Forum member jailed - Chris Beek Racing - Kachina Racing

I'm very sad to hear that you have been feeling suicidal - I struggled for years with this until I managed to get put on the right meds.

My sister killed herself back in 2013 - so I know just how pointless it is. I made her watch It's a wonderful life the Christmas before she died and she had seemed to take the message at the time but it obviously didn't stick for a long term.

There is stuff to live for even if it doesn't seem so at times.

I am sorry for your loss Simmo. I've always struggled to be honest, even when things were good. I've never found meds work, neither has talking to professionals. I don't know why, often I just feel, a dark room and a good cry can sort out the mind. I don't doubt there are reasons to live, and people are right when they say you shouldn't look back, but when the past is what holds you back, it becomes difficult.
What happened to Calico Cat after he was sold?

I don't know if he ran or anything in Sweden, but I was told in November 2014, that he had been updated at deceased with Weatherby's. The trainer did say when he bought him, he would keep in touch, but they never did and I don't know how he died, but only that he was registered as deceased in November 2014.