
There was an almighty tail wind yesterday, I was stood at the winning post for both races and it was very strong. Did Overdose seriously run the first race in 54 secs flat though because that is obscene?!

Strike Up The Band ran a corker in both given his ability and how much the first race must have taken it out of him.
By the way, the PMU voided all bets and re-installed the race as course 9, I think most bookmakers voided bets on the race, I know Stan James did, I had 100 ew on Marchard D'Or at 7/2 for it to be voided, but couldn't back at 6/4.

Don't think anything would have beat overdose.
I backed Overdose on course and as soon as they announced that they would refund the stakes I went to the PMU counter to collect. This was the first time that I checked the ticket (my fault I know) only to see that the clerk had entered my stake wrongly (had taken the full amount) and thus I was refunded less than I staked. Double whammy.

The only saving grace being that excesses of the previous week meant that stakes were pretty limited anyway.
I had a few bob on Overdose myself and thought he had blown it in the parade ring beforehand as he got very worked up. But he had calmed down a bit at the start and looking at a few of his races on You Tube tonight it looks a trait. He is very speedy and if he can learn to settle a little he will be even better next year. But it is very difficult to compare how he raced with how he might have raced. One was a reasonably even pace and the other would have been flat out all the way. We will never know now but at the time I was happy to get my refund!!
I had a few bob on Overdose ....
But it is very difficult to compare how he raced with how he might have raced. One was a reasonably even pace and the other would have been flat out all the way. We will never know now ...

Exactly. I think it's unwise to be categorical. We just don't know, and won't until they meet. The time of the 'first' race is indicative, but I wonder how sure we can be about any times from a French race :rolleyes:
from trf
"All I know is that Overdose broke the course record (that's official), but the time that was mentioned (this isn't official) was 54.14. "
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If he is that good then connections shouldn't fret too much as, if he trains on, he will mop everything up next year.
Overdose always gets worked up before his races and has been sweating every time I saw him running so far. Connection are keen to take him to HongKong end of year.