Donald Trump - First State Visit

  • Thread starter Thread starter SlimChance
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Much more interested in the "golden shower footage to appear on red tube at 4/1". The footage not the odds.
Wonder if it would be considered a "contingency" bet if I doubled the golden shower footage with Trump to be impeached in first six months of presidency.
Here's my revised rationale/ advice then.

Slovenia has been proposed as a summit venue by Putin. Trump might want to project power ahead of this meeting. Don't be shocked therefore if he touches down in Poland or Estonia first to do a visit the troops type of thing. Both countries are under threat from Russia, and both meet their 2% NATO target. It's the sort of ballsy thing Trump would do ahead of the negotiations (a tactic etc). He's also likely to get a warm reception in both countries (which makes them almost unique on planet Earth). Trump playing the roll of the seventh cavalry flying in to be greeted with cheering crowds is just the sort of thing he'd suck up and milk. Poland's already invited him
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That's not a state visit, that's just an administrative trip, and he's only turning up because Tillerson has decided to go to Moscow instead
The article says it's a meeting of NATO heads of state, but I take your point that it's not a State visit.