Free entry - a monster success at Ascot

Shouldn't have too much effect on raceday staff as villagers have to collect the tickets between office hours on days prior to the races, wouldn't have hurt to have mentioned it to you though!

Back on the subject in hand, anyone know if many people turned up and were put out at Goodwoods free-raceday sellout today?
It does explain, Stevie, why one rather confused young lady came in last meeting and said she'd heard all the racing was free for residents! I'm not sure the message has got through quite clearly enough - I'm sure we'll have loads turning up on the day thinking the same thing.

Don't know about Goody, but the view from Ch.4 (past the umbrellas, as it rained rather hard for some time there) looked pretty good. But turn-outs are always good, tbh - it's a very, very popular course with south/southwesterners. So many good choices of places to eat, drink, or just grab a seat. Always clean and the staff (okay, I know I know half of them!) are resolutely helpful and pleasant. And it's also so compact - just about a half-minute from the front lawns or stands to the parade ring, so very easy to get back to greet the winners. Plenty of viewing of the pre-parade, too. Even if you can't get right up to the rail there, you can see the horses from the parade ring steppings. It's a really good, well-thought out course.
Goodwood was fine today,no real problems apparent regarding drunkeness and didn't feel too overcrowded.
Weather wasn't great but it was only spits and spots,nothing major.
Winners enclosure was dead after every race,as you say it's a good spot to greet the participants.
I was the first to get back after each race.
Just a shame that both Even Bolder and Make My Dream couldn't have gone one better than they did,but it was good to see Philip Robinson have a winner.
Two already for him and he's only been back a few days.
Food like everywhere is far too expensive.
So it didn't rain hard? We seem to get some very odd comments from presenters, then! It wouldn't have been that monster a crowd if the winners' enclosure was dead - folks line up three deep usually to give them the clap they deserve.
There are of course a few vantage points and it was bit busier on the raised area but certainly the seated areas next to where the connections would be were quiet.

Best bit was standing at the rail before race two when someone asked me who had won the first race?

First time racegoer methinks!
Can I just pop back to Shadz again re this pesky 'overround' question? Shadzy, have we decided what it is - defo what you said?
It's what Shads said Jon - if they were making 55% profit on the race whatever happened everybody would be a bookmaker ;)
Best bit was standing at the rail before race two when someone asked me who had won the first race?

First time racegoer methinks!

Not necessarily, could have been someone who arrived late and decided you looked like the sort of person who would know.
Yes - we get asked all the time at the entrance at Lingfield, where, unfortunately, we can't hear a thing! We have suggested installing a tv for racegoers to watch while they wait, but it hasn't been taken up. I wonder why? Surely, it can't be that they think we'd be watching it all day!

Thanks, Martin/Shadz. I will try to absorb this complicated bit of info (maths being my absolutely worst subject at skool) so that I have some idea what folks are talking about! Betting is vastly complex, innit?
Yes, it's wot I said - at least someone believes me Martin, thanks!!! :)

In response to your other question Kri, yes, it did rain a fair bit, especially early on.

Arkwright, that's nothing. A racegoer approached me in the stands at Newbury recently to ask where the winning line was....
Look at this way Jon. There's a 3 horse race

Horse 1 - evs
Horse 2 - evs
Horse 3 - evs

Each horse is evs or 50%

If I lay £50 on each and Horse 3 wins I win £50 (£150 taken and then £100 paid out).


If I lay £150 on Horse 1, £0 Horse 2 and £0 Horse 3 then I would lose £150 as I didn't take any money Horses 2 and 3 but have to pay out an additional £150 on Horse 1

ps. I know I'm being very tight ;)
Er... right... (actually, I've no idea yet! - takes a while for a mathematics noodlehead like me to work these things through, Martin). It looks like Derren Brown based his 'back every horse in every race' theory of how to win a million on this!
Let's be fair - some of us wouldn't have a clue as first-time F1 viewers as to what all those blasted flags mean, or how they get drawn for the start. I never mind being asked what most people say they know are 'silly' questions. There's no such thing as a silly question if it helps folks to enjoy the great sport, and to feel included. Hell's teeth, one minute we're moaning about racing being seen as elitist, the next we're fussing that someone asks what to us is an obvious question! Let's help other people to understand, and thus enjoy. We need them to come back!