Gender Equality

Strangely enough I am on the verge of going to a tribunal -to cut a long story short I work with a woman who is effectively on 50% more than me despite the fact that the work split between us is about 90/10 with me doing the 90.If it goes to the tribunal I am about 1/12 to win -my opinion is they will fold and concede the case -if not they will be made to look stupid.
My problem is I can win the battle but what about the war -the law says no victimisation but I'd say I might as well write my own P45 if I proceed.

If you can easily get another job, do it, get the salary bump etc, then leave after an appropriate amount of time and get another salary bump.
If you can easily get another job, do it, get the salary bump etc, then leave after an appropriate amount of time and get another salary bump.

I I like what I do -I'm the guy you come to if you have a problem -I'm no stranger to putting in the hours and in return they are flexible about my hours-I finish at 3:30 three days a week to take my boy training.Against that I came home at 8 last night stressed out of my nut.
Could definitely get another job with better money but I've been around the block a few times and it's pointless getting an extra €50 a week if you aren't happy.
Not sure I agree with last point, Luke. My experience is (FDI, US, ICT companies = scope) that when an employee assert their rights that they are ring fenced from retribution and even over compensated with a bit of positive discrimination. In the 80's the fastest way to a management promotion was election as shop steward.

My problem is I'm generally considered a nice guy who doesn't like confrontation-I need to channel my inner bad *******.
I I like what I do -I'm the guy you come to if you have a problem

Picturing Mr. Wolf from Pulp fiction.

An Capall is spot on with his assessment of the situation re anyone submitting a claim is therefore fairly bulletproof from losing there Job in the eyes of the law providing you have been employed for longer than 2 years as any shorter service than that and you can't actually claim for unfair dismissal although there are still various more complicated routes with which its still possible to take a company to the cleaners under the right circumstances.

Although you will be protected by employment law some companies will be either blissfully unaware or take the view of we'll sack you anyway. So it depends on the firm but be aware that if they are the sort who generally break employment law conduct they may well wrongfully sack you and it takes a good while to go through the process of making your claim. So just make sure your prepared financially or that you have some sort of way of making ends meet during the process. Very much doubt it would come to that but always best to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
The Mr Wolf analogy isn't a bad one -purchasing has become one of my duties -a few weeks ago I was told as a matter of urgency I needed to get 3 tape recorders and 60 C60 cassettes-nightmare but I did it-only had to drive 100 kilometres on a Sunday to get the tape recorders.
Reading the replies from yourself and An Capall the answer is obvious-I need to grow a pair and put it up to management.
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You come across as assertive and self assured on here Luke. At your next 1-1 imagine your boss has just called Henry De Bromhead or Ken McGrath a wank*r and then trust the force.
You come across as assertive and self assured on here Luke. At your next 1-1 imagine your boss has just called Henry De Bromhead or Ken McGrath a wank*r and then trust the force.

Sizing Europe wouldn't have won that champion hurdle.
You come across as assertive and self assured on here Luke. At your next 1-1 imagine your boss has just called Henry De Bromhead or Ken McGrath a wank*r and then trust the force.

Ken is my hero -would definitely puck the head off him if he said a bad word about him.
I think just about all of the posts miss the point. The requirement is that there is equal pay for work of equal value - hence the tribunal will look at the levels of skill required not physical strength.

Thus it is difficult to see how warehouse work is intrinsically more skilled than shelf stacking and working on the tills unless evidence is provided.

The traditional and most obvious example is that finally the women at Fords making upholstery were given the same pay as men doing equally skilled work.

So no the world has not gone bonkers it is about fair reward for work of equal value.

That's the same spurios reasoning they're basing the action on.
Train them, let them switch roles, and measure their contribution then.

Fwiw, I have run highly automated warehouses, and had a good look around Tesco's main distribution centre.
Almost without exception, there is a heavy preponderamce of male labour employed within them - not without very good reason.
I saw a video recently and it looked like the Tesco Checkout girls are getting more than reasonable treatment...well at least on their lunch hours.
Talking about gender equality is anyone else put out at being practically force-fed women’s sport by Sky and the BBC.

Probably sexist to say but I find it all a bit average.

BBC also guilty of force-feeding us the Winter Olympics. I just don’t care.

Could not agree more. Bar Tennis I can't think of any women's sport that is worth watching.
Quick update on where I am at the moment -was meant to press the button in Feb but my boss was very sick -he looked like he was at deaths door-just couldn't go through with it.Eventually filled out the legal forms in early April but didn't put them in his hands until the 1st of June.Legally he should have organised mediation by the 1st of July but he is currently on holidays and hasn't done anything about it.Went over his head last week and was told that I am being reasonable and he hasn't done his job properly.
At the moment I'm thinking I could win this without a shot being fired.