Ian Davies
Dormant account
In light of this compelling new information, surely they should hold the vote again? :lol:Originally posted by Love Everlasting@Sep 16 2004, 09:31 PM
My 3 year old daughter went to watch her first hunt this morning, and was in her element around all the horses and hounds. She now cant wait to take her little shetland along and join in, closely followed by gran on the end of a lead rein!!! Unfortunatly if things stay as they are she'll never get the chance although the MFH has said she can go along to the meet soon, she is most certainly not a blood thirsty killer, nor a member of the upper class she just loves being around ponies and dogs. And before anyone says, well she can go drag hunting, well no she can't as there isnt a drag pack anywhere near....there used to be but it had to close due to lack of interest from hunters and farmers
While they're at it, could they review the age at which children are allowed to drive motor cars, as my three-year-old is very keen to drive our car down the M3? :lol: