
It's not like a 3 mile chase though is it.

Like Rory says most jockeys are going to be low in the saddle and furiously stoking their mounts up. You wouldn't too impressed if your jockey was looking round for a flag man in a 5F sprint.

Anyone know what Betfairs decision has been? The PMU appear to be letting bets struck stand, but in reality any new money is just goign to drive the pool down so it's a bit misleading I'd have thought
Well I looked about an hour and my bet was still left running rather than voided. They'll just stick a heavy deduction factor on it I suppose then? Was hoping to use Desert Lord to set the pace though for the highly drawn group, and now he's not there, which means the South African horse will do the honours for lower drawns animals instead.
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Will they deduct from antepost bets on Betfair, on Marchand d'Or? what a star he is!
He had the least hard time at 1.15 of the principals so I topped up a bit just before the race

PS terrific run form Moorhouse Lad too - really pleased for Brian Smart who's had a hard time and come through it
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Race was run in 54.4 seconds. Only Habibti in 1983 has gone faster (and then just by 0.1s) since at least 1972.
Will they deduct from antepost bets on Betfair, on Marchand d'Or? what a star he is!

There is no such thing as a deduction from Ante Post bets, and no bookmaker has the power to apply one. On the subject, am I the only punter here to have done my nuts (in some style, too) backing Overdose in the AP market?
Think it was a farce myself, race should just have been voided rather than re-run.

Overdose however stated his ability and was very impressive. Would have won the re-run aswell if he hadn't of been fully exerted in the first running.
Overdose's time was 54,0

If you take that at face value then the Hungarian runner was the moral winner ~ did I mention that I laid Marchand D'Or as well as backing Overdose? The P/L differential between victory for Overdose and for Marchand d'Or would pay my rent well into 2010 by my reckoning.
That's exceptionally hard luck Rory. We don't know of course that Marchand d'Or wouldn't have been able to pull out a bit extra.

My guess is that he might well have done - but now we shall never know. Another bummer is that we were cheated of what would have been a great showdown between them, and the best sprint in a while anywhere
There is no such thing as a deduction from Ante Post bets, and no bookmaker has the power to apply one. On the subject, am I the only punter here to have done my nuts (in some style, too) backing Overdose in the AP market?
No your not Rory. The horse is a monster - even allowing for MD pulling up and the others easing off he was 5 clear when National Colour etc. where being eased in the final furlong.

MD's turn of foot is one of the best i've seen, yet Overdose would still have been a length or so up on him.

Only thing for it now is prices for next year's racing and this years BC if they go there (and cough up the nomination fee I presume).
I would have said it grossly distressing for Rory (who must be allowed time to convalesce) rather than be subjected to such shock therapy treatment, so soon after this traumatic experience

In truth I'm not sure how relevant the clips are as there was a strong tailwind blustering around and that showed up in the race time. The only way we can know who put up the better performance would be through sectional times (if anyone has access to them?). My suspicion is that Overdose's final fraction might have been slightly slower than if he'd be required to go full pelt. Its always difficult on the sprint course at Longchamp as the camera angle isn't really designed for the television viewer, but I think I detect a quick attempt being made to try and ease the horse or pull him up, albeit with a small snatch, before the jockey quickly realises its a hopeless task and reckons the safer option for both man and beast is to let the horse see his race out?
Look at how Marchand d'Or picked them up - Overdose would have been another sitting duck for him.
Overdose was 4 or 5 clear with half a furlong to run. MD would have got closer than the others did but sadly that wouldn't have been good enough.