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Fox Hunting

To be honest Julie what is condescending is to hear some on here ridicule the anti-hunting stance simply because they dont come from the "countryside".........bloody arrogant too.
I am fluent in German and can reveal that Derek's posting was, in fact, his shopping list at his local Das Sainsburys for the following week - among the more interesting items on his list was a large consignment of German sausage and an edible copy of Mein Kampf. :lol:
you attempt at humour has failed miserably.If you ever try to cross the mighty Rhine and cast your evil shadow on the Dom in Köln a punishment worse than death awaits you.

1. You will be incarcerated in the MÜNGERSDORF STADION,belonging to F.C.KÖLN

2. You will be placed in stocks for one month.

3.You will be wearing Wellingtom Boots as befits a man with your name.

4. The teams mascot,a ZIEGENBOCK will be encouraged to bugger you repeatedly and not listen to your pleadings.

5. If you survive the punishment you will be expunged to a place called Hartney Witney, where you will spend the rest of your life in the local Bookie.

Which is more than you deserve. :D :D
Originally posted by Aidan@Sep 18 2004, 05:00 PM
To be honest Julie what is condescending is to hear some on here ridicule the anti-hunting stance simply because they dont come from the "countryside".........bloody arrogant too.
Funnily enough Aidan, I was having a conversation with a friend last night who was sayin ghtat he was anti hunting until he sat down one night with a friend Ali, who hunts, and that now he is totally opposed to the ban. It's a shame really that I don't have a transcript of the converstion as he said that he really thought he knew all about hunting until Ali explained a few things; he now believes that the majority of people who are anti hunting are just jumping on the bandwagon as they truly do not know all the ins & outs of the sport.

Ian - do you live in Hartley Witney?? If so, how can you say you live in Basingstoke??!!! Basingstoke is a hole.....I like Hartley Witney, it's a grand little village!!! B)
Shadow Leader,

I demand certain things from where I live - like broadband connectivity and easy access to major shopping centres, there's a distinct limit how much ruralness I can tolerate. :lol:

As it is, Kings Furlong, Basingstoke, while just a modest suburb a mile from the town centre, represents a major step away from the Inner Cities after 15 years spent living on the Isle of Dogs, London - I've swapped a one-bedroom appartment for a three bedroom house with a garden for my 3yo son to play in.

It's eight miles from Watership Down, 14 miles from Newbury and only 40 miles from the south coast, and I still can't get over the joy of having a thousand car parking spaces to choose from - as opposed to the zero in central London :lol: - whenever I go anywhere.

A hole to some perhaps, but a happy home for me and mine. B)
Shad, Ian did try to obtain political asylum in Hartley Witney, but his application failed and he was repatriated back to Basingstoke.
i quote from jinnyj

But as guess as a self-confessed townie - you expect chickens to come ready-wrapped from Tescos!

and silly me jinny i always thought chickens were born in marks and spencers boxes ready filled with garlic and sage sauce

thanks for the education
Originally posted by Venusian@Sep 18 2004, 09:02 PM
Shad, Ian did try to obtain political asylum in Hartley Witney, but his application failed and he was repatriated back to Basingstoke.
like it Ven! :lol: :lol:

Glad you like Basingstoke, Ian.....to me it's just a concrete jungle!!! Hartley Witney is much better though..... :lol:
I just looked up this gaffe Hartley Wintney (not Witney, actually) on the map and it's in the middle of bloody nowhere! :lol:

There probably isn't an ASDA or a Currys for miles! :lol:

No, I think I'll leave the dubious pleasures of village life to the coffin dodgers and the Royston Vaisey, League of Gentlemen social misfit types, thanks. :lol:
lmao Ian!! :lol: :lol: I miss country life....I like not having a shop fpr miles! Besdes, I prefer Sainsburys to Asda & Dixons to Currys! :lol:
Give me a city any day over the country. A day or more without noise and polluted air and I start going mad!!!
Had enough of this - together with world war three between solerina and Merlin and all the acid on this thread the forum is showing itself in a poor light
Originally posted by Latefortheraces+Sep 15 2004, 08:29 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Latefortheraces @ Sep 15 2004, 08:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Latefortheraces@Sep 9 2004, 07:47 PM
Question !

Have foxhounds been bred at the same rate within the last two years to previous or have the breeders reduced the number of breedings. If not why not ?

No answer to a straight forward question [/b][/quote]
Have i missed the answer from someone in the know :ph34r:
Originally posted by Latefortheraces+Sep 15 2004, 08:29 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Latefortheraces @ Sep 15 2004, 08:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Latefortheraces@Sep 9 2004, 07:47 PM
Question !

Have foxhounds been bred at the same rate within the last two years to previous or have the breeders reduced the number of breedings. If not why not ?

No answer to a straight forward question [/b][/quote]
Have i missed the answer from someone in the know :ph34r: