Denman Jockey ?


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
Definately in my opinion. I would keep him if he was my horse
Suits the horse perfectly.
And as Ruby said "how can you get off a Gold Cup Winner?"
Harry seems the loyal type too
Most Definately......Sam obviously gets on so well with Denman ...Why change a winning Patnership !!! :)
tommo asked ruby if he would ride Denman now, and ruby's response was "thats the most supide question ive ever been asked" thommo said, "i know but i had to ask it" ruby replied, "no you didnt" great stuff.
It would be very unfair to jock Sam off now imo. He's done everything right on the horse
I would be very surprised if Findlay permitted it, too
Originally posted by Melendez@Mar 15 2008, 10:47 AM
I'd have Ruby back up at the first opportunity.
Why? Could Ruby have ridden him any better than Sam did yesterday? No is the answer.
Ruby Walsh is a better jockey than Sam Thomas. This does not detract from Sam's ride yesterday.

I would want the best jockey up when he was available.

Whether Harry Findlay thinks like that is a different matter.
They would be mad to take Sam off Denman. I don't believe Ruby will now be given the choice on this one. Thomas has struck up such a partnership with Denman. Ruby may be a better all-round jockey on other horses but he couldn't have ridden this horse any better than Thomas.
it doesn't really matter about who has the most ability, when a horse strikes up a good rapport with a jockey it's worth it's weight in gold

foolish to tamper imho
I would hate to think Nicholl's would even consider changing jockeys unless Sam is injured (God forbid) before Denman's next race. I know personally how much a jockey can improve a horse and if Denman and Thomas have struck up a partnership then why change it?

The best way a jockey can do to impress an owner and a trainer is to win and keep winning. Sam deserves to keep this ride as long as the owners and the trainer are happy with his performance.
I think hes probably not as easy as he looks. It makes perfect sense to stay with a jockey whos gained familiarity and has done all that can be asked

Same applies to Kauto and its not like hes out of the picture is it?
If I were Sam I would be looking to see if there was a number one job available, forget about loyalty nowadays, that disappeared long ago.
He's said himself over the last few days that Number 2 at Ditcheat is as good as and maybe better than Number 1 elsewhere. Where else could compare with the rides he gets on a regular basis?
Not sure it's Ruby's choice to make he can hardly say "actually I think I'll just stick to Kauto thanks Harry" - he'd possibly lose the ride on the other Findlay horses and the Barber one's too, the likes of Big Fella Thanks, Herecomesthetruth, Elusive Dream, Gungadu and anything else they might get over from Ireland in the next few years.
itsa unique situation & one which im sure they will solve amicvably as they are all great sportsmen. judging by the hug harry & sam had inthe winners enclosure, i can't see sam getting jocked off. also i dont think ruby would do that, he doesnt seem the glory type.