Gerry Adams


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
The stinking IRA Sewer rat has been charged with murder.

Surely it's a mistake? :blink:
The reports don'f say he's been charged with murder, only that he's under arrest.
Is there any possibility that the arrest was politically motivated as part of some agenda? The timing of it does seem at first glance to be suspicious.
( Sinn Fein are surging in the polls -- on track to win a Euro seat in each of the South's three constituencies in a couple of weeks).

And what are the odds on him being released without charge? Long odds-on, I would think. The recorded evidence of dead "witnesses" as against his own vigorous denials of any involvement whatsoever? Can't quite see a credible prosecution being built against him on that basis, tbh.
There's more than one witness though isn't there? Did they have an agenda?Will obviously be hard to prove anything ...sadly

Whoever did/ordered this is beyond disgusting.
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Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

But I am delighted they've hauled him in. There is no such process now, so if he is involved in a murder, justice should be served.

Unusually naive for you Bar-the leader of SF is arrested and there isn't a pint glass broken never mind a petrol bomb thrown-shows how far we have come since 1994.During the week you had calls for an inquiry into the Ballymurphy Massacre rejected yet they want to hold Gerry Adams on the basis of tape recordings by two dead people with a grudge against him-evidence that will be laughed out of court.There are obviously political/security agendas at work.Does anyone really want the troubles to be ramped up again.
Well, it makes a refreshing change I say. A giant figure from the 80s arrested and it has nowt to do with sexual perversion.

I don't buy the political stuff. For starters, if I was to be arrested in connection with a serious crime, I don't think I could expect the cops to wait until I finish something at work. Secondly, the PSNI head has gained a reputation for being very fair.

Adams and the IRA leadership at the time always said they were acting as if they were in a war. But under the Geneva convention, what happened to McConville was illegal, even allowing for it being a war.

You call me naive, Luke. Fair enough, maybe I am. But certainly the statement from Mary Lou today seemed to fall back on the lazy stereotyping (political motivation, etc.) The nuts and bolts of the matter in my view is that chickens are coming home to roost. I fail to see a justification for the McConville murder, even if you take a very green-tinted view of what went on at the time. Of course, I also think there is no justification of some actions on the other side, and would be equally pleased if a senior loyalist paramiltary was in a similar situation, had they committed the crimes with which Adams is connected.

As I say, chickens are coming home to roost. There has been a lot of action in the last few months by the PSNI, which has been clearly instigated by the Boston tapes being handed over. I don't buy the "politics" mularkey.
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If these testimonies were just lies and "a grudge" then why was it under condition that they were released after death?

You want to be around to see revenge dont you?
The murder of McConville was appalling and deserves retribution but would a prosecution be petrol and the few embers of a fire.

Whilst it really sets me alight when evil bast*rds get away with killing innocent people the only solution I can see is an absolute immunity to all in regard to past deeds. However culprits should be denied a public platform and shunned by all decent people
Fine, they are going after Gerry Adams - why can't they pursue those in charge of the British army during Bloody Sunday?
Whether or not proceeding is right or wrong (I've never quite understood why it's entirely necessary for peace that all killers on all sides had to go free), mcconville has made a pretty serious allegation against Adams. Not one that I would imagine he would make lightly.

I also reckon it's a pretty fair guess that the intelligence services know what's what here.
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