Congratulations Songsheet!

Thank you - am so very proud of him!! Looked to have a bit in hand too but I guessed that he'd like this ground more than the good/soft he had last time.

Have his yearling DIAMOND GREEN half brother in the field and that won't have done him any harm at all.

Apparently next stop the Britannia at RA if he's OK.

Days like these that makes the whole job worth doing!!
just shows what they know ;)

hot off the press - from our resident phone photo correspondant.... Shouty has provided the following (and says these are crap cos shes only got her phone - but I think they are mighty superior to 90% of mine on my phone - so they are going up....!)


Thank you Shouty and Troods!! Very very kind and he certainly does look good!!

Think he does get 7f well and might get 6f as well but would be worried about him going further.

At least he didn't do a MOONAX.... phew!!
Yipeee!!! I love him. He's a stunner and goes a bit too. My kind of guy. :<3:

Well done Songy, polos and card on the way. (polos for him not you!) :lol:

Very good on the spot reporting from our own Shouty Leader too - great stuff, I am nicking those for the Fan Club, his lass will love them!
let's see if this works, hotel net access down so on phone! well done songsheet, he did it cosily. he's a sweet looking horse, still looks a baby in his facial expressions!
The pictures by phone are a darn sight better than quite a lot I've seen by ordinary camera. Well done, Shadz and technology!

Mellish said that FAREER was the paddock stand-out, and I agree with him. Thought that Hillsy was going to bury him at first, but then out he popped and away he went. Good action and far from not liking the ground, he got down and lengthened okay. Shadz - still looks like a baby, facially? You mean he was blowing bubbles and going goo-goo-goo?
chirp in here as well then, many many congratulations, cant think of anything thats not been said here already. you must soo proud. brilliant. and the best is yet to come, I am sure !
Thanks everyone for the good wishes !

We're regular Ballyhane supporters, Bar, and Jo Foley loves Songy. He bought her CAPTAIN RIO filly foal and tragically lost her in a paddock accident during her yearling summer - we had a fairly substantial bet on the table with him as he bet us €4k she's be the first Stakes winner by CR. So we didn't have to pay full whack for DG.

However, it's no secret the DG colt got thumped on the side of his head as a foal last year and nearly lost one of his eyes. He made a spectacular recovery and now only has very slight clouding in that eye and can see perfectly well. He took all his treatment (including a catheter into his eye) plus travelling round the country to go to eye specialists like a complete pro and is a positive pleasure to do. As he is bred to be a sprinter and in the main will be going in a straight line, any loss of vision shouldn't make a bit of difference to him. He doesn't seem to mind whether you come up to him either side so I am pretty sure he has reasonable sight in the bad eye. Isn't one whit head shy either - which he has every right to be. All that remains to be seen is whether he has an engine or not and he will most likely be sold privately direct to a trainer (unless we get him into the St Leger sale) or we may even decide to breeze him. He is as handsome as FAREER - but he is a very rich dark bay/brown horse with no white at all and spends his days at the moment eating, growing and play-fighting with my PROCLAMATION colt!!
Thank you - am so very proud of him!! Looked to have a bit in hand too but I guessed that he'd like this ground more than the good/soft he had last time.

Have his yearling DIAMOND GREEN half brother in the field and that won't have done him any harm at all.

Apparently next stop the Britannia at RA if he's OK.

Days like these that makes the whole job worth doing!! falling off a log. Be honest, this breeding lark is dead easy... isn't it? You could probably do it in your sleep. ;)