Congratulations trudij

Diamond Geezer

Gone But Not Forgotten
May 2, 2003
Congratulations to trudi who has just announced the birth of her daughter (7lb 4oz) on her Facebook page
ahhhh, always had a soft spot for Trudi. No idea whether this was mutual, but from the bottom of my heart i'd like to say congratulations.

Forget the forum and look after your young one.
lol - I put it up on the bloodstock thread over here, seemed fitting as I announced mine and Grape's on the same day !!

Its hard work this having a baby lark - not the actual physical act of it, she was an emergency cesarian in the end and I didnt even go into labour, but the actual owning of one... having to remember where you left it, have you fed it, does it ever stop shouting, oh look five minutes of sleep time - yay!!

She is ok though - looks more like her dad than me, which is a good thing I think, at least shes been spared my nose!!! and most importantly of all, the dogs seem to really like her. I was a bit worried about the youngest - shes not the most reliable with people, but its all ok.

If anyone spots a free range pram with baby at cheltenham on champion hurdle day, give me a shout - I'm bound to leave her somewhere!!!!