David Bowie RIP

What kind of mind have you got?!

Anyway, Bowie is the number 1 cultural influence in my life bar none. That said, the amount of bollocks circulating on social media from people who never met him will soon send me to the vomitarium.

His three best songs were 1. Bewlay Brothers, 2. Drive in Saturday 3. Rock and Roll suicide. End of, discussion closed.

Giving those tunes a spin for the first time now.
I like pretty much all of his stuff, but always prefered his earlier albums. Ziggy Stardust my favourite track. His eighties stuff was ok, but some of his new stuff is fantastic and has gone under the radar.
Certainly is

Someone else to add to the 'dead pool' is dear Brian Matthew who's 87 and doesn't sound particularly well these days, though his rich timbre remains a joy