Brighton 7.40
Pour la victoire 5/1 hills 4/1 365/skybet..
Veteran now pour la victoire a horse I would've avoided on turf normally as had been on downgrade,really has not done that much on turf recently off 64 as opposed to a mark of 76 on the aw,been rejuvenated last few runs on the aw recently 5th to eljaddaaf staying on and 2nd to the red in a 0-75 and 0-90.He hasn't won a race since may 2016 so obviously has a bit to prove,last season on turf beaten easily over c/d also has not shown much on fast ground either just think he's worth a small bet in such a weak race comparted to his aw form this a 0-65. Course form horses include spirit of sarwan 2nd in a 0-75 over 7fs here last season now just off 67,not showing much on the aw recently but this only a 0-65 on track it likes,maybe buzz lightyere as well some form just looks mediocre over c/d but did win twice at the track last season and placed three times,maybe doesn't want the ground too slow.Brightons been watered so don't know how reliable the goings will be,the usual guessing game so just a small bet again for me..
Yarmouth 2.55
Withouit parole 4/7 365 8/15 skybet 1/2 corals/betfred/totesport/10bet/lads
Without parole out of frankel made debut at Newcastle winning by 6ls from Trevithick a very fast time for a 6ls easy win,1m38.74 the 3rd and the 2nd have won races and they had previous experience needs to prove itself on turf but thought it worth putting up as might go off 1/4,haggas and sbs have runners in race so betting will be interesting.On the aw thios looks a 100 horse so interesting to see if that transfers to the turf..
.Two 2 seconds quicker than corrosive in other division RPR of 78,almost standard time,the clock never lies..
Brighton 5.55
Live dangerously 16/1 365/totesport/betfred.
Quite a few in here on reasonable marks corporal Maddox c/d winner was 3rd off 70 over tomorrows c/d last season in a 0-75,few poor runs after that but then 2nd over c/d again behind lutine Charlie also in tomorrows race both could run ok as could ettie hart at the bottom of the weights..
Live dangerously at 8 another bit of a veteran like corpora; Maddox,some good form over c/d rated just 46 after runs down the field on the aw back to turf after finishing last sesson on 56,won off 52 last season over c/d in this grade also a 3rd off 59 over the mile at brighton as well in august in this grade.Was going off 5-6/1 in those races but off much lower marks now.May simply not be trying tomtrrow Kieran o'neil rides instead of William carson usually on the john bridger gambles he rides sea tea dea,worth paying to find out off a price that is treble what it was last season off far lower marks..Will probably one to keep following at future brighton meetings..
This time of year is a nightmare for betting,watering and even worse like tonight thought ground at Windsor would be soft/gdsft as forecast at best for hateya and after first race was obviously nearer to good hateya drifted after the ground became obvious was a lot quicker..need a miracle to get the accurate going reports right.