Geraghty/Henderson - so far so good!

Would have been nice for the Geraghty detractors to have offered some analysis of the events of 10th October at Kilbeggan.

Since his win on Ingratitiude which inspired this thread, he has won 5 from his 12 rides (including the 3.15 at Punchestown today).

Of course I am sure some people will put it down to anything other than the man riding the horses.

I have already stated how good a judge of pilots Nick Henderson is, and I am sure Noel Meade would not be using Geraghty when Carberry is unavailable if he did not hold his former claimer in the highest regard - irrespective of the fact it was Meade who once described him as a "cocky little b**tard".

His ride on Parsons Pistol was inspired. In bottomless, almost unraceable ground he nursed the horse round, and got a race winning jump out of a dog tired horse at the last. A mistake there and he would have lost - simple.

The recent flurry of good form convinces me further that he his over the indifferent season he had last term (not bad having an "indifferent" year that still yielded a Cheltenham Festival winner) and that the association with Henderson has rejuvenated his hunger and desire to get back to the top.

Hopefully he can get the old boy Kicking King back in the winners enclosure in the "Crock's Gold Cup" this afternoon!
For God's sake, #6, we don't have to worship Geraghty you know!! Those of us that don't hold him in the same regard as you do aren't going to change our minds just because you are shoving him down our throats.

I don't like him as a jockey, despite him being clearly talented on occasion, and I'm not ever going to like him as a jockey.
His ride on Raise Your Heart was indeed classic Geraghty.

Absolutely Garney. Obviously one of those "rare occasions" when he is "clearly talented". Not unlike the seasons he was Irish Champion with "rare" displays of talent.
Think Forpadytheplaster supporters will need to give Geraghty some of their winnings after the last Punchestown race.
Nicely held up Clarified. Came from the bunch between the last two, looking to be travelling in a different gear to those around him. Never found a stride at the last and, having been a length down, came out of it 3l down. Lost by half a length at the line. Workmanlike at best from the winner.
Forpady didn't jump at all well....................if Clarified hadn't mown down the last, I would have been collecting at I say "Baws!" to Mr Geraghty.
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He was struggling to get is legs up and over wasn't he, we'll see how he goes the next day before we right him off.
I think Forpadytheplaster jumped adequately. Not brilliant but not hesitant and in the ground it was ok. Needed decent jumps at the last two and got them. Again, nothing better than OK, but OK.
I felt Davy Russell rode the horse to get round rather than to go and win the race at all costs. Given this, and the inadequate trip (they went a crawl and were queuing up to challenge at 2 out) then the horse has done well to win imo.

Davy never really asked him for any big ones, so it is hard to tell how good his jumping will be in better company (which is likely to be Grade 1 in the Drinmore). It was a job well done, and I would be inclined to think with more positive riding next time, now connectinos know he can jump, over an extra 4 furlongs he is likely to look like the real deal. How far he can go is anybody's guess.
I thought he was ridden very positively, while not being asked for any silly leaps; Davy wasn't easy on him, which is just as well as he raced fairly lazily.
I thought he was ridden very positively, while not being asked for any silly leaps; Davy wasn't easy on him, which is just as well as he raced fairly lazily.

I felt he could have been asking him for big ones at several fences but let him alone this time. He was content to let the rag dictate the pace for a lot of the race when quite clearly Forpady' could have gone on a lot sooner by virtue of cruising speed and jumping if Davy had given him his head. To be honest I waas expecting him to do this over such an inadequate trip, so to win was all the more meritorious - which does give a lot of hope for the future when he has his trip and the race run to suit. I would have liked to see him stepped up gradually however - going straight to the Drinmore is a big ask imo.
He was content to let the rag dictate the pace for a lot of the race when quite clearly Forpady' could have gone on a lot sooner by virtue of cruising speed and jumping if Davy had given him his head.

Forpadydeplasterer either led or disputed from flagfall and was noticeably ridden along when headed again four out. He then got a reminder after the third last and a further ten slaps (count them!) before the finish. That's pretty positive (although certainly not overly aggressive) in my view. The runner up wasn't touched with the whip once in the entire race and the third wasn't even ridden until after the last. I don't want to be pedantic here, but I would say that Tom Cooper was extremely keen to win yesterday, especially in comparison to the other principals. What that means in terms of his superiority I'm not sure but he will improve for further and for faster ground and seems to need a bit of driving to keep him interested.
What's the concensus so far for Barry Geraghty. His strike rate is at 27%, second only to Ruby walsh (28%). He's been second on a few high profile ones recently, Muirhead, forPaddy and Punchestowns but ot face value is doing well. Is he a better jock now, the same, or worse ?
Is he a better jock now, the same, or worse ?

As Colm says, the best jockey is the one riding with the most confidence and that changes from week to week. I'd say his confidence has come on leaps and bounds over the last six months. He had a great start with Henderson and that team is just beginning to slow down a little.
As Colm says, the best jockey is the one riding with the most confidence and that changes from week to week. I'd say his confidence has come on leaps and bounds over the last six months. He had a great start with Henderson and that team is just beginning to slow down a little.

I wouldn't really say that the team is slowing down for any reason other than Cheltenham is in their thoughts and the horses that were beaten at the weekend probably had a bit left to work on. Hendersen fired out 3 winners at his beloved Kempton yesterday. Riverside Theatre is unlikely to be a Cheltenham horse so would not have had the same prep as the likes of Punchestowns or Chomba Womba. Ainama needed to win to book his place at Cheltenham and the bumper horse looked pretty well primed to me.

Seven Barrows traditionally is quieter at this period as everything begins to be geared towards the festival, so hopefully this will not affect Geraghty. As you say though, it is whoever that is riding the winners that will always just have that little bit extra confidence and spring in their step.

I don't think Barry was at fault on any of the 3 beaten rides mentioned and I am surprised that some people think that Muirhead will reverse the form with inca at Cheltenham. I cannot see this happening for one moment.
I agree with Distant View, and I follow the yard very closely; all is now geared to Cheltenham. Nicky H as good as told people Punchestowns would not be flogged to win the race on Saturday and wasn't cherry ripe.

When you are riding at that level being beaten into second as Geraghty was several times over the last few days is no shame, necessarily. I wasn't convinced he could have won any of those races either - though he did look pretty frustrated on Sunday. Mind you even winning in those conditions didn't keep a smile on jocks' faces for very long LOL
its not long ago Ruby was riding like me..strange how quick fortunes cahnge in racing

think people get to obsessed with teh ups and downs jocks all averages out
He got down on the knee and proposed to his girlfriend at the friday night party according to Mick Fitz. Mick's highlight of Cheltenham 09

From talking to a few people, Geraghty is a changed man now. Has left his hell raising days behind him and was running the track in the mornings. Which is a far cry to the nights he used to leave the club at 2am and ride a championship winner the next day!! Delighted to see him back in form as he's very strong in a finish (For Paddy and Punjabi showed this).

As for Carberry, in da Club on Friday night :rolleyes: