Glorious Goodwood

A bit naughty of me to post this but as there seems to be some leeway being given to after-timers lately, what the hell? If you remember me pointing out Rohaan in the Wokingham and a couple of othes in big-field handicaps being C/D winners and run well in huge fields. Well in yesterday’s Stewards’ Cup I came up with three qualifiers Mr. Wagyu, Summerghand and Comanche Falls!

I admit to being the worst after-timer! But that’s pretty much down to how I pick them, usually at the last minute when I see them down at the start. I’m not on here to give tips and find it invariably jinxes my horses if I do tip them up. IF however I do strongly fancy one or I have got reliable “inside” on a horse, then I will share it. Last year on the Pointing forum I go on, I literally told everyone that I thought Porlock Bay would win the Foxhunters even after he was second on very soft ground at Wincanton. I was mainly ignored but I kept them faith and he duly won. I had him several times from 33s to 16s. Even my “tame” Pointing bookie ignored me....!
Can I ask, jinnyj, what is it you are looking for at the start and whether that is a confirming factor for something you already have in mind, or is seeing them at the start the starting point?
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Sometimes, when I’ve had a nice win or place I just want to tell people who will understand how chuffed I am. I used to study races for ages because I had to drive several miles to go to the bookies but the whole point of having a betting account is so I can have a quick bet, often at the last minute because I like to watch what’s happening on the market.
Sometimes, when I’ve had a nice win or place I just want to tell people who will understand how chuffed I am. I used to study races for ages because I had to drive several miles to go to the bookies but the whole point of having a betting account is so I can have a quick bet, often at the last minute because I like to watch what’s happening on the market.
Like desert, after timing doesn’t bother me much. It’s nice to know what members have been up to and you soon suss out those who are not to be trusted. There’s a bit of a fetish about it, someone on here objected about after timing to someone who had merely posted thanking gigsy for pointing him to a winner :eek:
Can I ask, jinnyj, what is it you are looking for at the start and whether that is a confirming factor for something you already have in mind, or is seeing them at the start the starting point?
I literally have a look at the comments on both the RP spotlight and Betfair then want to see the horse just to make sure it looks well and isn’t dripping in sweat/losing the plot. Often I will see a horse at the start that will sway my opinion such as Inverness who I really liked. But I don’t go into great detail looking through form. I may glance at it to check the sort of courses they perform well at especially for a course like Goodwood as it’s not for every horse.
Trust me, elswhere it is a cardinal sin and you would get roasted for it. If someone comes on and say I backed Desert Crown at 33/1 and won a fortune 2 hours or 2 weeks after the race and sai the same about the Oak winner would you believe them?

It spreads mistruss and and even hatred among member and is scorned upon on most raing forums for that reason. Try it on tTFJ and they will ban you without hesitation.
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Ah but we’re not like other Racing forums....we’re all one big happy family here who put up with each other’s faults and forgive them regardless :lol:......and in the grand scheme of things does it really matter?

My ex told me about DC back in November and continued to crow about him...but despite having access to my BF account (which he’s supposed to “help” if he finds something) he backed two yokes for the Derby for me instead :mad:

But it’s not the end of the world and actually good on him for spotting it’s potential.
Ah but we’re not like other Racing forums....we’re all one big happy family here who put up with each other’s faults and forgive them regardless :lol:......and in the grand scheme of things does it really matter?

My ex told me about DC back in November and continued to crow about him...but despite having access to my BF account (which he’s supposed to “help” if he finds something) he backed two yokes for the Derby for me instead :mad:

But it’s not the end of the world and actually good on him for spotting it’s potential.
That's not worth answering you dumbass DO:blink:

Sorry Jinny it does matter.....It has caused wars in the past on forums.

On another forum they issue a warning to newcomers saying No Aftertiming and you may be banned.

No one wants to here about you having a winner/s after the event.

Go on to the Betfair Community for example and you will be attacked from all angles stating Aftertiming will not be tolerated.
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Anyone who agrees with DO that The tinier the mind the more it matters needs a reality check

This is the guy who was all but accusing Frankie Dettori of stopping Emily Upjohn in the King George talking about tiny minds...gawd gimme strength.
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If I forget to back a horse (eg Hewick the other day) and I know that someone else has backed it it eases the pain. I often forget to look at TRP comments on the racecard and then kick myself when I read them after the race. My little system is so silly if I do look at a race (which I don’t do as much these days as I can get a bit obsessed) that I don’t like to mention which horses it throws up. Maybe I will in future because no one would be daft enough to follow me.
I looked at Hewick myself and thought I should back that because I stayed in Hawick for 9 other reason and of course I never backed it.

I think we've all had those if only moments..when you get them best thing to do is take a day off IMO
That's not worth answering you dumbass DO:blink:

Sorry Jinny it does matter.....It has caused wars in the past on forums.

On another forum they issue a warning to newcomers saying No Aftertiming and you may be banned.

No one wants to here about you having a winner/s after the event.

Go on to the Betfair Community for example and you will be attacked from all angles stating Aftertiming will not be tolerated.

Whilst I'd agree with you in the main that after timing is a no no I think to some extent you can give some leeway within forums. I think if you're a regular contributor to a forum and you aftertime something every now and then then it doesn't hurt too much but tbh that has to swing both ways I've certainly after timed on my original forum but more often than not it was when I'd done my absolute nuts and was looking for someone to talk me off the wobbly stool. I think there is also something for non contributors saying thanks to someone for a tip after they've made a few quid off someone else's work when it'll be rare they come on and abuse anyone when they've done there nuts on a tip. Not sure what it does say about someone who does just aftertime winners regularly to me its almost like all the facebook/instagram....look at me/ look how good I am/ I'm such a winner in life... behind all that usually lies something a lot more bleak in reality. Tbh Tanlic that's probably the best way to think of regular after timers and just don't let them bother you too much.

In the great scheme of things it doesn't matter but nothing worse than when you've done your spuds in public someone popping up and telling you they've had it right off without ever posting anything before.
I looked at Hewick myself and thought I should back that because I stayed in Hawick for 9 other reason and of course I never backed it.

I think we've all had those if only moments..when you get them best thing to do is take a day off IMO
That's not worth answering you dumbass DO:blink:

Sorry Jinny it does matter.....It has caused wars in the past on forums.

On another forum they issue a warning to newcomers saying No Aftertiming and you may be banned.

No one wants to here about you having a winner/s after the event.

Go on to the Betfair Community for example and you will be attacked from all angles stating Aftertiming will not be tolerated.

Whilst I'd agree with you in the main that after timing is a no no I think to some extent you can give some leeway within forums. I think if you're a regular contributor to a forum and you aftertime something every now and then then it doesn't hurt too much but tbh that has to swing both ways I've certainly after timed on my original forum but more often than not it was when I'd done my absolute nuts and was looking for someone to talk me off the wobbly stool. I think there is also something for non contributors saying thanks to someone for a tip after they've made a few quid off someone else's work when it'll be rare they come on and abuse anyone when they've done there nuts on a tip. Not sure what it does say about someone who does just aftertime winners regularly to me its almost like all the facebook/instagram....look at me/ look how good I am/ I'm such a winner in life... behind all that usually lies something a lot more bleak in reality. Tbh Tanlic that's probably the best way to think of regular after timers and just don't let them bother you too much.

In the great scheme of things it doesn't matter but nothing worse than when you've done your spuds in public someone popping up and telling you they've had it right off without ever posting anything before.
I looked at Hewick myself and thought I should back that because I stayed in Hawick for 9 other reason and of course I never backed it.

I think we've all had those if only moments..when you get them best thing to do is take a day off IMO

I did Tan and I'm not aftertiming.the only thing that amazes me was the price..
Whilst I'd agree with you in the main that after timing is a no no I think to some extent you can give some leeway within forums. I think if you're a regular contributor to a forum and you aftertime something every now and then then it doesn't hurt too much but tbh that has to swing both ways I've certainly after timed on my original forum but more often than not it was when I'd done my absolute nuts and was looking for someone to talk me off the wobbly stool. I think there is also something for non contributors saying thanks to someone for a tip after they've made a few quid off someone else's work when it'll be rare they come on and abuse anyone when they've done there nuts on a tip. Not sure what it does say about someone who does just aftertime winners regularly to me its almost like all the facebook/instagram....look at me/ look how good I am/ I'm such a winner in life... behind all that usually lies something a lot more bleak in reality. Tbh Tanlic that's probably the best way to think of regular after timers and just don't let them bother you too much.

In the great scheme of things it doesn't matter but nothing worse than when you've done your spuds in public someone popping up and telling you they've had it right off without ever posting anything before.

I agree with most of what you say Danny. I just can't stand aftertimers or people claiming they took 25/1 last night about a horse that is now 16/1......I really don't want to know.
I could easily say I took 5/1 about Gainsbourg tomorrow when he's already been gambled into 3/1 and I'd be lying through my teeth
Plus as my account is currently still at Zero until the missus gives me back the Visa (Fine Chance) I'd have ahrd job backing anything.

Any way at the end of the day these facebook type charachters as you say are only fooling themselves.
Whilst I'd agree with you in the main that after timing is a no no I think to some extent you can give some leeway within forums. I think if you're a regular contributor to a forum and you aftertime something every now and then then it doesn't hurt too much but tbh that has to swing both ways I've certainly after timed on my original forum but more often than not it was when I'd done my absolute nuts and was looking for someone to talk me off the wobbly stool. I think there is also something for non contributors saying thanks to someone for a tip after they've made a few quid off someone else's work when it'll be rare they come on and abuse anyone when they've done there nuts on a tip. Not sure what it does say about someone who does just aftertime winners regularly to me its almost like all the facebook/instagram....look at me/ look how good I am/ I'm such a winner in life... behind all that usually lies something a lot more bleak in reality. Tbh Tanlic that's probably the best way to think of regular after timers and just don't let them bother you too much.

In the great scheme of things it doesn't matter but nothing worse than when you've done your spuds in public someone popping up and telling you they've had it right off without ever posting anything before.

I agree with most of what you say Danny. I just can't stand aftertimers or people claiming they took 25/1 last night about a horse that is now 16/1......I really don't want to know.
I could easily say I took 5/1 about Gainsbourg tomorrow when he's already been gambled into 3/1 and I'd be lying through my teeth
Plus as my account is currently still at Zero until the missus gives me back the Visa (Fine Chance) I'd have ahrd job backing anything.

Any way at the end of the day these facebook type charachters as you say are only fooling themselves.