Daily Picks thread closed?

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This thread made me go and look at the last couple of pages of the other thread.

I wish gigilo all the very best.

I don't read the thread as I'm not interested in betting every day but I know what's involved in doing masses of prep just for a Saturday, sharing it with people and basically putting your head on the block only to be met by scorn in some quarters.

I'm getting ever closer to giving up altogether, not for any reason like that but I'm big enough to admit I'm no longer doing as well as I used to and I always said I'd know when to quit. Fortunately I'm still miles in front overall but profit over the last couple of seasons is either marginal or non-existent and I'm getting too old to be bothered with the hassle.

As I've said elsewhere, once my move to Spain finally happens I will be giving up completely as it will be that much harder to maintain bookie accounts due to legislation.

I suppose if Catherine Zeta Jones suddenly phoned me up and offered to support my every need for the next 30 years I could give it up immediately.

My luck's so bad if I won the euromillions I'd only get about £7m...
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How is a thread closed tho? Its not Giggs' thread so who has the POWER to close it?
Actually just noticed it was Giggs' thread.
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Wish Giggs all the best with his health and future.. Perhaps a lesson to all the stirrers DONT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU... Also all the best to Desert Orchid with your plans
Wish Giggs all the best with his health and future.. Perhaps a lesson to all the stirrers DONT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU... Also all the best to Desert Orchid with your plans

The lesson is if anyone dare to question what he is saying he spits his dummy out.
Sycophancy only allowed.
He'll be back, his ego demands it.

Edit; Didn't know he was ill and his mother too.
Health is all that counts.
Best of luck to both.
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Why don’t you start a daily picks thread and we can see can you even get one percent of the winners he had over the years. Troll.
You sound upset, are you unable to pick your own selections?
You can't win following Giggsy I'm afraid. The odds have long gone and you can't rearrange the bets to suit the winning selections AFTER they have run.
I corresponded with Giggs a few years ago by email and it soon became obvious he was contradictory at best.
I'm not a troll, I just don't like people to be taken in and I like to be more discerning/ less gullible than most on here.

BTW there's a poster on that thread called AYRwinner who, at the end, posted up 3 winners out of 3 selections but not many were taking much notice.
Perhaps you should pm him and hold your hand out?
Good luck
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You sound upset, are you unable to pick your own selections?
You can't win following Giggsy I'm afraid. The odds have long gone and you can't rearrange the bets to suit the winning selections AFTER they have run.
I corresponded with Giggs a few years ago by email and it soon became obvious he was contradictory at best.
I'm not a troll, I just don't like people to be taken in and I like to be more discerning/ less gullible than most on here.

BTW there's a poster on that thread called AYRwinner who, at the end, posted up 3 winners out of 3 selections but not many were taking much notice.
Perhaps you should pm him and hold your hand out?
Good luck

Maybe you should **** off somewhere else instead of coming on here for the express purpose of winding people up.
Dear me, don't you donuts read?
I'm trying to help you and save you money, not wind people up.
Jesus, such gullibility.
Don't listen to all this 'i'm a million points in front, this month' baloney.
Do your own figures and see if you are in front and double check what he says.
It's shite
Dear me, don't you donuts read?
I'm trying to help you and save you money, not wind people up.
Jesus, such gullibility.
Don't listen to all this 'i'm a million points in front, this month' baloney.
Do your own figures and see if you are in front and double check what he says.
It's shite

**** off.
It won't go in will it. You deserve to lose your money. Wanker

If you read the thread instead of just being here to wind folk up, you'd know that I have been very critical of Gigilos claims and am not losing money following the thread.

I just don't like trolls.

Now **** off somewhere else ya wee wankstain.
Potty`s a bad loser done his dough first two races a Carlisle today:thumbsdown:
If you read the thread instead of just being here to wind folk up, you'd know that I have been very critical of Gigilos claims and am not losing money following the thread.

I just don't like trolls.

Now **** off somewhere else ya wee wankstain.

I'm not a troll, you ******* idiot. I dont give a flying **** whether you lose money the advice I am passing on is for the general forum.
This is my thread so you **** off you cretin
gigilo charges no one for the tips he puts up here. Plenty of people are delighted with them - you and other recent critics included, if your previous posts on this forum are to be believed.
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gigilo charges no one for the tips he puts up here. Plenty of people are delighted with them - you and other recent critics included, if previous posts are to be believed.

Yeah, he tipped a few nice winners but if you add it all up and look at the claims he makes its nonsense. No ****** is making money off his tips no matter how much his followers try to kid themselves.
He admitted to me himself that if one doesn't get the prices he posts (you cant) then you will not make a profit.
Read back on the thread and you'll see this admission in between endless kabooms.
His followers should've took note of that but were too busy being blinded by his kaboom bollocks.
My criticism of him was extremely mild and he has been berated often over the years so I'm surprised he has spat the dummy.
Perhaps it was my offer to be an agent and put some multis on for him that got him running.

Anyway, you all seem set in your minds that he's 100% kosher.
Pointless trying to educate the brainwashed
Good luck
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Bye bye halfwit. Don't come back soon.

Nah, you seem to be combusting boy. Insult away from the safety of your box-room you knut. I'll always get the last word. It's easy!
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Ok thread closed, if you don't like the tips giggsy is putting up don't read the thread FFS. People can read the thread and decide themselves if to follow him or not, everyone's adults on here.
I closed the thread temporarily due to the clear trolling that was going on, not for it to be carried on in a new thread. Will be going through both threads in the next couple of days and sorting them out.
Any further threads on this will earn a ban.
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