Findlay Warned off for 6mths

So he got off then. I particularly liked this cop out from the Appeals Board

"We consider that a fine, removing the extra profit made from the Chepstow affair, namely £4,500, will suffice in the particular circumstances of this case which obviously should not be regarded as a precedent by anyone covered by the Rule, contemplating a betting strategy involving lay betting."

Talk about sitting on the fence.

Modern day realities.
Modern day realities.

Well I'm already planning it. Get a horse into the jaws of the handicap. Have £10k on at all prices from 10/1 to 6/4. Then lay back £9,999 at 6/4. Net win bet. Then tell the jock "this thing is off for it's life but if you feel something is going better than you three out.....hit the flight and pull him up straight away. Sure I'll get my money back at worst and we preserve his mark for the next day. Make it look good though, I don't want them hauling me in to explain why you pulled him up when he was in second".

Lovely, that's a Big Fella Thanks from me.
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Well I'm already planning it. Get a horse into the jaws of the handicap. Have £10k on at all prices from 10/1 to 6/4. Then lay back £9,999 at 6/4. Net win bet. Then tell the jock "this thing is off for it's life but if you feel something is going better than you three out.....hit the flight and pull him up straight away. Sure I'll get my money back at worst and we preserve his mark for the next day. Make it look good though, I don't want them hauling me in to explain why you pulled him up when he was in second".

Lovely, that's a Big Fella Thanks from me.

Try doing it.
I am merely commenting on a subject I know about -unlike you.

You think ?? :lol::lol:

The use of over emotive words like 'devastate' doesn't equate to 'merely commenting' in my book. As for me knowing nothing about racing, I'm sure you're right :p
You think ?? :lol::lol:

The use of over emotive words like 'devastate' doesn't equate to 'merely commenting' in my book. As for me knowing nothing about racing, I'm sure you're right :p

You know nothing or virtually nothing about exchanges.Can you go and be hormonal somewhere else.
As someone who doesn't, and has freely admitted to not knowing about, betting markets - could I go back a few posts to the questions I asked about whether the rule, which people who know all about betting have said is ridiculous. I asked whether it could be adapted in any way (I can't see how it can, and that's not for want of thinking about it). No-one has done other than either say 'rules are rules', 'it's a ridiculous rule', 'things must be black and white' - all in very bald terms. So, there's no room for any variations? No way the rule can be flexed out to account for different betting situations by owners? Should owners be barred, per se, from laying their own horses? It would be interesting, since the issue has thrown up the subject, for someone ignorant like me to know why the rule can't be changed, or if it can, and how. Discussion - enlightenment, that's all.

Luke... come on. Play nice.
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"Songsheet urged Fareer forward, quietly, as she approached Luke's home. From inside, she could hear the sounds of ATR's Matt Chapman squealing excitedly. The small, light chariot with the sword-reinforced wheels and ground-to-ground missiles turned into the driveway... "
Any exchanges expert/s able to discuss the rule with the uninformed and clueless, please? I'd still like to roll the discussion around a bit, as per previous requests. If not, I'll call it a day on this one.
Try doing it.

Don't be so naive. There are much much harder things to do on the track. This is a relatively easy one. Here's the extract:

"The stewards enquired into the riding of NETBACKBET, pulled up two out. The stewards interviewed W.H.A. Wong, rider of NETBACKBET, who stated that his horse was travelling on and off the bridle and he felt he wasn't moving well. He also stated that when he made a mistake three out, he felt the horse lost his action five or six strides after the hurdle and eased him up, eventually pulling him up. A subsequent veterinary examination found the horse to be post race normal. The stewards accepted the explanation".

The the next day when he wins "The Stewards interviewed the trainer about the apparent improvement in the winner NETBACKBET. The trainer explained that he travelled much better today on the better ground and jumped well. The stewards accepted the explanation given".
For what it's worth, I like Harry Findlay despite his obvious flaws. I like Dave Nevison more, despite his flaws. Barry Dennis once did a nice thing in secret so isn't entirely objectionable, despite his many flaws. I don't know Gary Wiltshire but he always used to offer Shadow Leader over the odds because she looked like a sweet little girl, so at least we know what his flaws are.
For what it's worth, I like Harry Findlay despite his obvious flaws. I like Dave Nevison more, despite his flaws. Barry Dennis once did a nice thing in secret so isn't entirely objectionable, despite his many flaws. I don't know Gary Wiltshire but he always used to offer Shadow Leader over the odds because she looked like a sweet little girl, so at least we know what his flaws are.

sweet little thing?

ffs - she scares me to death on here:)
She does look like 'a sweet little girl', she's amusing, she's articulate, she's quietly and well-spoken. She just turns into the Incredible Hulkette on forums!
I think you are confused by your objectives.

Lost you now. What are my objectives? I'm using the example above to simply prove that you will be making it EASIER for those questionable individuals in racing as now you've given them a chance to guarantee they don't lose. Think of a Barney Curley gamble. He gets on early and the sheer landslide of public support then pushes the price down. He then lays off to those mugs and has a free bet on his horse. This is the best news he's ever heard.
The free bet shouldn't be a problem as long as the individual is a net backer.There is nothing wrong with having a "free" bet-Sir Peter o Sullevan believes it to be acceptable.