Davy Russell On Kings John Castle

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Cantoris, I agree.

EC1, you typed in a series of form figures. You did not add any background, and so they were of no relevance to the thread.

His runs have come over a variety of trips and conditions. He was sent off the shortest price he has been since 18th Feb. That day he had Justpourit beaten comfortably who was his chief rival last Thursday. He franked form with Justpourit.

I wont go into my views concerning Kerryhead Windfarm again.
Originally posted by useful@Feb 22 2008, 08:04 PM
An eloquent and typically informed repsonse Del Boy. Reminiscent of your namesake.

You twisted what i had said about you having a go at all things irish to being a matter of Racism, because it suited you. You went on a rant about Davy, and a few people disagree with you, and then you accuse them of forbidding any damning of irish jocks, horses etc. and then when i make a point that you are consistently doing it, you play the ol Racism card. I never accused you of being racist, you went off on a tangent about that yourself.

Your ramblings are certainly reminiscent of your namesake.
Originally posted by del boy@Feb 21 2008, 07:36 PM
Its becoming increasingly obvious you have a problem with all things irish
That, my friend, is an accusation of racism whatever way you look at it.

I have not twisted anything you have said. I do not need to, and nor would I. There are far too many people very able at doing that on here - yourself included.

At least have the humility to admit what you have done instead of denying what is evident in black and white.
EC1, you typed in a series of form figures. You did not add any background, and so they were of no relevance to the thread.

are you seriously telling me you don't understand expected and actual results????

you must be on the wind up

if a horse is consisently losing when expected by the betting then there is something wrong with it's attitude...that was the relevance of the "form figures"

you are either a troll or you know bugger all about racing from what I can see if you can't see the relevance

i'm probably wrong though norty

you seem to have biased views of certain trainers and jockeys and then trot them out when it suits...but without recourse to any evidence to support said individuals apparent uselessness
i'm not having a go at you by the way...but you just seem to wind me up with the way you don't seem to read other folks posts very well...i just wish you would take others views on board a bit more

all the best :nuts:
Originally posted by useful+Feb 24 2008, 07:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (useful @ Feb 24 2008, 07:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-del boy@Feb 21 2008, 07:36 PM
Its becoming increasingly obvious you have a problem with all things irish

That, my friend, is an accusation of racism whatever way you look at it.
No it's not. The Irish are NOT a race, so let's not bandy about emotive words out of context.

useful, you have come onto what is a predominently Irish board: a majority of the membersx, certainly of the regular posters, is Irish, and so are most of the Mods. Their occasionally atavistic but always well-informed attachment to all things Irish in the racing firmament can be seen as amusing or annoying, however the mood - or your personality - takes you.

But coming on here and continually attacking the objects of Irish admiration is 'poking the tiger' in a big way, and you must be prepared to get mauled. For what it's worth, you do come across as having a cultural problem with the Irish, deservedly or not.

When you couple that with an unwillingness to listen to what others have to say, it's a recipe for friction. Just repeating the same things endlessly isn't discussion, it's brow-beating. And it's boring.

The in-depth knowledge of the Irish scene is what gives this board its particular value and identity.
I suggest you learn to appreciate and enjoy it.
Mrs Thatcher was not known for entertaining discussion, esp in Cabinet.
Nor for being entertaining :P
Originally posted by Headstrong+Feb 24 2008, 10:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Headstrong @ Feb 24 2008, 10:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by useful@Feb 24 2008, 07:08 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-del boy
@Feb 21 2008, 07:36 PM
Its becoming increasingly obvious you have a problem with all things irish

That, my friend, is an accusation of racism whatever way you look at it.
No it's not. The Irish are NOT a race, so let's not bandy about emotive words out of context.

Originally posted by Headstrong+Feb 24 2008, 10:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Headstrong @ Feb 24 2008, 10:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by useful@Feb 24 2008, 07:08 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-del boy
@Feb 21 2008, 07:36 PM
Its becoming increasingly obvious you have a problem with all things irish

That, my friend, is an accusation of racism whatever way you look at it.
But coming on here and continually attacking the objects of Irish admiration is 'poking the tiger' in a big way,

This suggests I have never said anything positive about Irish racing personalities.

This is utter rubbish.

I have constantly waxed lyrical about the high regard I have for Tom and Jim Dreaper. I count Dreaper and M V O'Brien amongst my all time racing heroes.

Although Eddie O'Grady is not as dominant as he once was, I still hold him in very high regard, and used to follow his novices with interest going as far back to Golden Cygnet and Ihad a lot of fun backing Blitzkrieg to beat Dessie in the VC.

I have stated at length how all of my current fave NH jocks are Irish - Murphy, O'Regan, Brennan, McCoy and Lee. I have issues with Walsh, but follow him religiously when he rides for Nicholls. And in years past I was always a Dunwoody fan.

Until recently Barry Geraghty was a favourite but for whatever reason he has fallen down the pecking order. I still think he is a joy to watch when he gets it right, and his victories aboard Moscow Flyer live long in the memory. However his victory aboard Florida Pearl in the Martell Cup is my all time fave Geraghty ride.

It is very easy to be selective with evidence to make a point. It could also be described as being unfair.
The list wasn't exhaustive Monty, but thanks for reminding viewers of my VERY positive thread about him as well.

Oh, and lest I forget I was VERY complimentary about Adrian Maguire's "inspired" spare aboard Florida Pearl in the King George.

I think what gets my goat up is "star" status being bestowed upon people I dont think deserve it - whatever their creed or colour. When people who are obviously not top class are described as being such, it actually dilutes the status of the term.
Harding got his moment on the spotlight aboard One Man in the Champion Chase.

Problem for him (if it is a problem) is he is always in Dobbin's shadow - both at Greystoke and Carrutherstown (when Lungo was good that is!).

So as he almost always rides the stable second strings he wont get the credit he deserves. As I understand it he is a very valued part of the Richards team in terms of educating the horses at home. I guess he is happy with the role otherwise he would have exploited the One Man victory by trying his luck elsewhere.

He certainly gave Money Trix a great ride at Newcastle recently.

I was at Kelso the day he won on Direct Access a few years ago (I was stood at the Open Ditch going away from the stands and got on the telly!!!). Davy Russell was there as Ferdy's stable jockey. I know who most northern racegoers rated as a good jockey back then and it certainly was not Davy Russell!
Originally posted by useful@Feb 25 2008, 12:53 PM

It is very easy to be selective with evidence to make a point. It could also be described as being unfair.
At last we agree on something!
He's talking about people using selective evidence to make a point.

Like when you claimed that Willie Mullins is on a downturn because he hasn't been champion trainer in Ireland for a few seasons.

Or where you thought it somehow made sense to

take out Seebald

when judging how strong that Arkle looked before the race, because of what his subsequent performances showed, having previously pointed out that

Hindsight is a great thing.

Or that Mullins festival record isn't good enough because you personally don't want to count the Bumper as a real race.

Or your "miscalculated" Mullins strike rates.

Or your attempt to establish collateral form lines between Kauto Star and Denman based on 50+ length defeats of Ollie Magern (and even then conveniently ignored Kauto's most recent defeat of him, because it didn't fit your point).

Or where you claimed that it's impossible to criticise Irish based jockeys on here based on your tiny, tiny experience of the entirety of discussion that there's been on here.

And that's just the last few days...
Archie's Principle (just before Archimedes in all good text books):

'If it smells like a troll, looks like a troll and sounds like a troll - it probably is a troll.'

Where's Great Big Billygoat Gruff when you need him?
Originally posted by useful@Feb 22 2008, 01:04 PM
As I have told people on here before, I live in the UK but was born in Ireland (Strandhill to be exact), was raised in the UK but hold Irish citizenship and an Irish passport. I am a Catholic and a proud supporter of Celtic Football Club and Sligo Rovers
Good to see more Sligo people and Rovers fans posting here, Parents live out on the Strandhill Rd, but i havent really lived there for years!!
Did his absolute best to dog it in the handicap hurdle at Naas again today. Good ride by Russell.

Apparently the National is the target now.