Glorious Goodwood

Yeah. Thought I was done with this until Jinnyj's post acting as if there was two people hurling insults consistently.

I haven't said anything personal towards Tanlic, except I guess intimating that he is an arsehole on this thread. If he, or anyone can find something else before that, please correct me. Note that I'll help with any future searches down below.

This is the second thread he has called me a bum-chum, bumboy and ladyboy. With Luke being the lucky recipient of my affections. God knows why. Obviously, I couldn't care, and my guess is that Luke doesn't either. However, it is notable that its the insult of choice for Tanlic. It's the type of thing that edgelords of the 2000s used to throw around to rile up those who they were arguing with. Those were the days.

Tanlic has shown to me to be that form of internet arsehole that had their fun 20 years ago. The ones who may even be playing a character to ruffle feathers and 'aren't like that in real life'. But like those internet arseholes, when someone points out that they are in fact an arsehole, they claim that they are the victim. Crybullying. I don't think it helps the forum, but cest la vie. We have managed to exist without this becoming a defining feature for a long time.

So, to help in the search for where this ladyboy has previously insulted him (he won't find an instance) I'll clarify that I think on several occasions Tanlic behaves like an internet arsehole, sometimes to the level where I'd like to point it out. A failing of mine. However, in one specific occasion, which I referenced earlier, he showed himself to be above the 'arsehole' threshold and to be an outright ****, internet-based or not. As he opts to double down citing Amber Heard suggests that he hasn't apologised in private, he remains one.
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I may have forgot to mention it, but last Weds at Gailleamh I backed Hewick to win at 16/1 annd then went large in the next on Dads Lad at 28/1. I used my Echoes of Rain winnings to finance the bets.

Carry on....
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BOYS!!! Enough!

It really doesn’t matter. If you don’t like someone and their opinions, for goodness sake THERE IS AN IGNORE BUTTON! That’s what it’s there for. I have one member on ignore because they wound me up. And I never get involved in threads that I know I have vastly different ideas the political ones...and I did Politics A Level. Why? Because life is too short. Too short to argue with people you are unlikely to meet.

Stop hurling insults. It makes you look ridiculous....ALL of you. Just calm down, go off and have a cuppa.

The voice of reason and commonsense.
Commanche Falls up 6lbs for winning the Stewards' Cup. Tabdeed has been raised 7lbs but that was because he was due to go down 2lbs so basically the handicapper is saying that 2lbs drop might have been premature. Great Ambassador has been left alone so full steam ahead for Ayr, I reckon.
Don't mind the after-timing of such as Jinny, having explained how she bets, she has a perfectly valid reason for not putting them up before the race.
Hope it doesn't catch on though; there are enough glory hunters on here, with their after-the-race wisdom and prices, to diminish the credence of the more straight-forward amongst us.
there are enough glory hunters on here, with their after-the-race wisdom and prices, to diminish the credence of the more straight-forward amongst us.[/QUOTE]

Please explain.
Don't mind the after-timing of such as Jinny, having explained how she bets, she has a perfectly valid reason for not putting them up before the race.
Hope it doesn't catch on though; there are enough glory hunters on here, with their after-the-race wisdom and prices, to diminish the credence of the more straight-forward amongst us.

This is a manifestly inaccurate assertion.
there are enough glory hunters on here, with their after-the-race wisdom and prices, to diminish the credence of the more straight-forward amongst us.

Please explain.[/QUOTE]
I specifically didn't name names, they'll know who they are,anyway.
You're certainly not one of them,imho.
This thread has gone slightly off topic by the look of it.

In the grand scheme of things, there’s too much wrong with too many things to waste effort on worrying about someone’s apparent after-timing.

It can be annoying if persistent but I can honestly say I can’t think of a single poster on here who is a blatant after-timer. They may have on occasion (as may I when inebriated I guess) but it’s nobody’s typical MO IMO.

And I wouldn’t give a f*ck anyway if they contributed to the forum in other ways.

* After-timer alert * I had a shockingly bad Glorious Goodwood. I would have posted at the time but was too shell shocked.
In the grand scheme of things, there’s too much wrong with too many things to waste effort on worrying about someone’s apparent after-timing.
