Gordon Brown

Latest ICM Survey:


[Source: Telegraph]
My interpretation would be that the Torys haven't done anything significant but Labour have screwed up all by themselves.

I suspect that they will recover from it ok though.

The mingers are in danger of becoming even more pointless.
So 21% of all polled want to scrap the inheritance tax. Do these people live in the real world? I suppose they think Cameron isn`t a smarmy twat as well.
The latter presumably restricts the interviewee to the options shown (removing Lib Dems, Others and the Would not votes from the equation).
The most interesting thing for me is how the 'Positive' answer always outscored the 'Negative' answer in the questions at the end - despite some being quite contradictory.

To me it demonstrates the limitations of this type of poll.
Makes it clear what the Tories still have to do - the biggest numbers on the whole sheet are the ones agreeing that "it's hard to know what a Conservative government would be like" and "it's hard to know if there's substance behind Cameron".

BTW I'd love to know who gets asked about whether Brown has "emerged as a ditherer who can't make his mind up" and answers "Don't know"!
I'm less convinced myself now about GB but I'm no less convinced - if anything I'm even surer - the Conservatives would be a lot worse.
I fully expect the Tories would make the same mistakes as Labour - they would just tax me less for doing so.
So one year on and its beginning to look like Gordon Brown is emerging as the Best Mate of Prime Ministers. (Ridiculous campaign, overated).

It is interesting to see his body language. He was never an affable personality, but the mannerisms, false smile and 'tics' are becoming a bit un-nerving. Should we expect a heave?
The problem is, we've been spoiled for the last ten years. It might be another 20 years before people realise just what a good job Tony Blair did.

Even I now have serious doubts about Brown but he's infintely preferable to any of the opposition, especially Cameron.

Do the people of England and Wales really blame Brown for the credit crunch?

Do the people of London really believe Boris can do a better job than Livingstone?
Was it Blair or Campbell who said a year back that Brown had serious character deficiencies that would prevent him from being an effective PM?

He looks a bit lame duck to me and I worry that anyone really has any respect for him.
Brown has finally got the job he's craved for the last 15 years, and he now realises deep down that he can't hack it. Most of us thought that Blair did the dirty on him at that famous dinner, but it now looks like he did us all a favour

Brown seems to find it very difficult to make decisions.

His trembling hands and that peculiar chewing thing he does are getting worse, he looks shot to pieces, a broken man.

Cameron will probably alter his strategy now and go easier on him, it makes political sense to keep him in power until the general election.
So what did everyone make of Browns performance on the Andrew Marr show? It struck me as talk that you'd put out before a election to increase your vote, not something you'd do after you've been well and truly beaten. The trouble with Brown, is that he honestly believe's he can solve everyone's problems, that he knows everyone and he's the best man to deal with the country's problems. When is he going to give the British public a bit of dignity back by taking a more conservative approach and making policy's that will allow the public to do whats right for them, not his left wing idealisitc phillosophies. He's out of touch, and regardless of what party I am i'm starting to worry for the country now. Tony Blair and the rest of the party aren't excluded from blame in this, they've all got their judgements wrong it's just that Blair was the top man at a time when he could explain it all away better than Brown can.

We're not Great Britian, we're Great Brown.
Successive labour leaders have made mistakes - bad mistakes - but they've made them with the best of intentions.

Tory leaders made mistakes out of self-interest and the interests of the 'haves' and it's the 'have nots' who suffered most under them. Labour supporters must never forget that, regardless of their disappointment in Blair or Brown.

Brown, like Blair, is acting upon what he genuinely believes is the right way forward. The problem is, we live in a democracy with freedom of speech. While on other threads we've been decrying the decreasing educational standards of our young people for a generation or two, these are the voters who are now being swayed by the downmarket media with an axe to grind.

Brown needs to win over the media. Do that and he'll win over the people. The mountain he has to climb is made all the steeper by the fact that he is not naturally anywhere near as charismatic as his predecessor.
"Successive labour leaders have made mistakes - bad mistakes - but they've made them with the best of intentions."

Do you really believe that, DO?

NEW LABOUR has very little, if anything, to do with the "old labour" values.

In my opinion, they are not a socialist party.

They have got into government under false pretences.
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@May 4 2008, 11:21 AM
Brown needs to win over the media. Do that and he'll win over the people.
But this is the very mistake that Brown and previous prime ministers have made over the last 50 years.

Prime Ministers and cabinet ministers tend to spend far too much time talking to, and listening to, fellow politicos and media folk rather than the man or woman in the street.