Clare Balding


At the Start
Mar 22, 2004
Being treated for thyroid cancer...

From the RP:

Balding fighting cancer but aiming to be at Derby

8.23AM 29 MAY 2009

THE BBC'S multi award-winning racing presenter Clare Balding on Thursday revealed she is having ongoing treatment for thyroid cancer but insisted she feels "fantastic" and is more than healthy enough to present coverage of next week's Investec Derby meeting.

Balding, widely acknowledged to be the sport's premier broadcaster, was speaking at Epsom, where she fulfilled her annual commitment to host the track's Breakfast with the Stars event, at which she interviewed a number of leading trainers and jockeys less than 24 hours after the removal of 12 stitches inserted following a second operation.

Clare Balding: "prognosis is very good."

PICTURE: Edward Whitaker
Further treatment will be required two days after Balding commentates on the Wimbledon women's final for Radio 5 live, but aside from a voice that was on Thursday at less than full strength, the 38-year-old - who was unaware she definitely had cancer until two weeks after the Grand National - was showing no outward signs of her illness.

"I have papillary thyroid cancer, which is apparently extremely common in women," said Balding. "My thyroid has now been removed, but I feel fantastic, although my voice has taken a long time to recover.

"I think it's very important for me to say that this is what I've got. Half the fear with cancer is that nobody says they have it. My attitude has been that it's just bad cells, so get them out and crack on. I haven't made a drama out of it and I don't intend to. I'm not taking the ‘woe is me' approach and I certainly won't miss any racing.

"It's very common for women to have problems with their thyroid, but you only get this particular form of cancer through genetics or by being exposed to an atomic bomb. I don't think it's genetic, so I guess some of the people I work with must be atomic bombs. In my head, I think it was actually caused by stress, so I'm certainly not going to get stressed about it now and make it worse.

"Looking ahead, the prognosis is very good. The next thing that happens is I have treatment on the Monday after Wimbledon, which involves me swallowing a pill that makes me radioactive, although a lot of people would say I've been radioactive for a long time.

"The treatment will kill the rest of the thyroid and the cancer will be gone, as it was only in the thyroid. After that, I take thyroxin for the rest of my life, which lots of people already do."

Balding, who spent a week recuperating at her family's Kingsclere home, has been relieved of rugby league presenting duties this weekend, but is adamant she will be fit for Epsom.

"I have no doubts about next week," she said. "When I first stood up today, my voice felt so weak, which was scary, as there was the fear that the one thing I need wasn't working. Luckily, Bob Cooper was brilliant in taking some of the strain off me and my voice did warm up as the morning went on - I just sounded a bit like Kermit the Frog. It wasn't too bad, though, and I'd hope to be a lot better by next week.

"Everything will be all right. I sleep well at night and I feel great. It's not too serious and, if anything, I might lose weight by taking thyroxin, which would be a really exciting side effect!"

Great attitude to have; hopefully she'll be fine.
All best wishes to her - I've always admired her ability and really hopes she makes a full recovery with no ill-effects re her career.
Yep, no one is perfect. Even though I think her howler about the teeth was truly out of order it was an unusual slip up for her. Has a lot to contend with and is a good presenter. This cancer is fairly nasty, but she will have the best care, family support and is young and strong. Wish her all the best.
I just about held the tears back when I heard this on the radio. I rate Claire as quite simply one of our best new-ish broadcast journalists. It was so ironic she was castigated for unkind comments at the National when in hours of her Paralympic commentary I never heard a single faux-pas. I've since seen Paralympians really patronised on the TV by others, something Clare has never done.

A former colleague had the same treatment as Clare is having - last time we spoke she was fine. Physically she is not dissimilar to Clare, so one wonders if there is a tendency to this cancer in certain body types, although Clare dismissed a genetic link.

Wishing Clare all the very, very, very best. A top lass, indeed, Trudi and Rory.
Very best wishes for a full and permanent recovery. She attended a meeting at Lingfield a few years ago in support of one of her brother's runners, and, while sitting on a bench on the lawns, was approached for autographs by two young girls. She had them sit alongside her and got them chatting animatedly about their riding lessons, signed their autographs, and sent them off grinning like Cheshire kitties. She came across as very warm and natural.
Couple of nice touches from the jockeys and others she interviewed today which suggests that she's genuinely held in fond regard by them. Couldn't imagine Thommo generating the same. Come to think of it, bit naughty to single the arse meister out, as you could probably say the same of about 95% of commentators
Used to work for the designer from whom Clare gets all her more flamboyant outfits. Thoroughly nice person. Great attitude to her current problem. All the best to her.
She must be heartened by the welcome she got yesterday as mentioned by Warbler.
I like her as a presenter I must say. Talks sense and at least talks about racing. Hope she is getting better.
My post is badly expressed! I meant that physically, her voice was appearing strained today - not that she was struggling as in not doing her job properly!
I noticed that as well but Willy did his best to cover that up, they make a great team,

The only thing I don't get is why they don't stay on one channel instead of flipping over, half way through you set your recorder that's all you need.
I don't care what anyone says, but she is definitely the best female racing presenter in the world. She is polished, straight down the line and professional.