Good news is ...

Eat it !!!!

Apparently dairy products are the only true source of the right kind of Vitamin E. The stuff that is sold as a supplement is not readily absorbed by the human digestion, but the EU won't sanction the kind that is - i.e. from milk, butter, cream, cheese etc.

Since May I have been too hot to cook so have been living on salads and fruits. That is usually enough to get the skin blooming, but for the past few weeks I have been eating my fruit with a dollop of ice-cream on it and my skin now has a lovely peachy sheen to it.

Not sure if you can get away with low-fat, but I have been eating Walls' or Kelly's Cornish ice-cream and my skin looks and feels gorgeous (all over!!) You don't have to go overboard and worry about too many calories either, just a large spoonful on a bowl of fruit seems to be enough.

Someone up there does love me!
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I adore Cornish ice cream. To me, it's the best sort there is. Okay, that's definitely a trip to a supermarket on the cards this week. Anything that can help my skin look less like an aerial map of the Sahara must be tried!
I adore Cornish ice cream. To me, it's the best sort there is. Okay, that's definitely a trip to a supermarket on the cards this week. Anything that can help my skin look less like an aerial map of the Sahara must be tried!

Avocados, too, but they are much higher in calories.

It takes a couple of weeks to show, but some hardship is necessary to get such good results!
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Please, pleaseeeeeeee tell me the same applies to Hagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream????

Trying to shape up here but if it turns out it may keep the wrinkles at bay I would be rude to ignore the advice. Plus thinking about the Strawberries could be one of my 'five a day' couldn't it? :D
That was one of the most sinfully gorgeous ice creams I've ever eaten, even though my true love is for lemony ones. I ate tubfuls of the HD strawberry cheesecake one years ago and haven't easily found it since.
Please, pleaseeeeeeee tell me the same applies to Hagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream????

Trying to shape up here but if it turns out it may keep the wrinkles at bay I would be rude to ignore the advice. Plus thinking about the Strawberries could be one of my 'five a day' couldn't it? :D

Eat it with one of the 5 a day. On a bowl of strawberries, yummy!

I would advise avoiding excess salt. On the few occasions that I have binged on salty stuff, my skin has looked quite dry a couple of weeks later.

While the right sort of vitamin E is found in all dairy products, personal experience tells me that the best ones to use are those without added salt - so cheese is not the best thing for the complexion, while cream/ice-cream on your strawberries seems to help.

The funny thing though, is that ice-cream seems to have a better effect than just cream, although that might just be me.

Before the guys start trying to spoil our fun by chipping in about cholesterol, this is not an excuse for the girls to binge on ice-cream - honestly! I have just found that a spoonful or two on fruit gives my own skin a really nice glow and thought I would share that with the ladies here.

The research has been gruelling but, no pain, no gain.:D
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