Food Fads/Crazes


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Following on from the 'Things I like' topic...

Currently, I am really into pitta bread crisped up on the slow plate of the Aga, served with any (more or less) of the Covent Garden soups. No idea why, as it's an unusually healthy choice for me but it defo fill the bill at the moment.
Have to say was deeply disappointed by two of Covent Garden's offerings, and didn't like them until I'd added a fair amount of seasoning and herbs. Thought they'd be really tasty, but they wuz not!
guilty as charged am afraid :whistle: Also mcdonalds, chinese, basically any kind of junk food and branston sweet onion chilli pickle on everything. Oh and coffee, I hate coffee but can drink about 6 cups a day, and i keep getting wrong but im addicted to red bull, its no wonder i can't sleep :rolleyes:
Rice Krispies with lots of sugar. The things these babies do to you! I'm the opposite with coffee though, from drinking 4-5 cups a day I've now completely gone off it.
Congrats, LE! You're the third 'baby' event, as it were, I know of in recent weeks. The wife of Lingfield's Clerk, Christine McKenzie-Ross, had a little boy rather early a few weeks ago (he's fine, but needed time in an incubator), and the Clerk of Great Yarmouth (was Brighton last year) visited and announced that he's got his wife in foal, so it's in the air at the moment. Hope all goes well for you. Is this No.1?
Many congrats to you LE and also Triptych (presumably ?!?) - hope it all goes well for you.

Was like you, T - I hate tea and always drink coffee but while pregnant, couldn't stomach it any price!

When are your foaling dates ? :cool:
Contgratulations LE and Triptych. Have you tried Dairylea and Wotsit sandwiches?

Should suit Trudi.

Has to be on white bread, though to make up a totally unhealthy addition to the diet.
Bloody hell - bad timing Triptych !

Mine was due same day as Grand National and my gynae did all his inductions on a Saturday after the end of the hunting season (we're talking about when they thought inductions were a safer option...:mad:). I wasn't happy when I heard that and so told him there was no chance of me coming in on April 9th, as I wanted to watch the National. Luckily, so did he and I was given permission to come in Sat after the race. We spent a lot of the time next morning discussing how the race had panned out!!
Thanks and congrats to you too Tryptych, im 28th october so ages away yet.... The last time I totally went off coffee it gave me terrible heartburn and havn't drunk it since but this time i'm addicted to it (and redbull), strange how things work, its probably why my mood swings are so shocking!!!! dairylea and wotsits, mmm sounds nice, thats if i can fight my pup off the wotsits :/ i cant eat vegetables either atm, its just all crap im going to be the size of a house, but usually i love pizza and fish and chips, cant even look at it, hate macds and chinese but loving it.
Congratulations to you both, that's lovely news. :)

Those cravings are very similar to what I had too, plus I was another one who couldn't drink coffee for love nor money. My little boy was due in or around Derby Day which I was NOT happy about but about three weeks before that we had to take a heavy trailer somewhere and later that evening (due to all the bumps and jumps in the jeep because of lugging the trailer) my waters broke and 48hrs later Joe arrived. Okay he was three weeks here before I was ready, but hey.... I got to see the Derby.:thumbsup:

Top Tip of the week: If you want an earlier birth........Get a trailer!:p
On past experience mine will prob arrive mid september so will have to be ready this time!

The best thing is u can blame baby for everything!! I rang him one night 3am is "I neeeeeed prawn crackers" "do u know what time it is" "yes but YOUR baby wants prawn crackers now!!" Get away with murder, even our everyday fallings out gets blamed on the mood swings I've not heard from him since he told me I get on his nerves and he doesn't care anymore oops, lol.

Have u chosen any names yet tryptych? Its about all we have decided so far everything else ends up in an argument!!
Congratulations to you too LE. No, we can't decide on a name, I think it's going to be a last minute decision. Little madam is breech at the moment too so if she refuses to turn it's a c-sect a week early - which is Derby Day!!!
She's got a few weeks yet but apparently the longer she stays this way the less likely she is to turn. I think she's starting as she means to go on - awkward!!!

And to add to the food fads, I must give a mention to blood oranges. Never in season for long they are around at the moment and are absolutely delicious.
It's time for your beddy-byes now - got to keep your strength up, you know. So have a nice raspberry jam and pickled herring sandwich to keep the night nadgers at bay, and a mug of green tea and Tabasco sauce!
Mmm pickled herrings.... He's just in the shower after fi n work at 11 I'l give him 10 mins to settle down an then start nagging for asda!!hahah as if I'd do that :o)

Aaw your having a girl, lovely, well we can't decide on boys I did say girl I chose boy he choses, and iv got my own way on girls name whcih his mam loves (good books!!) But I'l be buggered if I'm naming my kid after a vampire!!!! Still its def gonna be a girl so don't matter!