For once I'm trendy.

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
I see that it is now trendy to own a cocker spaniel as the Duchess of Cambridge has acquired one. Since we took in a 9 month old bitch, Pip, a couple of weeks ago, I assume that makes me trendy-ish.

Pip is one of a line that is specifically bred as a gun dog but was a little too soft and playful ( and perhaps slightly bonkers.) She frequently tries to be friends with our cat to no avail as the latter appears to resent the intruder.The cat is vicious, Pip is definitely not.
She readily responds to instuctions-possibly too readily in my mind-but her breeding and training comes into play when I take her into the fields. If she sees a large bird she is off like a guided missile on speed and she hurdles and jumps with a style and speed that would shame any racehorse. I am trying to devise a means of making money from that.

We get lots of pheasants around here and that should be interesting in due course. The only time I went shooting I didn't enjoy it but the thought has entered my mind.
From your trendy correspondent.
I prefer cats. Anything that obeys orders is a bit thick imo. Like the old russian saying. You can tell a cat what to do and they will listen to you intently. And then the opposite.

Max respect
I would imagine that being found browm bread in some bedsit after the neighbours complained about the smell, would bé a worry for quite a few here. So fair enough
I would imagine that being found browm bread in some bedsit after the neighbours complained about the smell, would bé a worry for quite a few here. So fair enough

Not planning to move from your place then? :D
No need. Unless the she left me decomposing for weeks on end. Possible i suppose
Getting a bit cheesed off now - 2yrs ago there were only two choc labs in the area (mine - the size of a horse! and a pint sized bitch!) and I swear its trebled - I just wish more of them were "whole" girls - the vet is keen for us to breed Jardine!!!
Was snuggling up with my 11yo rottweiler and 3yo basenji girl dog in bed last night.

After spending far too much time processing information from things like the internet, both at uni and at home, there's nothing like the natural energy and warmth you get from pets.

And to be fair Clivex, having a male rottie with his balls intact for over 10 years has provided plenty of a challenge!

He's actually the well behaved one, the girl is the one more likely to stick her tongue deep up your nostril or try and ransack the bins!:)
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