Christmas Racing Quiz

Me and a work colleague won a couple of tickets to the Gold Cup through the Xmas quiz a couple of years ago.
Unless your name is Delargy I don't believe you can get all the answers without a degree of googling.

I'm not suggesting that googling wasn't a factor here - but it's much easier (and possibly more acceptable) to use t'internet to check what you think you already know. Having a complete set of Timeform Chasers & Hurdlers doesn't always go astray either......
There is a quiz in today's Racing Post. I am going to have my soup and sanger whilst attempting it with no cheating.

The RP Christmas Quiz is almost identical every year, with stupid questions about which politician's uncle by marriage nearly owned a Derby winner and which prominent breeder was once fined a guinea for sodomising his manservant in India. There are at least 2 questions about fictional characters/horses every time, and Berry friggin' Gordy makes a pointless appearance every year. Am I warm, Bar?