Festival Accommodation

We're considering staying in Bristol (x6, will have car.) Has anybody a logistic opinion in whether or not this is practacle?
Plenty stay in Bristol AC, but you'll have a nightmare getting out of the course with a car. Better to say in Cheltenham if you can. We stay in Stratford Upon Avon but come out of the Members Car Park which isn't quite as bad. Still hate the bloody queues though.
We stay in Cirencester with a minibus in and back. Depends what you want out of the week. Too close and it's mayhem, too far out and it's just another trip.
We don't care where anyone else is staying its all about me and grassy!!! ;);) I'd like a 4 bed victorian property in Prestbury. One without hedges please as my buddy does tend to struggle with them.
We don't care where anyone else is staying its all about me and grassy!!! ;);) I'd like a 4 bed victorian property in Prestbury. One without hedges please as my buddy does tend to struggle with them.

To be fair, that was an Unseat rather than a Falll.
We're considering staying in Bristol (x6, will have car.) Has anybody a logistic opinion in whether or not this is practacle?

Not practical as you'll all be drunk - get the train instead, you'll be wedged up come 17:40 every night.

Edit to add you should be able to get a season ticket on the train for seven days Bri-Chel for £70 each.
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One year we stayed in Stratford. It was the worst experience of my life and my bladder has still not shrunk back to the normal size. Good luck!
We're considering staying in Bristol (x6, will have car.) Has anybody a logistic opinion in whether or not this is practacle?

Totally practical
Park in Welland Lodge Road, off Prestbury Road; cut through the lane and you are on the road that leads to the course main entrance. 10 minute walk from car to course; no traffic, easy get away through town. Been doing this for 24 years. Trained it once, never again!
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Last few times I was there stayed in a 3 storey Georgian house directly behind the Queens-absolutely top class -in November the cost was £1400 stg for 3 nights which isn't as bad as it seems as it comfortably sleeps 8 and you can walk everywhere.
In March the cost would be £4K for the week.
Thanks for the ownersdirect link, pdleech.

As per previous, Liz Coe's website is so out-of-date about which properties are available, it is worse than useless.
I am going over for the Thursday and Friday this year with two others, I am looking to scab free tickets and hospitality off anyone and will promise people anything why want In return without actually following through on the promises, so if anyone wants to help me out AND be disappointed then drop me a note...!!
This is the first time I've re-written a post several times and though it was better to say nothing!
Do you have a designated driver for the week?

If not, my opinion is "Fu*ck that".

Two of my party are what we term 'Irish Homosexuals' - they like women more than drink. With two teetotallers - driving is not a problem and Harry's route looks great. The problem with non-drinkers driving is that they will sky-hook me out of Cheltenham by 10PM before Grey takes me to that dodgy nightclub I so love.

Thanks for the advice - I'll go the Bristol route.
Had a message

Hi Roger
What price is he looking to pay? Are they respectful and clean people? :ninja:


Thanks DG.

We've had zero complaints from the landlady who has looked after us for the last 6 or 7 years, and I'm sure she will be happy to provide a reference if needed.

Anything around two-grand for the week is in the ball-park, but we can be a little flexible on that, for the right gaff in the right spot.

She hasn't got back to me yet but the place is quite near the hospital, about two miles from the course