Epsom blows its top...

...doesn't sound good... who did the design/construction? If they're putting new tenders out I'd like to mention my garden shed (that I built) was still standing earlier today (roof and all!).
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Actually, the rolling news on the Beeb now says 'part of' its roof, but even so, that'll be terribly costly to repair. Steve, get in there!

I'll be surprised if a few more of those beautifully-designed tops don't come off other stands and buildings - they look like the tops of parachutes, and I imagine if the direction's right and the blast gets under them, then away they go.
I wouldn't be surprised if those sail-shaped roofs to the OTs Bar, etc., soared off over the Solent, Colin! It's absolutely wild here in Brighton - a tv aerial has snapped across the road, but apart from lashing rain and wiiiiild winds, don't know what damage has occurred. Bad scenes on telly of a crushed bus in Surrey - it was only a single-storey blue bus, and the tree was a massive oak. Dramatic picture - it's a huge tree and the cab of the bus looked pressed flat. The poor driver is severely injured, it seems. What a way to kick off the New Year for him and his family.

There's hardly any traffic through town today - I imagine some roads locally might be closed due to trees down, and a lot of people thinking it not worth the risk trying to drive in the weather.
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The first clerk of the course at Epsom was Henry Dorling. Dorling leased the grandstand from the racecourse for the mighty sum of £1,000 per year. He installed his printing business in part of it and used another part as a residence for his family. One of his stepchildren happened to be the future Mrs Beeton, who I'm sure would not have been impressed to hear today's news. I'm sure it would never have been allowed to happen in her day.
Hope Spurs are still playing tonight, apparently later this afternoon it will be “mostly dry with bright or sunny spells developing” in the SE “…winds easing slightly overnight. A dry night for most parts with clear skies for much of the night”.

A brave forecast, have they seen it outside now.
Ayr racecourse needs to hang its head in shame today also....horseboxes struggling to get there due to trees down all over....."keep going racing is still on". Friends ended up turning round for their own safety, they were then told "racing still goes ahead but its too dangerous for lads to go int the racecourse stables" WTF?!?!?! so its fine for horses to gallop round and jump fences !!! Then they finally abandon due to their PA system not working. Absolute disaster on their part.
Oooh, the multi-million Duchess! I've been in that for a free nosh (courtesy of a r/c employee) and it's very impressive, but there you go. I liked that wonderful quote, Steve - surely part of the stand hasn't sailed away? Look out, Michael Attwater! You might have a tasteful addition to the house at Tatts Corner!

Love: there's no way horseboxes should be out in this. They're high-sided vehicles and enough of those are on their sides. We just had the most incredibly strong squall - I really thought it was snowing! - God knows what speed it went at. It's still solidly raining but the wind's dropped a bit since earlier, here in East Sussex.
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It's a bit of wind, get out there and continue with your lives.

Made me laugh when you said Horseboxes shouldn't be out in this, my mother aged 92 is out getting her bread and milk - if she was a horse we'd all be happy right?.

Lets not overcompensate and over accomdate horses, after all they are animals that don't know the time of day! please, if only some of these owners invested that sort of money into the accomdation of the old.
Wonderfully patronising, Brucie - you have no idea how many elderly family members owners and other connections accommodate. As for the old, when they are of no further use, and certainly also don't know the time of day, they should, like horses who break their legs, be shot. I have no problem with old people dying.
Hope Spurs are still playing tonight, apparently later this afternoon it will be “mostly dry with bright or sunny spells developing” in the SE “…winds easing slightly overnight. A dry night for most parts with clear skies for much of the night”.

A brave forecast, have they seen it outside now.

...hang on. It's 13.20 and the sun's out and the wind has dropped... You would have been burnt at the stake for that prediction in the Middle Ages.
You've got sun in Surrey? How very dare you! But the wind just dropped like Paul Doe's hands, and there's not a drop of the wet stuff to be seen. Why, I might even get dressed and venture outside!
As for the old, when they are of no further use, and certainly also don't know the time of day, they should, like horses who break their legs, be shot. I have no problem with old people dying.

God forbid you reach this position Krizon, I do hope your conscience about what you wrote here doesn't eat away at you.

I've personally had to look after someone that couldn't wash, eat, drink, dress - you name it! it's an awful life to live but the last thing I'd want is them to be shot and nor should they be given the impression they have no use in this life.
I have left strict instructions for myself to be shot, Bruce. I have no intention of being patronised to death by do-gooders or being a burden to the taxpayer. I don't know if my organs are going to be usable (I'm on the organ donor list and have inquired about the possibility of making a live donation if it's possible), so, if not, my remains are to be sliced 'n' diced by medical students or shoved onto a body farm for forensics trainees to admire its gooey decomposition. Either way, I ain't hanging about. My conscience - whatever that is - tells me that it's entirely wrong for people to suffer what is often a very painful and debilitating demise, believing they're a useless burden to their families, if they have a functioning brain to think with. You have a problem with any of that, that's your view, not mine.

As for the horsebox issue: you're quite right that horses don't know the time of day. That's why they're not trusted to drive themselves to racecourses. They'd have no sense of when the first race was due off. So humans are employed to do that, and that's whose life would be at risk were the box to be turned over. I'm surprised your conscience didn't tweak you on that.

That's some late baby! That's the problem with spoofing - remembering what stories you spun early on. Like "I don't gamble" meaning "I don't gamble every day" when one's constant discussions about betting issues are challenged.

Of course, regardless of age, a human being has a better chance of staying upright in high winds than a horsebox, unless Mommie Dearest is of particularly spectacular proportions...
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That's some late baby! That's the problem with spoofing - remembering what stories you spun early on. Like "I don't gamble" meaning "I don't gamble every day" when one's constant discussions about betting issues are challenged.

Of course, regardless of age, a human being has a better chance of staying upright in high winds than a horsebox, unless Mommie Dearest is of particularly spectacular proportions...

A rather insulting and patronising approach towards someones loved one.

You know how to kick a man when they're down.