Go Jump Racing

The spam issue might have been legitimate at the time it was posted, it was why I rang the BHA to discuss it and seek clarification etc. You obviously weren't privvy to the detail of the conversation I had with the media relations people and Robin but the issue of spam was discussed. Under the circumstances once things had been clarified along these lines there was no need to remove it, hence my post confirming the site legitimacy and invitation to engage in constructive discussion followed afterwards. I should perhaps point out that given the variety of subject matter that is potentially available to cover, co-ordinating a Q&A session isn't always going to be easy for the BHA given that it might involve numerous different people, and so their agreement was appreciated, by myself at least and hopefully others too.

Unforunately your own post came after this, and after I'd suggested that for the most part TH is one of the more thoughtful fora about (telephone conversation) and that forum such as this shared the BHA's objective of promoting racing and encouraging attendances etc it was disappointing that you felt it appropriate to indulge yourself by inventing a mythical site promoting the contrary. As I'm sure you must realise your own post contributed little that was constructive other than to say 'hey look at me, aren't I funny, and I don't like flat racing'.

Tracksides subsequent post, fell more within the bounds of 'knock about' and did at least applaud them on their initiative and site content after he'd taken his small dig. Yours didn't, and just continued to snipe away.

As a few contributors have since suggested, an avenue to question and discuss racing related issues with the BHA would normally be welcomed on a racing forum I would have thought?, it might be they choose to disregard us? All I can suggest is that this is more likely to happen if we reduce ourselves to flippant posts rather than considered and thoughtful ones

Good for you, Alun. I can only presume that instead of merely a 'moderatior, you are now the self-appointed arbiter of what is and isn't funny, and what constitutes appropriate contribution.

As has been my experience, 'moderators' can be expected to remove libellous, malicious, racist or any other "ist" comments from the website, if it is considered detrimental to the forums legal position. As has been my experience, 'moderators' are usually not at liberty to remove content that they simpky find unamusing.

I strongly suggest that you either get yourself a sense of perspective and acknowledge you have overstepped the mark here, or else issue me with the "Fuck off permanently" tablets forthwith, because I will not be told that my posts are puerile by someone who has proven so consistently incapable of getting his point across in less than 5000 words.

I thank you for your attention, and look forward to my immenent banning.

Anyone who wants to ask the Ferdy Murphy question will find Paul Struthers (posts as Silvoir on TRF) eminently approachable; he's so approachable, in fact, that he finally left the pub after Monday's Derby Awards (kick off noon) at about two thirty in the morning. I can't imagine one of his predecessors doing that.

In fact, for those who have dual membership, TRF had a massive BHA Q&A session earlier this year which makes interesting reading. I would have thought that the questions to be posed here should primarily concentrate on the BHA's attempts to promote the sport which is a wide enough avenue. As Robin suggests, it could be a logistical nightmare simply working out which department a question should be put to, never mind collating those questions and doing the same for the feedback.

Indeed Rory...it amongst others can be found here:

I wouldn't bother.

This is probably getting silly, but I have to say that I refuse to live in a world without Grasshopper. The world is a ridiculous place and those who are able to genuinely appreciate that are both in awfully short supply and potentially the saviours of our 21st century souls. You know who I'm talking about.

Some bridge building please, and make it sharpish.
I've PM'd Warbler, and hopefully bread can be broken.

My desire not to be bulleted from the site, is as strong as my desire to not be censored for a throwaway remark, or for Moderators to consider themselves the sole authority for what is or isn't a worthwhile contribution.

I was under the impression that the role of 'moderator' was to 'moderate' -not 'edit as they see fit'. Perhaps I'm wrong.

And I apologise for dragging this thing off-topic - the BHA interest in the site can only be a good thing imo. In fact, one way to clear-up this unfortunate mess would be for Rob to send me comps for the Festival (you know it makes sense, Rob. Feel free to PM me :D)
Hello all,

At the BHA we are keen to find new ways to interact with racing followers, and think that using forums to do so is a great idea.

The logistics of it might be the only issue, especially as we may have different questions for different departments, and no one person could be the spokesperson for all departments.

As a result we have this suggestion- ask away as many questions as you like, and lets say this, come end of friday we will close the thread and look through it. We will then next week answer as many of the pertinent questions as we can in a new posting, which again can be responded to and debated, and again we can respond en masse.

If this sounds like a decent suggestion please feel free to ask us any questions you like and we will get a response out next week. Or if you dont think there's much value in this then, again, let us know.

In addition, we are always willing to answer any questions you have directly- feel free to email info@britishhorseracing.com with any questions and we will endeavour to get back to you. Obviously these emails will be private and thus not as open for debate, but it will at the same time answer any pressing queries you have.

Let us know your thoughts and feel free to think up anything you want to ask the BHA!

Many thanks,


I have just had a look at the website and think its a great idea to get more people at the tracks. I like the racing calander which shows what racing on what days, with links to the racecourse websites etc.
I wanted to ask the Ferdy Murphy question but Hamm beat me to it. I'd be very interested in the answer, not least since I know how the BHA like to lay down the law when it comes to non-triers - I've sat through a few of their lectures on such a subject, don't reckon Tony McGlone would approve of such talk!! :D
Chris Cook writes in The Guardian:

The British Horseracing Authority should be embarrassed that the [Racing] Post's site, and not its own, is likely to be the first port of call for internet users. The BHA site offers racecards but no form, despite the fact that career form for all runners is available free on a number of sites.

Are there any plans to remedy this? I think it would be fantastic for the BHA to run it's own - free - database of British racing complete with official ratings for every run (not just the master ratings).

Why do the horse-racing authorities have such little confidence in their product?

We have Sky paying a small fortune for the rights to show football, yet racing, I believe, pays Channel 4 to show horse-racing. And then allows Channel 4 to dictate the racecard order!?!?

Why do we have such a plethora of mediocre to downright awful racing. Each season the fixture list seems to expand. Is it at the behest of the bookmakers to enable them to show wall-to-wall racing? No doubt their argument would be that this increases their profits which then benefits the levy and therefor racing. Another case of the 'tail wagging the dog'.

Racing should have much more confidence in the product they have. If courses put on good racing the crowds will come.

Has the BHA ever given thought to the idea of asking (or instructing) courses to reduce entrace fees?

Has the BHA ever considered insisting that courses always have the 'BIG SCREEN' at meetings?

I'd better leave it there for now.
Dear Robin

When I go racing I often yearn for a thinly sliced Sicilian triple bread, adorned with some
prosciutto di Parma, burrata cheese, semi sun dried tomatoes and finished with just a drizzle of pesto oil and balsamic vinegar. Yet when I arrive at the catering centre all I seem to be offered is some kind of cemented mince meat pasty and what I believe the working classes refer to as 'chips.' I often feel if I ingested this fare the WC would be a stranger to me for at least a week.

When can I expect a concentrated initiative to drag racecourse catering into the 20th century?
Don't know whether this should be a new thread but ...

Why do Cheltenham charge the same amount for their Junior and Senior memberships but, in the case of the Senior Members, admission to the Festival is excluded?

Is this legal?