Cherie Blair

Quite what Paisley or the Monarchy have to do with this, I'm not sure !

Same question and can guess the answer, but you sense that they just had to be brought into this somewhere along the line
Songsheet used an interesting phrase, "the true organised religion that is Catholicism", and suggested that anybody not toeing the party line on all matters could not be a proper Catholic.

This widely held image of the Catholic church as a monolithic and disciplined organisation, perhaps even to be feared, has an element of truth but it tends to be exaggerated.

It was not my purpose to associate Songsheet's views with Paisley or the sectarian aspects of the British constitution, merely to point out that this piece of received wisdom has its roots in earlier and more troubled times.
Fair enough :) The british constitution on this has not been seriously tested (its only the bloody monarchy anyway) and if it was, i expect it would be quickly changed. I really doubt that there is much serious prejudice in this area nowadays

and suggested that anybody not toeing the party line on all matters could not be a proper Catholic.

Like you, i cannot agree with that, but the definition of "proper" is obviously up for grabs (but lets not...)
Hmm, do you know what this reminds me of?

As a child in the playground, on hearing I was Catholic, I was often told "I'm not Catholic, I'm Christian". In actual fact, I have had the same argument with grown adults in recent years, who tried to tell me that Catholics are not Christian as they don't believe in Jesus!!!!!!! Only God, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, allegedly...... :what:

Seems a very similar type of argument going on here to me.....
Sorry, SL but I think that's the kind of patronising remark which is made when you can't find a decent response to posts above.

If you can read into any of my posts that I believe Catholics aren't Christian, then either I have problems in explaining myself or you are reading something that isn't there.

Thank you for your posts Grey - especially the post from the unofficial website. It's a pleasure being able to debate without gettnig into personality exchanges.
This is supposed to be a thread about Cherie Blair, not a discourse on the merits or demerits of religion, still less individual posters' own religious beliefs - both dangerous territory imo :suspect:
Songsheet, nowhere did I say anyone was accusing Catholics of not being Christian, just that the way this thread was going reminded me of those types of comments I have heard so many times.

I'm not going to get into the debate as I'm really not interested and as Headstrong says, it's dodgy territory, not to mention it gets boring! However what I was trying to say runs along the lines that some of the comments on here seem, to me, to assume that in order to be a Catholic/devout Catholic [delete as applicable] one has to follow identical doctrines/beliefs, even rules, if you like, to every other Catholic in the world. Much as the Protestant church has many different faiths, eg Church of England, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist and so on and so forth which all tend to follow their own ways within the Protestant belief, so do Catholics in different countries and social groups follow a similar pattern. Religion isn't all set absolutely in stone!

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