Free Lay Courtesy Of Paddy Power

It's not logic EC, it's a flawed logic at best.

Regardless of whether they think The T'Other One was going to win yesterday, NO bookie will have dreamt of holding such an offer on such a race, mainly due to the placebook. That is what I am saying and have now said for the last time! If you wish to read anything else into it then fine but I don't agree with you.

Mainly due to the fact that most marketing departments won't even be holding an opinion on the outcome of a race anyway!
:clap: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have to admit, the words horse, flogging, and a dead, have come to mind

you are having a good laugh at me here..but SL..there are contradictary views on this thread

This offer tends to apply to a certain type of race ~ one where the favourite is not a working man's price but no certainty and there is no clear choice against it. That way punters will be convinced to bet money they may otherwise have kept in their pockets but will tend to bet over a wide selection of runners, virtually guaranteeing a decent profit with the possibility of a PR opportunity thrown in.

Shadow Leader
The way it tends to work is the marketing department want to increase turnover on an event (a televised large field handicap hurdle with a short priced favourite is absolutely ideal as not many armchair punters will be that keen to get involved as the fav is so short priced) so they think up a gimmicky offer to go alongside it.

So you both agreed you want a short priced fav that most punters won't get involved with..Headstrong also posted

Their offers like this tend to be Saturdays/big meetings
The favourites are usually evens or odds on - and with good reason.

I'm sure it's just a ruse to try to get people to bet against the favourite, people like me who don't back short priced horses so would normally / otherwise leave the race alone - like myself!
Works with me so must be a good ruse! I backed Wingman today because of this offer

but when I suggest totherone was the ideal race if you three are change your mind and post

Regardless of whether they think The T'Other One was going to win yesterday, NO bookie will have dreamt of holding such an offer on such a race, mainly due to the placebook. That is what I am saying and have now said for the last time! If you wish to read anything else into it then fine but I don't agree with you.

so you may well be all having a laugh at my logic..but you are clearly confused yourself at the logic behind these offers
why don't you explain what you are talking about then Headstrong?

because your view of the type of race chosen is at odds with Shadow Leaders...who appears to state one type of race is what is used...then completely changes tack.

I may be wrong..but you are all disagreeing about which type of race is used and why.

are you sure you all know what you are on about? :xmassanta:

when taking the's best to all be singing from the same hymn sheet you know :dork:
Bizarre stuff

But one thought (and i havent gone back to see who finished second) is that when you have a clearly dominant runner who takes the race on from the front, then the likelier contenders are often run out of it...leaving the way open for a somewhat suprising runner up to plod into a place

Given DRM's style...maybe that crossed PP's mind
I still have absolutly no idea why PP, who think Ring The Boss will get beaten would encourage punters to bet on the more likely winners, and yet refund their punters should the short price favourite wins. No, I dont get it.
I don't get why EC1 seems to have conceived this idea that a few of us have got together and planned a group strategy in ganging up on him!

I don't have to agree with Headstrong you know!
EC1 is an interesting chap with a few left field ideas about how to make some money by backing or laying. Many of his musings are reasonably thought provoking and original although sometimes his logic can be a little flaky, as on this occasion.

The problem is he enjoys cultivating a persecution complex which makes getting involved with discussions with him infuriating and potentially farcical. This was true on TRF and appears equally so here despite the very different feel of the boards. This rubbish about being an outsider is laughable when you see that he has posted at least as frequently as the "regulars" he complains about over the last six months. If he could learn to let it go he'd be a valuable member of the board. What do you say EC1?

I take your comments on board, I know I can be a tw@t to get on with sometimes..I apologise for anything out of order I have aimed at you....though we haven't really fallen out as such.

I find this medium pretty difficult sometimes..

thanks Rory :xmassign:
by the way

I still don't know how much p@ss you buggers you have taken here norty ..I don't really know why we all seem to have different ideas of why the race is picked...but the joke is only on me. :xmassnowlaugh:

the thread has disappeared in to a kind of bermuda triangle of utter confusion.

and it's a real simple theory from me...I really never expected all this kerfuffle :laughing:
No joke on you, EC1 ~ hope you can understand why I get a little miffed, but I'm merely pointing out that you are barking up the wrong tree on this particular subject, although there may be an entirely coincidental opportunity to lay such favourites. That will be due to the nature of the races though, and not because the bookies know something. Honest, guv! :P

It is tricky establishing yourself on boards like this where there are undoubtedly established ways of thinking and groups of posters who have some kind of intellectual or political alliances. The key is to join in with the general flow of things to establish your personality and allow people to "get to know you" through that. The fact that you post mostly in regard to betting angles makes this more difficult (not a criticism at all btw) so get involved in the generic conversations where you can would be my advice. Not that I would tell you how or where to post of course.......
I think you have put your finger on my particular problem in integrating re the angles...I do like that aspect more than the day to day general racing chat..that was also a problem for me on TRF...which is similar to this forum although this one has a more cosy atmosphere.

you know me better than I do :laughing:
EC1-what price will you give me that the chosen race for the Paddy Power special on Saturday is the Boylesports Gold Cup.If the meeting goes ahead its a 1.01 shot in my book.