Dia Dhuit!


I've booked my ashes for a special place in Offaly. Good riddance to (about 97.5 percent) of the British Middle Classes and all their heroes to boot.

Margaret Pyne, Jane Garfield and the lady who now runs Marylebone Police Station.
I know you'll never forget me.

I've made many points, hurt many ego's, and showed what talent I had for the past 33 years. :)

God bless the British, god bless them.
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A bastardward they said, but I disagreed.

Even if I was, I was still their Bastardward, afterall. :)
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Nah. He was about 30 years old according to mum, Grey. That's it. That would mean he was born about 1954/1955 (ish) as I was born in 1985.

I have to say, if he left because he didn't want to pay child maintainance then I wouldn't want to meet him anyway.

There's also a possibility that if he came from a Catholic family in Southern Ireland then having a baby to a Protestant woman in England might have got him in major trouble.

I'm not that desperate to know, I just thought it was strange that he never even came back to the flat he knew I lived, right opposite the entrance to Highgate Cemetery, since I was born.

He used to drink in a pub called the Archway Tavern, which is where my mum met him. He always had a lot of Irishmen with him.

Apparantly they used to walk round the pub with tins, saying 'collecting for Sinn Fein'.

Just saying what I've been told.
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To give you an idea of the numbers, Marble.

In the 1911 Census, which is available online, there were 290 McCormacks in Kings County (tne pre-independence name for County Offaly). The numbers in 1956 would have been lower if anything because the population of the country as a whole was decreasing during that period.

So if your information is correct, your father can only have been one a few dozen male McCormacks born in that county in the 1950s. And if his name really was Gerard McCormack there can only be literally a handful at most.

Feel welcome to PM me if you would like to try and take this further.
I appreciate your help, Grey. It has been an awful long time. I'll have a think about it.