GMBB in Dublin - Grassy Maybe Buys Breakfast


Senior Jockey
Nov 14, 2006
Myself and member Digger are over in Dublin with a couple of pals for the ICH meeting at Leopardstown, on January 24th 2016.

As per last year's meeting, it would be great to meet-up with any forumites who might be heading along, as the gang who attended last year were all top Slim was there too.

If there's any interest in hooking-up for a breakfast beforehand, then I'm open to ideas. I'd even go back to that gaff we went to last year, with their avant-garde take on a Fully-Cooked. And if anyone can score comps to the main stand like last year, then that would obviously be very welcome too.

Yes, I am that shallow. :ninja:

Hopefully we can get a good mob together for what is a great day's racing, and that Hurricane Fly parades on the day.
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I will be supplying all those attending with the price of the day by once again giving you all the winner of an upcoming impossible handicap in Ireland.

Anyone who wants to know should send me a message.
I'm over in Dublin with work on the Friday & had intense negotiations with Mrs Perp about extending the stay to the Sunday... I failed :(
Looks like logistics may mean we have to head straight to the track on Sunday.

Can a plan of attack be developed so that we meet at a given spot inside the course, preferably adjacent to a bar of some description, or perhaps under the 80ft statue of Hurricane Fly (I assume they've built one?).
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Art, much appreciated, but we are now sorted for a lift to the track....the bogger side of the family are stepping-in to help with transport (confirmed today).
I am introducing a new verb to the Forum based on above. 'To Perp' eg, having your racing plans stymied by a demanding wife.

Unfortunately I have just been perped for the 24th - Mrs AC tells me I need to be in Glasgow. I will however be there on the 17th and will be happy to buy a pint for all from the wheelbarrow of cash Slim has just sent my way.
A sorry tale indeed. I suspect we've all been 'perped at one time or another. In actual fact I was given a good old perping over Christmas.

On the other matter, my wheelbarrow is still empty. It doesn't even have a wheel!
Now that all the first class forum members are on I'm happy to throw some crumbs at the peasants.

January 17th
Leopardstown hurdle
Kalkir 20/1 or 16/1
We should be arriving at the track at around 12:15 on Sunday.

Where would be a good spot to meet? I seem to recall a bar up near the parade ring (no idea what the name is), but will be happy to rendezvous anywhere you suggest.
How many of you, Nick? There'll be some spare badges for upstairs if you want, but that would mean meeting somewhere outside the track.

The former Bewleys, now Clayton, Hotel is a ten minute walk from the racecourse entrance.