Dream Alliance


At the Start
Jan 19, 2006
Following an incident during the 3.25 at Aintree , Dream Alliance ( a horse I own in partnership) suffered a severed tendon when he struck into himself jumping one of the hurdles.
He has been operated on and we are awiting the outcome but the Vet surgeon has indicated it is highly unlikely he will ever race again.
Some of you will recall DA finishing second behind Denman in the 2007 Hennessy , which we had hoped would be a real stepping stone towards better things. His subsequent three races in The Welsh National , a Graduation Chase at Exeter and The Racing Post Chase at Kempton were frustrating affairs which may have been caused by a recurrence of a slight back problem.
Anyways he seemed his old self at Aintree and was cruising along on the heels of the leaders when he suffered the injury.

I had the pleasure of following him all over the UK from my home near Glasgow , and if this turns out to be his last race then it will not take away the enjoyment of seeing him win Perth's richest ever race last April or of rubbing shoulders with the racing royalty at The Hennessy .

If he doesn't make it back , I'd just like to say it's been worth every single minute.
Sorry to hear that, hope your horse finds an alternative purpose in life. Must have been great to have a share in such a horse with plenty of good memories.

Thanks for letting us know.
Sorry to hear of the injury. Unfortunately it is a risk in this game but that doesn't make it easier to bear.
Now you have enjoyed a brief but exciting period of ownership will you be seeking another horse?
Always sad when any horse is injured but particularly when it's a good un. But that is horses for you and lets hope that if this is his last run, he finds a happy home and you find a new recruit.
So sorry to hear that gordhogg. Like quite a few on here, I'd been following him in all his races, and felt sorry that he hadn't quite done the biz since the Hennessy. No doubt you'll have a few vets' bills while he gets well again, but as you say he's given you a great time and I'm sure you'll do the right thing by him.

What a game of swings and roundabouts - it sure teaches you a lot about life, fate, and the meaning of everything :rolleyes:
We saw Dream Alliance after the races, when he was limping into the ambulance van; he was very very sore and on three legs basically. Sad sight. I really hope he will be able to enjoy a decent life with no pain in due course.
So sorry to hear that, Gordhogg. Saw him in the paddock and he looked great. Hope he comes back well enough to enjoy retirement.
Just like to add to the sentiments already expressed. Hope he's able to have a decent retirement.
Thanks for all your kind thoughts . Will keep you posted . We haven't given up hope yet (I am one of those who kept thinking Monsignor was coming back) , but the horse's welfare comes first.
Sorry to hear the horse has been injured, thanks for the update and all the best of luck to you - really hope he can have a comfortable and productive retirement if his racing days are over.

Fingers crossed for you!
Hope your horse is ok after his surgery ....keep us posted on how he gets on :)
Sad news about his injury. I hope his operation gives him a real chance of a long and happy retirement.
I was actually at Haydock the day he won his novice hurdle and it will be a shame if what looked a promising career is curtailed prematurely.

New Update - The aftermath of the surgery performed by the Vet Surgeon in Liverpool after DA's injury revealed that the tissue around the tendon has not healed.Consequently we are going to have some pioneering stem cell surgery later this month which is a long shot but we feel is worth a try. If it works then he may come back in around 15 months , and if it doesn't work Philip says he'll have no problem getting DA a position as a police horse or ceremonial horse (based on his superb temperament).

I'll keep the forum up to date with his progress.
Sorry to hear that the latest news ~ I'm a little dubious of stem cell treatment, but if the owners are happy to proceed then I wish you all the best.
It was great to have him back on the racecourse and only time will tell whether he has retained his ability following the injury, surgery and rehabilitation. I thought young Giles gave him a super ride too.
stumbled over his name the other day too. we were in newbury the day he finshed 2nd to denman in the hennessy, a race that obviously took its toll on him; and he was asked some very stiff questions after that particular race in my opinion. i watched his "comeback" run with great interest and thought the ride was ok, but too hard, jockey was far too whip-happy (again, in my opinion, and I am not an anonymous writer as such) , but it was great to see him back, and I do hope he can built up on that.
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hats off. wouldnt have touched him with fake money, but full marks for connections - and the horse of course !! - for hanging on to him, and great reward.

many congratulations !
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