Dougal Alexander RIP

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It's not crass. I'm just saying, being around people is better than a forum when you're going through tough times. And I appreciate you listing your humanitarian achievements but others may be doing the exact same but just say nothing.
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It's not crass. I'm just saying, being around people is better than a forum when you're going through tough times. And I appreciate you listing your humanitarian achievements but others may be doing the exact same but just say nothing.

Then why not say that? It read as very flippant and waspish - and it did sting - hence the response - which got another waspish one from you.

Why don't we just call it quits and leave each other alone? We obviously have different ways of expressing ourselves and just rub each other up the wrong way.

As you say, each to his own. I prefer virtual people.
Ignore him..what nob head. SlimChance.kick me around if you're in a bad mood, not someone that's had a shitty few days....
Real people ask children to recite the Koran before shooting them in the face

Give me a cat any day

You walked straight into a lamppost there slim. Those that volunteer to care for cancer patients (and I've experienced this through my sister) are the absolute top of the pile in my opinion.

Your only interaction with humans is screaming and stamping at a bookies cashier because you couldn't get on after the off ....
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Real people ask children to recite the Koran before shooting them in the face

You walked straight into a lamppost there slim. Those that volunteer to care for cancer patients (and I've experienced this through my sister) are the absolute top of the pile in my opinion.

And I've said differently?
Thanks to everyone for their PM's. This thread was meant for Dougal's followers, some of whom have been inspired by his fight to give their own pets a fighting chance when the dreaded "C word" is diagnosed. My very best wishes to you all.
I loved those pics of him Red, he was a really handsome guy. Like so many cats he maintained his dignity even during all the chemo.

It took me absolutely ages to stop mourning the loss of our stripey wild and crazy guy who met with an accident a couple of years ago on Guy Fawkes weekend. I can imagine that receiving Dougal's new present in the post would have been awful for you.

It does get easier, but it takes a VERY long time.

The garden in his memory sounds great, it will also give you a place that rem inds you of him - and is lovely to look at. And you are right, if you move about a bit it is risky to bury them. I can't move now or I will want to dig up half our small garden, we've a few friends buried there. After 6 years I still have the ashes of my all time favourite companion still in an old carved wooden box. I'm not ready to let them go yet.

I was at one point good friends with David Elsworth and was stunned once to come upon a large wooden box in his study bearing the ashes of his favourite, Persian Punch. So, we are in good company (at least I think so) amongst those who have mourned their lost companions.
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