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Fox Hunting

Originally posted by Love Everlasting@Sep 16 2004, 09:31 PM
My 3 year old daughter went to watch her first hunt this morning, and was in her element around all the horses and hounds. She now cant wait to take her little shetland along and join in, closely followed by gran on the end of a lead rein!!! Unfortunatly if things stay as they are she'll never get the chance although the MFH has said she can go along to the meet soon, she is most certainly not a blood thirsty killer, nor a member of the upper class she just loves being around ponies and dogs. And before anyone says, well she can go drag hunting, well no she can't as there isnt a drag pack anywhere near....there used to be but it had to close due to lack of interest from hunters and farmers
In light of this compelling new information, surely they should hold the vote again? :lol:

While they're at it, could they review the age at which children are allowed to drive motor cars, as my three-year-old is very keen to drive our car down the M3? :lol:

point 3

huntsman a natural predator of foxes thats stretching it a bit

foxes i am sure you will find evolved a lot earlier than huntsman did

they are about as natural as plastic is

i suppose u couldsay as that some cocks fight each other cock fighting was a natural occurunce misunderstood by many (mostly i presume townies)
PR - Do read my posts more thoroughly in future - I said that HOUNDS were the predator to a fox NOT the huntsman, in the same way that wild dogs in africa chase their prey or for that matter a lioness. And I never used the term "natural"

And as for cock fighting - come and witness my bantams - they spend more time chasing each other around intent on death or severe maiming than they do, shagging their wives. But as guess as a self-confessed townie - you expect chickens to come ready-wrapped from Tescos!
Jusat to contradict whoever on here says Dom is scaremongering about shooting being next - you're quite wrong - there are already what amounts to a small but vociiferous pressure group moving to ban any form of hunting with dogs - which will of course include shooting.

And the reason there should be a lot more general disquiet on here with the way Hunting has been handled is because, just like the over-whelming need these days to blame someone for your misfortune and to receive compensation, so we are in the midst of the need to generalise and then ban something with which we only disagree with in part.

I agree totally with Jinny's point about large shoots and made it myself much earlier in this thread. However, those of us with smaller, well-managed, sporting shoots with conservation as our main priority may also end up losing this sport. Because of this manic desire to introduce blanket legislation without examining specifics.

When that happens, within a few years, the countryside will become a much more barren place and mono-culture will dominate the landscape. Don't think landowners are going to continue, even with the new CAP scheme looming, to manage their land to provide the interesting landscapes we currently enjoy. They won't and why should they, when they are denied the opportunity to pursue their leisure activities because it is illegal? And, unlike hunting, farmers derive a good deal of their income from running or leasing their land for shooting. So small copses, cover crops, barrier strips and the like won't be economic to sustain and many farmers/landowners will just plough them up, as they take a lot of time and effort to manage and maintain.
Typical British points of view on this thread.

Wonder why the rest of Europe don't follow your example,maybe it's because they are not aware of the fun that they could have,chasing Foxes,Wolves,Deer,Mice,Rats,Pheasants and other unsuspecting wild life.

A sign of progress is when killing animals for pleasure ceases.
Well, that's the best from you yet, Derek!

Germans : Boar hunting, Deer stalking, shooting and some hunting with hounds. The Germans have provided us with some of the best rough-shooting breeds there are - German Short-haired Pointers, German Wire-Haired Pointers, Weimaraners and Large and Small Munsterlanders

France: Ditto in certain areas (Brittany Spaniel)

Italians: Fewer songbirds that anywhere else in Europe as they will shoot at anything - and I mean, anything! (Spinones, Braccho Italiano etc)

Spanish: Pay to watch the ritual dance of death with bulls..... Their record with donkeys isn't much to write home about, either!

On the whole, I think I prefer our record re animal cruelty.......
Oops I think you asked for that Derek - the French are out with their guns all autumn where I go . Its bloody annoying going for a walk is taking your life into your hands - even on a public footpath
and now we see why Britain won the war. Whilst the Germans were running about saying "They're shooting at us, keep out of the way", Ardross was wandering about saying "Dashed annoying these chaps shooting at us, oh well, tally ho!"
You ain’t nothin’ but a hang dog
Cryin’ all the time.
Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine
Er, yes Derek - all gundogs and stalking dogs are descended from hounds - boar hunting has a ridden huntsman, I believe? If you are going for your usual pedantic view, they do not have hound packs in exactly the same format as the UK but they most certainly do have - to use your own phrase - 'fun' chasing deer, boar, pheasants and they shoot foxes too....

Nice try.....
just like humans are descendants of monkeys.

I am glad that you have retracted and are now of the view that there is no hunting with hounds in Germany.

Of course they shoot Deer,Boar and Foxes. They also eat Boar and Deer.

The dogs are used to find injured animals and not to rip them to pieces.

There is a subtle difference,dontcha know !

I love the struggle you Foxy ladies are having defending your perceived right to kill animals,just for fun.

I did not include the irish in the Fox Hunting issue as i though that using explosives was a bit over the top.

Derek - are you saying that there is no hunting with hounds in Europe...... (your original claim)? Ever been boar hunting - deer stalking?

As I said, nice try in trying to divert attention from your inaccurate claim and playing the chauvinistic card to boot but maybe us wimminfolk are just a little bit foxier than you, sweetie!

Get back to your pipe and slippers and apoplexy over us having the vote - you'll be soooo much happier! :P
Fox hunting is the title of this thread,

Dogs are used (personal property of the Hunter,not the club)

There are no Ladies and Gentlemen clad in Red or Blue Jackets.

There are no packs of Dogs let loose to chase the Deer,Fox,Boar or other animal,and then rip it to pieces.

I will take a raincheck on your advice,just like the Fox would like to do.given the chance :D
Originally posted by Songsheet@Sep 17 2004, 12:19 PM

I agree totally with Jinny's point about large shoots and made it myself much earlier in this thread. However, those of us with smaller, well-managed, sporting shoots with conservation as our main priority may also end up losing this sport. Because of this manic desire to introduce blanket legislation without examining specifics.

Songsheet are you saying would you ban the large shoots. I'm confused
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the fox hunting debate I cannot have this thin end of the wdge argument - there is no support in the wider public for the banning of shooting fishing jump racing dressage etc. It is the sort of argument that bear baiters could have used .
The darkness inside
Inside a human mind
Twisted and disordered
Mentally murdered

Becomes reality
A horrid creation
Of a sick society

A morbid craving obnoxious and disgusting
Is growing stronger as the blood is running red
The passion is complete when the blood runs red

Driven by bloodlust
To please the demons inside
Originally posted by Derek.Burgess@Sep 17 2004, 10:42 AM
Wonder why the rest of Europe don't follow your example,maybe it's because they are not aware of the fun that they could have,chasing Foxes,Wolves,Deer,Mice,Rats,Pheasants and other unsuspecting wild life.

A sign of progress is when killing animals for pleasure ceases.
Bloody hell you make me laugh, Derek!!!! As Jules so rightly points out - in Italy they will shoot anything that moves, and as for Spain - Jesus!!! They will shoot and hunt anything that moves also....and they also have massive ( & I mean massive) packs of hunting dogs that they take out into the campo and use to annihilate anything & everything breathing in sight!! Not only that, these hunting dogs, called Galgas, are kept locked up in sheds every minute that they are not hunting; these sheds are tiny and hold between 5-8 dogs on average. In France they also hunt animals regularly & will shoot most things! So please, Derek....try again with your bullshit! :D

And as for -

Dogs are used (personal property of the Hunter,not the club)

There are no Ladies and Gentlemen clad in Red or Blue Jackets.

There are no packs of Dogs let loose to chase the Deer,Fox,Boar or other animal,and then rip it to pieces.

I will take a raincheck on your advice,just like the Fox would like to do.given the chance

Sorry, I can't actually type anything as I'm laughing so bloody hard!!!! :lol: :lol: