Getting older


Jul 5, 2022
I think a lot of you will know what this is like. A good while ago I found out I was the youngest on here:):). Obviously not, but I was surprised at the age of some members who I seem to have know for many years now. I am 68 now so will be an old f&ck to some and a young f^ck to others. I always said I would hate getting old, and I f&cking do:)

How do you guys find getting old? I got to say I really detest it it because I cannot find a positive about it. Is there a positive bar the bus pass and state pension?

Might sound silly asking this but it is on my mind every day at some point? So want to know how others face getting older

Mentally I still feel like I'm 21, still like the same music, which was always a big deal in my life.

I look back now and think I must have lived 3 lives, I look back at the 80s which is yonks ago and think, bloody hell I was in my 30s then. Does not seem real how quick time passes by when you hit 60 for instance. In the mid 1960s as a kid seems like it was someone else who went through that time

Just throwing something out there, maybe you guys feel similar or whatever. Ageing is a complex game I find.
Age is just a number -your health -physical and mental-is what really matters.I'm 54 and had brain surgery twice last year which has left me with low energy levels.I think I'm about 80% recovered and look to being 100%next year.
Age is just a number -your health -physical and mental-is what really matters.I'm 54 and had brain surgery twice last year which has left me with low energy levels.I think I'm about 80% recovered and look to being 100%next year.
Sorry to here that Luke.. I think my physical and mental health is poor but am scared to get that checked out. I am the typical male in that ignorance is better than knowing,