Great Guitar Solos


A very popular album. Its a good intro for many. Very 60s blue note sound and i do like blue note

But not a big fan in truth. i am certainly not one to turn off something because it has wide appeal (Grover washington i love) but its a slightly cold album and i like more soul

Prefer Freddie hubbards trumpet and Miles was an absolute master but for jazz sax and piano are prefered

Kind Of blue Miles davis is the standout album for me and many others

Sax players . Coltrane is astonishing. Dont use the word genius very often but my god...
Love Joe Henderson too. Joe Lovano of current players is wonderful

Piano. Mccoy tyner is very special. Brad Mehldau cna be magical too
i recorded that concert when it were on telly Harry..stunning filming

have you seen the clip from the 1980's where he Angus goes up to the grand circle soloing and stands on the rail & safety today would have been all over him

i'll see if its on you tube later..its brilliant
i recorded that concert when it were on telly Harry..stunning filming

have you seen the clip from the 1980's where he Angus goes up to the grand circle soloing and stands on the rail & safety today would have been all over him

i'll see if its on you tube later..its brilliant

Not seen it EC, didn't know River Plate gig was on TV?

Angus is the Freddie Mercury of guitarists.
it was on beeb 4 about a year ago

the one where he goes up in grand circle was on guitar greats they show on beeb 4..i got it recorded but can't find it on utube
Oh yes, Roy Buchanan was marvellous. The king of the Telecaster.
Never used effects pedals, just the volume and tone control on the guitar.
("The World's Best Unknown Guitar Player" was the television special on him way back on PBS network, wasn't it)?
But such a sad waste of a talent; a life dominated totally by drink. If memory serves, he died in a police cell after being arrested (again) for public intoxication.
I also like his "Roy's Bluz".
Some good stuff on here, some not so good :) But, as ever, each to their own. One link I clicked on - forget which one - sounded like an hawaiian guitar. worst two seconds of my life :lol:

I'd like to nominate Gary Moore for best 'guitar face'


Robin Trower, late of Procol Harem, was fond of cultivating the 'I'm a seriously important geetarristt' piles-and-constipated-too look when young and regular: reap what you sow old chap:blink:
