I'm not sure what sort of respect I'm supposed to show for Ian Brady or al-Megrahi, SS, to name but two prize bastards most people would gladly personally lynch. Or those who are wilfully and stupidly self-destructive because they've got far too much money and no respect for themselves. In a very few years, I'll be putting my own name forward - I don't hold Death in the awe some folks might do.
In fact, if I don't get the freakin' money for my flat in a few days, consider me a candidate for self combustion during yet another rant about incompetence and the over-regard solicitors have for themselves.
I don't think a Dead Pool is supposed to be tasteful - personally, unless it's just plain vicious, I look on it more as a laugh in the face of what's coming our way some time. I seem to have a rather higher number of unwell friends and colleagues this year, one or two who are in the process of dying slowly, but I never think of the departure process as tasteful or not tasteful - just inevitable. But I was brought up with a mother with a very biting sense of humour, and a father whose idea of a laugh was stalking me round the house doing a Zombie walk with his eyes rolled back, or belching out the town name "BULAwayo!", so maybe my sense of what's funny or tasteful is a bit off-centre!