Ellen Macarthur

To be perfectly honest, I couldn't be less interested and I can't help feeling I'm not alone in this - the media behave as if the nation is obsessed by this but, outside the media, I haven't heard anyone say a word about it.
Can't look at her without seeing Dead Ringers.

And what is this phrase "getting out of the wrong side of bed" all about? I would imagine that if I got out of the wrong side of bed, I would simply traverse to the correct side of bed, and perhaps mildly admonish myself for forgetting which side the door lay on.
If Ellen got out of the wrong side of the bed earlier this week, she may not be celebrating her world record today! :D :blink:

Roll..... splash..... oops! :cry:
I hear that when she found her berth and tied her boat up finally, because there was no longer any wind (and any generators powering fans had long been switched off) she began to feel the heat of the south coast sun. So, all together now:

"Macarthur's parked and sweltering in the dock...."

And then her skin went all spotty and itchy and she went to the medic who sang:

Ellen...Ellen weals, ain't nobody else gonna know the way she feels.
she did milk it I thought regards the celebration for one so tired and exhausted ? was this the P.R. who paid out all the monies the likes of B&Q & bolly? for champers and the wet suit manufacturer etc etc
but you can't really knock the achievment as such, regardless............
A wonderful achievement - full marks to her. She thoroughly deserves all the accolades, damehoods etc that she's receiving.

This being Britain of course, we have the usual miseries like Ian Davies (why am I not surprised by his posting?) trying to knock her off her pedestal almost before she's got onto it.

In any other country in the world she would be receiving universal acclaim, and rightly so.
A wonderful achievement - full marks to her. She thoroughly deserves all the accolades, damehoods etc that she's receiving.

This being Britain of course, we have the usual miseries like Ian Davies (why am I not surprised by his posting?) trying to knock her off her pedestal almost before she's got onto it.

In any other country in the world she would be receiving universal acclaim, and rightly so.

In total agreement with you on this Venusian, if members like Ian and Colin don't have any interest in this special occassion, why bother posting on the subject.

Merlin, she deserves all the attention, like it or lump it! :lol:
Remember, Ellen is only 28 years old too. She has been sailing since she was about 8 years old so it is an immense achievement for so many reasons.

Compare her with the likes of Jordan, Kate Moss, and think long and hard who should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country tomorrow morning -and I mean the tabloids too.

I bet Kate Moss's latest druggy boyfriend will still be there along with the latest episode in the Michael Jackson court case or Jordan telling everyone how she wants to win the Eurovision song contest this year and the details of the latest fad diet sweeping the country ;) It makes my blood boil. :angy:
A particularly generalisation-ridden posting, even by Venusian's standards. :lol:

It seemed a pointless, totally uninteresting, exercise to me - it's not as if she's discovered a cure for a disease.

It was a self-indulgent ego trip, of no value to mankind whatsoever.

Lots of genuinely meaningful achievements, by both men and women of various nationalities, to celebrate in this world, but not this nonsense. :lol:
I wonder if any of the begrudgers on here have any experience of the awesome power of the sea.
I have always lived close to the sea and have developed a healthy respect for it.
I have followed Ellen's trip daily on her web site and while I will admit to finding her constant moaning about conditions a bit tiresome I think all you Brits should be very proud of what this 28 yr old has achieved---it took some determination to sail that yoke with so little sleep for 71 days----I know what I feel like when I dont get my shuteye---nearly as bad as suicidal Colin who sounds like he needs help by the way!!!
Wonderful acheivement?

Has she improved anyone's life, except her own.

I have no time for people who put their life in danger and then when things go wrong for someone else to risk their lives to save them.

When people go pot-holing or mountain-climbing or setting out to sea without proper safety measures and the rescue services have to be called out to rescue them, who pays for the rescue services. I feel these people who indulge themselves should be charged for the rescue services that are called out.

As you can tell I'm not impressed with these misadventures, I appreciate that not all feel the same way as I do on this but I am entitled to this opinion.

Yours with the greatest respect,



I am listening to Radio 5 at the moment and am informed that she may well receive 3-5 million pounds sponsorship for this little self-indulgence.

I appreciate my life too much to contemplate suicide or to attempt to sail around the world solo.

When one of your children has a serious illness and you are told that she has a life-threatening condition I think it puts life into perspective.

I may well need help but I don't think you know enough about me to make that comment.

Yours with the greatest respect,

Ok, call me a miserable bitch (as I know plenty do!) but I can't help but agree in a way with both Colin & Ian. Ok, what she did was pretty impressive but I personally can't see what about it means that she should be honoured as a hero. As Ian says, she hasn't discovered a cure for anything or helped anyone in any particular way, she has achieved a personal ambition.
.. and broken a world record. Quite an achievement (I think) for a 28 year old, female, lone British sailor. It is not just the physical achivement for me, but the mental achievement of being physically on your own for 71 days at the mercy of the sea. That takes some doing in my book.

Not so sure about making her a Dame to be honest, and if they were, at least wait until the dust settles.

As for the money, she deserves every penny! I love the thought that people can set out to achieve personal goals, and in such a way. She has milked this for every penny, and why on earth not. She has found something she excels at and proved to herself and everyone else that she really is a world class, round the world sailor. I hope she basks in this achievement for many months and years to come. What a story to tell her grandchildren, if she can ever find a boyfriend who doesn't mind her nipping off round the world for 71 days at a time - or perhaps 70 next time. B)

By the way, she does look really miserable most of the time! :blink:
I can't say that Ellen Macarthur freezing her arse off in boat for the last God-knows how long has inspired me to do anything except shiver.....
Do you reckon there's any chance she stopped off for an hour or two somewhere along the way to "stock up" with illegal goods? I mean, what's an hour or two off the record. Realised that in all her round the world sailings, she's never once been stopped by customs and the boat searched. You never know, those hull's could hold an awful big stash B)
I'm totally with Colin re mountaineers and potholers etc - if we all behaved so irresponsibly the emergency services wouldn't be able to cope.

I don't object to what others do, providing it doesn't adversely impact upon others, and that includes people who want to go off on daft voyages.

But I find it neither impressive nor praiseworthy nor life enriching for anyone other than the participant.

If in 2006, England win the World Cup with a winning goal from Wayne Rooney, while I will be in raptures, I can well imagine Venusian - no lover of ''the beautiful game,'' he :lol: - pouring cold water on it.

Will that be because he suffers from the ''British Disease,'' as he erroneously suggests I do?

Of course not, it will simply be because he's a loveable old snob with double standards. :lol:
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Feb 8 2005, 05:17 PM

I have no time for people who put their life in danger and then when things go wrong for someone else to risk their lives to save them.

When people go pot-holing or mountain-climbing or setting out to sea without proper safety measures and the rescue services have to be called out to rescue them, who pays for the rescue services. I feel these people who indulge themselves should be charged for the rescue services that are called out.

As you can tell I'm not impressed with these misadventures, I appreciate that not all feel the same way as I do on this but I am entitled to this opinion.

Yours with the greatest respect,



I am listening to Radio 5 at the moment and am informed that she may well receive 3-5 million pounds sponsorship for this little self-indulgence.
Ho yes can only support your thinking here..... would they if needing to be rescued be charged for it?

I see they sent out a Nimrod (long distance flyer for the uniniated) to film her obviously it was you and I who paid for that indirectely!! through the licence it was deemed as NEWS.......

But these other things they should be charged the same as someone in a ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT by the hospital authorities with a plus.... not that I agree with hospitals charging for RTA's it may just be you!! and you may be doing your job or going to do retail therapy? not playing games..............
but why should others risk their lives for someone playing cowboys and indians or whatever they play underground and on MOUTAIN TOPS they should be made to take out insurance for it...........
I think what she has done is magnificent. Having once braved the waves on the deck of a steamer from Glasgow to Belfast, I can assure you rounding the Horn on your Tod must run Picolax pretty close for effectiveness.

And wasn't Robin Knox-Johnston fantastic in his appreciation of her achievement on TV tonight.