
Dims - :lol: :lol: Love it!

I haven't seen Slipknot, but thank goodness the winner wasn't yet another gold-and-sequins load of 'Come Dancing' costume rejects with similarly-lairy voices. Well done, gallant little Finland. Cue nice song from Monty Python:

"Finland, Finland, Finland
That's where I want to be... "

Also Grieg's 'Finlandia' and, er, um, oooh... bound to be lots more songs and tunes about the place, surely!
DISGRACEFUL SHITE. we cant be paying licence monies for that surely.............and WOGAN has past his sell by date... get it off our T/V sets for gods sake.... :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
Originally posted by Warbler@May 17 2006, 10:06 PM

I'm predicting a win for a catchy tune, sung by a half naked girlie, with a few male dancers, from a country ending in the letters IA.

Another stunningly accurate prediction. :lol: Looks like the winners were a cross between extras from Dr Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Grieg was Norweigan Kriz me thinkz (Peer Gynt) Jean Sibelius? :D
Some people have no taste. WOGAN IS CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As he stated himself, ' no one on British radio has ever had such an effect on the milking herds of this country' !!!!
Wasn't 'Finlandia' composed by Grieg, Warbler? It's not the nationality of the composer I'm thinking of, it's - I know, a bit radical, this - the fact that apart from 'Finland' x Monty Python I can't think of any other songs or music about the country.
I haven't checked in honesty Kriz, but if confronted with the question in a pub quiz I'd plump for Sibelius. I suppose Karelia is a region of Southern Finland so I could invoke that in the event of being wrong as I'm sure Sibelius was responsible for that?
I was prepared to venture the humble opinion that there was every chance that 19th century Edvard Grieg never even set foot in Finland Ven, as there would seemingly be little cultural or political reason for him to do so? I pulled up however, when realising that my logic was going to fall down when it became apparent that neither would Gustav Holst have visited the planet Jupiter
DO, I thought that Russian entry was only bettered by Spain for having lost the plot. Creased me up every time they got 12 points. :D
Sibelius did indeed, Ven - I ought to know because we had an LP of 'Finlandia' which my mother played VERY frequently!

Warbler, if composers were limited to only writing music based on direct experience, there'd be very little left to listen to, just as there'd only be a handful of novelists and poets, and I'm not sure what would be left of 'great art', either - I somehow doubt that da Vinci really sat in on the Last Supper, don't you? :brows:
Originally posted by krizon@May 21 2006, 10:00 AM
I somehow doubt that da Vinci really sat in on the Last Supper, don't you? :brows:
You mean he didn't??

So who got them all to pose like that?
Would possibly have spared us the ever burgeoning Dan Brown industry though? Not to mention just about anything by Salvador Dali
Dessie - silly-billy, they got that nice Mr. Bell to take a photo of them, didn't they, and then later on Mr. da Vinci found it in an old album, and decided it needed to be painted for posterity - since when it's been on millions of posters. Didn't you learn anything at school?

And OI! Warbler! You lay off old Salvador - my childhood hero. You try to attain (or better) the brushwork of 'The Persistence of Memory' some time. A far better artist than Picasso, and certainly every bit as innovative, but sadly pilloried by the over-intellectualising, arch and seriously untalented critics in this country, who failed to understand talent that also just wanted to have fun.
I'll conceed a few points on Dali, as I must admit to being pleasently surprised by some of his earlier work when indulging in a trawl around Spanish galleries a few years back. A gifted technician? yes. Innovative? to a point. I think it's necessary in the name of progress, that those who can, are encouraged to explore new boundaries and try and push back the frontiers thus. Having said that, it goes without saying that the pursuit of such ambition will occasionally flounder in ill advised follies, the continuation of which only serves to exacerbate the sense of lost contribution. I fear that's where Dali fits?

As regards the Warblers own artistic ability? it's not as bereft as you might imagine, for he possesses a creative streak, which in the name of stress relief, he was encouraged to channel onto canvas some years past. Suffice to say, if anyone tells you that painting is a relaxing past-time? it isn't!!! It's about as therapeutic as golf is when you 3 putt from 10ft :angy: Now where as comparing myself favourably with any world renowned artist, yet alone a classically trained one, or even a good to moderate amateur would be a tad disingenious :lol: I have suffered the angst of trying to 'get that likeness' to the point of obsessive distraction :cry: and have an appreciation and indeed, admiration of technical accomplishment. I am still haunted by a memory from studying a Degas pastel in Moscow and vowing never to try and paint a thing again, such was its genuis.

Luckily for you though, I don't possess the IT skills (come to think of it, I don't think I possess a camera capable either?) so your virtual tour of Warblers gallery will have to wait Kriz.