentioned. Tom reckons Mr Gardner is nice, NJH fancies him and Medermit could boost his claims in the Arkle.

Pertemps - Warren has Barwell Bridge. Thought he went too soon against Lush Life at Cheltenham. Reckons he has a chance.

Plate - Andy said Aigle D'or has been backed and Tom seemed to fancy him so must have a chance.

Junior was mentioned next, not sure which race though! Apparently Jamie Codd booked, who is meant to be good, so probably the Kim Muir. Another one that Pipe apparently likes quite a lot. Dave Stevens threw in Saddlers Storm, a Tony Martin horse and maybe he goes for this too, but can't see him in the betting.

Triumph Hurdle

Tom thinks Grandouet is very tough and battle-hardened, a Celestial Halo type. Was asked about defeat behind Sam Winner and he said that at the time they thought he might be well handicapped for the Fred Winter as a result, but that hasn't worked out! Ruby to ride Sam Winner. Warren thought Marsh Warbler would be shorter if in a bigger yard. Andy thinks Unaccompanied is well in with a high flat rating and 7lb allowance. Tanya said Irish have crap record in this. Brampour likely to run well for Nicholls.

Albert Bartlett

Warren has a runner but not sure he's good enough. Court in Motion was sick last time out but recovered now and expected to run in this. Warren likes Champion Court. WG also though Mossley could be excused his run on bad ground at Warwick. This was backed up by Tom who said that Mossley prefers good ground - has good action. Trip will suit mossley and he's something of a forgotten horse on the basis of one bad run.

Gold Cup

Not much new really. Tom thinks Long Run should have gone for Arkle last year. Rides him in his work and felt he was 100% on Boxing Day but not in such good shape when KG was actually run - bit quiet. Feels horse has relaxed more in recent work. Schooled well yesterday with SWC on board.


On The Fringe was one Andy pointed out. Thinks he's the best of the Irish. JT McNamara to ride.

Martin Pipe Hurdle

Tom thinks Cucumber Run is a great work horse but that type can sometimes be a bit funny on the track. Didn't seem 100% confident.

Grand Annual

Anquetta seems the Henderson horse. French Opera coming out will help him in the handicap. Not so keen on Tanks For That. Andy reckons Shoreacres will be a monster gamble. Tom very pleased with Voy Por Ustedes - going very well at home and will run in this, but being aimed at Melling Chase at Aintree.

County hurdle

Hobbs/Johnson very keen on Snap Tie despite long layoff. Stephen likes Solden Licht a lot. Tom was asked about Soldatino and he said he had been very hard to get fit this season. Should be ready now.

And that was just about it, or some of it!
So much for Tom Symonds, either totally out of touch with the trainer's thinking, or leading people on. Comes out with the stuff about Voy por Ustedes, he's aiming for the Melling, then hey presto, supplemented foe the Ryanair!
Imperial Call
11 Mar 2011, 15:08
Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. Kildare

Tony O'Hehir (RTÉ and Racing Post), Damien McElroy (Irish Independent), Andrew Lynch (Jockey), Dessie Hughes (Trainer), Jim McGrath (BBC), Nina Carberry (Jockey), Noel O'Brien (Turf Club handicapper)

Most of the panel quite sweet on Cue Card. Noel O'Brien doesn't think the Irish form is strong but if Zaidpour returned to his Royal Bond form he'd have a squeak at a big price. Sprinter Sacre was the preferred choice of the Henderson pair.

O'Brien reckoned Realt Dubh was about 10lbs below the English brigade. Nina said he worked well at Leopardstown last week. Dessie Hughes reckons he'd need it soft and prefers Captain Chris of the English if he runs. Jim McGrath said he'd been talking to Philip Hobbs and he's still undecided where he runs. Andrew Lynch rode behind Ghizao at the November meeting and he reckoned it would be wise to stick to the course and distance form.

Champion Hurdle:
Most of the panel were keen on Hurricane Fly's chances. Dessie, Nina, Lynch and Damien McElroy all expect him to take all the beating. Lynch thought his Hattons Grace win proves that he'll come up the hill. Menorah was nominated as the danger and Jim McGrath is sweet on his chances. Dessie didn't rate Peddlers Cross' win at Newbury because of the proximity of Starluck. Panel were not keen on Binocular. McElroy pointed out that he hadn't been sent back to Martinstown this year. Noel O'Brien has Binocular on 168 and Hurricane Fly on 167 and he reckons its between the two of them.

Nina was worried about the ground for Oscars Well. Said she was on a panel with Willie Mullins and he put up So Young as his bet of the week. Dessie Hughes and Andrew Lynch were keen on Oscars Well. Damien McElroy thinks the Irish will win this race and he put up First Lieutenant as the each way value. Jim McGrath went against the grain and put up Bobs Worth.

Dessie was pleased with Magnanimity and reckons he'll run a big race. Nina and Andrew Lynch put him up as the each way value in the race. Nina doesn't rate Time For Rupert's form - Chicago Grey was well beaten at Leopardstown after chasing home TFR at Cheltenham. Andrew Lynch, Damien McElroy and Jim McGrath were all on the favourite. Panel were quite negative about Mikael D'Haguenet - McElroy doesn't think he's the horse he was and Andrew Lynch doesn't think he jumps well enough.

Champion Chase:
Panel were against Master Minded. Dessie said he is in decline. McElroy wasn't impressed with his Ascot run and McGrath said he is not the horse he once was. Andrew Lynch was very happy with Sizing Europe and thinks he will improve for the better ground and faster gallop. McGrath put up Captain Cee Bee as a forgotten horse who could go well. Golden Silver got a good mention from both Dessie and Nina. He's is a different horse when held up off a strong pace.

Tony O'Hehir said Allure Of Illusion had been working well with Hurricane Fly. Noel O'Brien and Jim McGrath put up Cheltenian. Star Neuville was put up by Nina, Dessie and Lynch. Nina also mentioned Charles O'Brien's Double Double as an each way selection.

Poquelin was the selction of Noel O'Brien and Dessie Hughes (also would be keen on Somersby if he runs). Damien McElroy put up J'y Vole as his each way selection. Nina said Tranquil Sea will be a different proposition this year as he is going there fresh. Andrew Lynch likes Kalahari King and he also thinks Rubi Light will run a big race at a huge price if the ground rides soft.

Big Bucks was the selection of all the panel bar Jim McGrath who went with Grands Crus. Nina reckoned Mourad was the best of the Irish. Dessie disagreed and felt Fiveforthree has a better chance. McElroy also put him up as an each way alternative to the fav.

Noel O'Brien doesn't think the Irish form is too strong. Sam Winner and Grandouet the top rated. Tony O'Hehir said DK has been stressing that Unaccompanied needs soft ground. Andrew Lynch went for Grandouet. McElroy gave a good mention to Third Intention. McGrath said Architrave was good each way value if he runs.

Gold Cup:
Andrew Lynch thinks Imperial Commander will retain. Dessie thinks Kauto Star has a great chance if he runs anywhere near his previous form. Nina likes long run but hopes there's rain for Pandorama - worked very well at Leopardstown last week. Denman was Jim McGrath's selection.

Best Bets:
Nina: Plan A, On The Fringe
Dessie: Cue Card, Magnanimity
Lynch: Time For Rupert, Loosen My Load
McElroy: Big Zeb, Bostons Angel
O'Brien: Cue Card, Time For Rupert
McGrath: Bobs Worth, Snap Tie
O'Hehir: Sivota