Crossroads approaching.

There was a Rock choir in Central station ( Newcastle) today, they were absolutely brilliant. Your lass wasnt there was she DO ?
G-G, I mean to cause no offence when I say there's a lot of femininity in that post. I thought you were a bloke?!

Regardless, it's a lovely message and struck a chord, especially since I haven't yet got over losing my wee pooch four years ago come January. As I said earlier, I've no intention of leaving the forum or contributing to debate. It's just punting I'm thinking of giving up.

Yes I'm a girlie and you're not the first to thing otherwise! I'm the one without the fly mask in the pic that goes with the posts :).
I would say pick a few horses -10 or 20 - and just follow them for a while, and back them or don't back them. See what they beat or what beats them and swap the list around maybe for a while. Not so much to concentrate on or get fed up with, and may discover new stars/favourites and a new enthusiasm perhaps? :)
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I refuse to read anymore ******* essays on this thread . I'm a professional punter and I'm telling you why you don't win. If you want to ignore my advice than I suggest you quit betting. No one else on
this thread has the pedigree I have to advise you.
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My advice is slightly different. You keep excellent records Maurice, so I'd use them, and take a step back for a short period and do a bit of analysis. It may be your missing one or two simple tricks to get back on track. Maybe a few more, but you can definitely figure it out. I've done the same in the past and it makes a difference.

Analysis, selecting, and betting is no different to anything else, you can easily slip into bad habits and not realise you're in them. Also things change and you have to change with them.

I'd also add that the challenge of analysing, drawing conclusions, and making the necessary changes can be real eye opener, and can be quite therapeutic.

Oh yes, and I'd definitely sort your strategy out with the multiples. Slim is spot on with that. A big win every so often does wonders for the bank balance.
I refuse to read anymore ******* essays on this thread . I'm a professional punter and I'm telling you why you don't win. If you want to ignore my advice than I suggest you quit betting. No one else on
this thread has the pedigree I have to advise you.

NO!!! I am Spartacus:lol:
I have a lovely turn of phrase when I'm slashed. Any offence taken was fully intended.
Last 3 at wolves were dirty:)

I managed to bet the winner of the 7.15. Took 7/4 the winner and 11/2 e/ww the second they went off 3/1 and 13/2. Very strange move for Axel Jacklin. I felt like I absolutely robbed them getting paid GP on both. Those AW markets are insane... oh **** I sound like someone else now...