G20 Death

If those who can be identified refuse to give evidence or try the old 'never seen him before in my life guv' line, might they not face jail too? We've certainly seen cases before where reluctant witnesses have been imprisoned and the police are constantly bemoaning about a culture of silence preventing them from doing their job etc Obviously the officer concerned has got some kind of face mask pulled up with only his eyes showing (he looks more like a protestor than a policeman) but there's enough others in the shot who shoudl be easily identified and should be made to disclose the offenders name
The thing looks like a cover up no cctv no sky footidge no bbc juse 1 yank on a phone now a 2nd pm what did they do at the first one play cards,

The one bit of hope is that this is City of London Police not the The Met.

Thank god for the free press no wonder they don't like having there picy's taken.
The police have been shown as gutless with this. and the 93mph driver who killed a girl.
I support our police 100% but when they do this they must be punished with the full force of the law and society will respect them more.
Disgusting behavior from that thug policeman and according to the reports the bloody guy was trying to get home.
He will be found and dealt with
A lot of this goes back to the miners strike imo..police were given free reign to do just what the bloody hell they liked during that.

I lived in a mining area during that strike..in fact next door but one to me was one of the most hated men in Derbyshire..worked all through it and used to wave his payslip at them on the picket line.

I worked with an ex miner 10 years ago..he told me when they used to go picketing..they would get back to their cars and police would be waiting for them...smash every window in their cars with baseball bats whilst they watched on unable to do owt about it due to threat of beating. I'm sure if people knew the real truth about what went off at that time they would be shocked

I believe that this ...we can do what we want attitude.. still goes on with some of them..can't be touched basically and they know it
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The miners strike left scars on most people who lived through it and were affected by it close up. The politicisation of the police force was one of its more disturbing elements and Thatcher wasted no time in bringing the Met in and police from other non-industrial areas to do her bidding for her. It was no great secret that certain constabularies (most notably South Yorkshire) had more than just a degree of sympathy with the miners, many of whom they went to school with and had grown up with etc Stories of abuse have of course gone into police folklore and its quite probably that a sense of being above the law prevails, and this is just the latest manifestation of what happens when a police force starts to go out of control. It's a slippery pole.

I'm actaully struck by how quick the police are condem the public for their failure to come forward and report crime, yet alone act as witnesses, and their complete apathy to do like wise when its one of their own. The murders of Rhys Jones and Letita Shakespeare being two that immediately spring to mind. This fella died quite a few days ago now, and as early as Sunday and Monday reports from eyewitnesses were filtering out as to what had happened. I'm also struck by the fact that the press reporter who was named as an eyewitness over the weekend who claimed to have seen Tomlinson being beaten prior to the pushing incident, has mysteriously only repeated her allegation on condition of anonymity now. What's happened inbetween?

Something doesn't look right here. At about 6 o'clock this evening the police were saying that some of the officers had come forward (almost certainly as a result of the American footage finding its way to the Guardian and they being so easily identifiable that they had no choice). It was only at 7pm today however, that the assailant finally decided to come forward!!! Is it conceivable I wonder that those police officers who had earlier come forward, had failed to name the officer to their superiors? Is it possible that teams of police working alongside each other in a close quartered environment where communication is presumebly of paramount importance didn't know the name of the person they'd been standing alongside for hours all day? They couldn't possibly claim not to have seen the incident surely? "He fell down the stairs guv". There's at least half a dozen of them watching it happen!!! They knew this man had died by 11.00pm that night when they issued a statement saying they'd been no contact between Tomlinson and the police. There's at least half dozen police officers who've witnessed an aggravated assault which might or might not have led to a mans death, and not one of them appears to have been able (or willing) to name the officer concerned.

Luckily of course, IT has moved on leaps since 1984-85 and its now much harder to for the police to run amok as they used to, and be certain that no ones capaturing beyond disputed witness statements. That's not to say they can't or don't, it's just that they need to be a bit more careful now. I suspect we'll start seeing them seizing cameras and portable video equipment in the future now, in much the same way as they do in continental Europe or Zimbabwe
Police work must be a thankless task. How do you get a human into the mindset of dealing with a large group of peaceful protesters intermixed with a few random terrorists (for that is what they are) the day after they have been bogged down with paperwork for a drunken asbo-yob beating up his girlfriend who won't be convicted and the day before they find out the murderer they managed to get convicted gets 4 years if he is well behaved inside before coming to get the man who put him away?
Agreed, cricketfan. Unprovoked attacks on innocent citizens by the police is the only way to restore order to society.

Is it any wonder that good coper turn it in the tactick of herding people into a holding possion is against our right to free speech, but how is that the Tamil Tigers can block Westminster yet our own miners were forsed to stand in the park, that Muslems came attack a parade in Luton yet a football fan from another club can not go there Heads should roll at the top as well it takes a 2 nd PM. what are they hiding
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I hope the officer involved is given the full punishment appropriate under the law and loses his job. He and his ilk should be off the force asap.Remember that the standard punishment for a first offence is not as swingeing as many would like.
As to the nature of the police in general surely there is a mix not dissimiliar to that in the general public. There are young and old, decent and bent, too easy to wind up and gentle types. Immediately reverting to the behaviour of some of the police during the miners' strike is akin to depicting all Germans as evil Nazis. It is not relevant to the present situation.
totally agree.

If demonstrators are violent then meet it with extreme force but never attack unprovoked
I hope the officer involved is given the full punishment appropriate under the law and loses his job. He and his ilk should be off the force asap.Remember that the standard punishment for a first offence is not as swingeing as many would like.
As to the nature of the police in general surely there is a mix not dissimiliar to that in the general public. There are young and old, decent and bent, too easy to wind up and gentle types. Immediately reverting to the behaviour of some of the police during the miners' strike is akin to depicting all Germans as evil Nazis. It is not relevant to the present situation.

I didn't say all of them though..don't read that into my post for goodness sake

but that incident was all too much like the miners strike

the problem in this country is that people forget all to easily..in fact the actual initial incident we are now discussing is very mild compared to what was reigned upon the miners..obviously what happened afterwards makes this very high profile indeed

if we had footage from ALL the incidents from the miners strike..posted all over Youtube...if we had had mobiles then..the police in this country would have NO credibilty left...they were very lucky at that time that they weren't filmed

I agree the police will have a mix of people..well..all it needs then is someone that can recognise who the twats are and get rid of em..people like the guy on that footage are real easy to spot from day to day
Damm police
always fighting this peacefull and green people who want to fix the world for us to live in Alice Wonderland.

Socialism is the only soultion for this credit crung, all will be ok very soon.
As to the nature of the police in general surely there is a mix not dissimiliar to that in the general public. There are young and old, decent and bent, too easy to wind up and gentle types.

Not good enough. The Police are trained, so any negative traits should be drummed out of them.
Damm police
always fighting this peacefull and green people who want to fix the world for us to live in Alice Wonderland.

Socialism is the only soultion for this credit crung, all will be ok very soon.

you seem to have not seen the incident Suny??

the guy was minding his own business - he weren't one of the rent a mob
you seem to have not seen the incident Suny??

the guy was minding his own business - he weren't one of the rent a mob

I wouldn't be too concerned EC, Suny would probably be embarrassed by its timidity. Mind you rumours are flying around that he was wearing a Millwall shirt!!! (Tomlinson not the Copper)
Lets be real, the bloke was hardly responsive to the police if anything rather arrogant as he walked straight into the melay disrespecting them as they tapped him on the shoulder, he then proceeded to put his hands in his pocket and in a policemans eyes could of been up to anything as he never turned around to look at the police which was sucspicious and they proceeded into doing the right thing but its a shame that he had a heartattack although what was he doing in the middle of a protest if he has the day off work, wouldnt you just avoid the area or stand from a far rather than getting involved in the thick of things.
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