Great Leighs Opens At Last ?

Well finally went to Great Leighs last night to see our works syndicate horse run so at least I can now say I've done all the UK tracks.

Not a great deal of positive feedback from those within the syndicate (apart from the soup in O+T).

The viewing is a major problem,to have the O+T in the middle of the track irrespective of the fact that I believe it is a temporary facility for them is not acceptable.
The only way to watch the action properly is on a tv screen.
There are cracks appearing on the walls on the outside of the building already near where the jockeys changing room is,it just looks like it has been done on the cheap.
The bar prices are astronomical as well (£2.60 for a bottle of coke!!!).

The place does generally resemble a bomb site and would be no fun at all in inclement weather,there isn't even organised car parking facilities at the moment.

The temporary stand is as we know is nowhere near the action but I'm presuming that is partially as the area between there and the AWT surface is what will eventually be the turf track.
It isn't the best lit in places inside so not sure what it would be like at the evening meets in the winter.

The surface has received nothing but praise and the paddock and pre parade rings are absolutely fine.

There was a fair sized crowd there and it is clear that the place has a lot of potential but it is a mile away from being fulfilled and I would have felt a bit aggrieved if I'd paid £18 to go to see a facility that is nowhere near finished.

At this stage they should be charging £10 max.

Still I'm sure the free drink offer to celebrate the unveiling of the floodlights may have helped appease one or two people.
Oh dear, I haven't been yet, and given your experience, I may put any visit on hold for the time being.
This track continues to sound as though it's a terrible advertisement for the sport.

For £18.00 you could attend the Arc de Triomphe AND the Grand Steeple-Chase de PAris AND the Prix D'Amerique, that's all three of Paris's most prestigious racedays, and still get some change back.

The rip-off drinks prices have already been mentioned. According to the wretched PR woman there, this is not in the control of the people running the place!
Been there once. as it happens on a lovely summer evening and we got in free courtesy of our ROA card. Have to say agree with all the negative comments about GL, especially the prices in the betting hall, although the prices are significantly cheaper in the O&T's facility. The one thing that did impress us was the courtesy of the staff, seem to be well trained, but maybe that was because of us having owner's badges.

But, if we couldn't get in free, we wouldn't go there considering the prices. £3.80 for a pint of London Pride in the betting hall, pricewise this course is a rip off. We live only a half hour away, so should be a regular haunt, but not if we had to pay to get in.

As to the track, yes, ATR eulogise about it but then Arena Leisure own half of ATR and manage GL. What else are they going to say? I don't claim any special inside information but we do have horses in training in Newmarket and know owners who have had runners at GL. Comments we've heard tend along the lines of serious kickback and hopefully it will settle down in a year or so, etc. Know one owner who had a runner there and the horse ended up with a nose and mouth so full of the track that the horse got an infection and was off for a while , not to mention the vet's bills. Just a view, but I'd take ATR's comments about the racing surface with more than a pinch of salt, or whatever make the surface is.

The pity of it is, GL could have been a showcase track. It's a long way from that.

Pippa is not a 'wretched woman', she's an extremely experienced and intelligent person in {I would guess} her early/mid 40s, and has worked in many areas of the horse world, inc as SL pointed out as Asst Editor of H&H for many years. She is well known in Three Day Eventing circles in particular and still has horses competing in that discipline; she also has very many friends in racing inc several well known trainers. her whole career has been spent in the 'horse world'.

John Holmes head-hunted her from H&H for the job of helping him to set up the racetrack, way back when the site was still the Essex Showground. She's done an exceptionally difficult job in with good grace and extreme patience, esp given that most people commenting on the situation at Great Leighs have simply not bothered to burden themselves with the facts, in spite of them having been available on the course website as matters developed over several years.

It's a very long involved story, with many legal ins and outs - but since even racing journalists haven't bothered to follow it so they could actually write the truth or understand why things are as they are, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by the rubbish that's being written on the subject on here. Since I got in a way involved with the course from it's first meeting, I *have* taken the trouble to get the whole story, and it makes me pretty mad to read all the personalised nonsense written about the place when I know that the people involved are doing their damndest to make the best of a very hard case, and to rectify or circumvent problems which have been almost entirely beyond their own control. And yes I admit that Pippa has become a personal friend over the last few months, and that I really feel for her in the circumsatnces.

No-one denies that the facilities for the general paying public leave a lot to be desired at the moment, a fact which is deeply regretted by all at the the course; but internal building and furnishing of the stand is proceeding as fast as Council permissions / H&SE will allow. The Council has been totally obstructive at every step pretty well right from the start, and is now being so over the furbishment of the stand: for example they won't allow anyone to use the second story, which has once more thrown every plan into disarray, and largely caused the current problems with the public areas.

Meanwhile O&T facilites and those in the hospitalities are fine - it's a shame that as a larger syndicate Arkwright's group probably didn't get to enjoy those.

The Newmarket trainers in particular are bringing horses regularly to Great Leighs, as are trainers from much further afield eg David Evans from Wales, several from Lambourn etc. Kathy - perhaps you should ask Gay Kelleway for her opinion: she's been a great supporter and has come to just about every meeting. She might give you a less biased but more informed opinion, based on her own personal and professional experience. I'd be interested to hear what she tells you.

There is much less draw bias at Gt Ls than Lingfield or Kempton, the track is certainly easier than Lingfield, and the place is very much closer to Newmarket - and prize money compares very favourably. So why esp with diesel at its current price level would the course 'struggle' to get runners in the winter?

I haven't heard any stories at all about horses being adversely affected by the kickback - quite the contrary, every trainer I've talked to has praised the track, and Martin Collins who laid it is probably the most experienced man in the world at laying such surfaces both on racecourses and eg on showgrounds. It's true that a few horses are 'allergic' to polytrack kickback but this is surely a peculiarity of individual horses?

As for sneering at Pippa personally for commenting that the course is not responsible for the price of the drinks, well that just demonstrates ignorance of how such contracts work.

The course chose Sodexho for the catering contract as they were the most experienced in the racecourse catering business and cater a lot of the top courses. The GLs management may not have been aware that they also tend to charge top dollar for drinks. Such contracts are signed as a 'package' and the detail of drinks prices is not normally gone into. I can vouch that the price of drinks in the public stand has been a bone of contention between the course and the caterers from the very first meeting - the management agree it is too high and have been doing their best to get action on this, but under the terms of the contract they have very limited power to change it under the current contract. They are also not prepared to compromise on the service trhey offer owners and trainers, which incs free sandwiches all evening, and soup etc.

I didn't read this thread at all after the 'public opening day' as I suspected a load of venomous drivel would be written, following what was written by a lazy and irresponsible press corps who were cross they got their expensive shoes wet: this after we'd had virtually unprecedented rain and storms in the area over several days before that meeting, resulting a lot of flooding at the course. I was there taking pics a few days before that - the place looked great, except if anything a bit parched. Over 200 people inc the chairman spent the night before the meeting manning the pumps to try to drain away enough water to make the place negotiable.

The whole thing is depressing in the extreme - and a very bad advertisement for journalism. If John Homes had been permitted a free run at realising his 'showcase track' it would have been up and running long ago, and hugely successful. It's not easy to succeed when someone drives a large main road right through the site exactly where you intended to build the stand, esp when that cuts off access to the intended site for the racecourse stables, and your lads' hostel etc etc.

It's true by the way that the staff are very well trained, and indeed courteous - they believe in the place and its future. Everyone is determined it will succeed in the end however long it takes and whatever is thrown at them. A little effort of understanding would a be a reciprocal courtesy

I'm a bit mystified btw by Richard's assertion that Arena Leisure manage the course - it's owned by John Holmes and he certainly has investors - thereby hang several tales - but he manages it himself with his own staff and Board, and advisors such as Racing Manager Tim Jones who is very well respected in the racing world [he formerly managed Highclere Thoroughbreds among other jobs]
Is that the same Tim Jones who was assistant to Gerard Butler for a small time and was going to set up training. If so I was out in Dubai with him and is a really nice bloke.
Yes Chris, that's the same guy, and he's very well liked and respected in the wider racing scene. Sadly he left Highclere to front Gerard Butler's operation just when that started to run into problems. He's a very valuable asset to Great Leighs - part of his job is looking after owners and trainers at the track, but mainly he's responsible for developing the racing programme.

He's also racing manager for the very wealthy Canadian Jim Atkinson who owns War Artist and several other good horses. He's responsible for buying etc for that operation, and for planning the horses' racing careers. It was great to see him with Pippa and other friends at Nmkt for the July Cup - I took quite few pics of them. He sent me the following info on his relationship with JA:

<< All of his racehorses run under the Vintage Thoroughbreds banner. He currently has horses in training in the UK and the USA. All of his horses in the UK are trained by James Eustace. There are currently four which include War Artist and Sushisan who are both established Group performers. The other two are imports from Brazil who arrived over here last month. Valentino Rossi is a Listed winner of his most recent start in Brazil and is being targeted at the Ebor Handicap at York. Rubacuori ran at Newbury a week and half ago establishing a handicap mark...

Jim also has an extensive breeding portfolio and is the sole owner of two stallions including Val Royal (sire of 2007 dual Guineas (English and Irish) winner Cockney Rebel from his first crop). His bloodstock interests are divided between the UK, the USA and South America. Until recently he also had interests in shares of horses in South Africa and Australia. He has an interest in Amani Vineyards in Stellenbosch, South Africa which is run by his daughter and son in law where the premium Sauvignon Blanc is named Atkinson Ridge in his honour.

War Artist is one of three horses (the other two being Rippling Ring and Elusive Fort) bought on his behalf in South Africa to race in Dubai.... >>

Tim has just been out for two weeks to see Atkinson. I understand War Artist is probably going to eg Hong Kong later this season
While I am sure everyone is trying their best etc etc....but Headstrong explain why the course is charging full wack for facilities that are not currently up to scratch. That is something they can control.
Here's a spanner in the works - I'd far rather go to Great Leighs than Kempton [aw racing], and that in itself is saying something since my apathy of AW racing is well known.

The O&T facilities are pretty good, and exceed that of many tracks.

Everyone knows that the track is a work in progress - so I'm at bit of a loss really to work out how come so many people can rip it apart knowing it isn't finished - what more do they expect?

I admit that the cost to get in is a little steep whilst things are as they are - but then again, the shithole that is Kempton charges £20 admission now, having just put their prices up, so I'm told. What sort of idiot would pay that for the rubbish they get there? It's also worth considering that, in general, the quality of the racing itself (which is, after all, what a track should be judged on in the main) is eons ahead of the quality of the dross that Kempton constantly stages.

As for the criticism of the track - I too have pretty much only heard positive comments on the state of it and I also think that it is the best of the AW tracks we currently have in this country, for what that's worth!
They are getting into the course for each meeting just about the numbers they are currently allowed by the Council/H&S, so I'd say they are therefore charging the 'market rate'

Due to the machinations of the above, they are only currently allowed a very limited number in on the Gate, and since this scenario has now been running 6 years at least, with trillions of ££££ out and v limited ££££ in, they clearly need to charge a market rate to get some funds coming in, if only to pay the interest while they sort out out the problems caused by the Council [et al] - see above.

Please do try to get your minds above the level of your predjudices
They are getting into the course for each meeting just about the numbers they are currently allowed by the Council/H&S, so I'd say they are therefore charging the 'market rate'

Due to the machinations of the above, they are only currently allowed a very limited number in on the Gate, and since this scenario has now been running 6 years at least, with trillions of ££££ out and v limited ££££ in, they clearly need to charge a market rate to get some funds coming in, if only to pay the interest while they sort out out the problems caused by the Council [et al] - see above.

Please do try to get your minds above the level of your predjudices

Noted, but perhaps you could try and listen and take on board what some of the forum members (who have visited the place) have to say about it as well. You might have different experiences of the place but clearly judging from what we have read on here and in the papers other people have had equally valid experiences of the place.
There are a couple of people who might have persoanl experiences of the place, as do a larger number of journalists who have been there - once; but *judging* the place, esp against intentions v/ achievements, requires a certain amount of background research and knowledge.

That is the simple point I have been making and will continue to make - if required
There are a couple of people who might have persoanl experiences of the place, as do a larger number of journalists who have been there - once; but *judging* the place, esp against intentions v/ achievements, requires a certain amount of background research and knowledge.

That is the simple point I have been making and will continue to make - if required

The normal racegoer are the people that count (you would imagine), not those with "background research and knowledge" particularly seeing as the normal racegoer is likely to be the paying party. If standards are not being met yet the full charge is there, then the reasons (however valid and sincere) do not mean much.
If you want to keep missing the point carry on...

I've pointed out above, and before, that only 'so many people' are being allowed in - by the Council... That's c2000 max per meeting.

So obviously while that applies they are going to concentrate on facilities for the Os & Ts, and for the top paying customers, ie the 'hospitalities'. They can't afford to encourage the general public for now, as the Council won't let them admit more than a few. The reasons for this situation are beyond their own control.
but surely if they alienate the general public, they wont have much of a crowd to need the grand plans for??

I spose thats what the council are hoping for, so they can use the land for building on in the they are going to throw every concevable problem at it...

silly people - things always take a bit of time to come good - youd think theyd WANT a super dooper racecourse !!!
Has anyone on the forum actually paid to get into Great Leighs.

I am assuming the two who are strongly supporting the course haven't had to pay anything to get in.

It would be interesting to have the views of someone who has paid £20 to watch the racing on a television set.
Just to put a spanner in the works I like Kempton. Nice and local for me, really nice people and always guaranteed a great evening out. Enjoyment of racecourses is often based on personal experiences. I have not been to Great Leighs as I have not had any reason to go yet. I will go though and will report back with my own thoughts. I bet you can't wait.:D

The clerk of the course from Kempton is a personal friend of Brendan Powell's and will no doubt be at Brendan's Open Day. I will ask him how many idiot's actually pay £20 (?) to attend his "shithole" of a racecourse to watch their "rubbish"?
Yeah, since you'll get a non-biased, non-exaggerated response from Barney Clifford!!! :D

Colin, I'm not a "strong supporter" of Great Leighs, I am merely offering my opinion of the place which happens to be ever so slightly different to the fashionable slaggings it is receiving instead. Strangely enough, I know plenty of people who have been there, most of them a few times, who share my view of the place.

They've a long way to go, we all know that. The stand isn't in the ideal place but let's face it, how much action do you actually see at, say, Lingfield, with your own eyes? Not least since there's a turf track inbetween the spectators and the AW track anyway!

Besides which, AW racing is AW racing - there's not a lot of difference between watching it on TV screens or not!! ;)
The normal racegoer are the people that count (you would imagine), not those with "background research and knowledge" particularly seeing as the normal racegoer is likely to be the paying party. If standards are not being met yet the full charge is there, then the reasons (however valid and sincere) do not mean much.

Spot on Galileo

If you dont "hit the ground running" with any enterprise that is primarily reliant on discretionary spending, then you have problems. Changing perceptions when the "word of mouth" is bound to be very negative is a huge uphill task.
Just to put a spanner in the works I like Kempton. Nice and local for me, really nice people and always guaranteed a great evening out.

Not a spanner in the works...

Very local to me too and desciptions on here of the place as a "shthole" are based on what exactly?

The stand is situated in the right place for a start.

I would say that the facilities for the average punter are better than those at Sandown and Newbury. Not that im knocking those places
Based on Kempton being a horrible place devoid of all atmosphere bar the King George meeting, Clivex.

The racing is dire, the crowds (not that you can call them crowds!) are tiny, the food available is expensive and pretty poor, they've wrecked the course with this new AW track and the new concrete stand. There's nowhere at all comfortable in the whole place now - it's just one mass of concrete and plastic chairs. Not for me.

Added to all of that is the soundtrack of the incessant witterings of that ego on legs Anthony Kemp, played at top volume throughout.

Kempton has become a hole - and it's no wonder it's failing miserably to attract punters through the gate.
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Based on Kempton being a horrible place devoid of all atmosphere bar the King George meeting, Clivex

Racing Post day is good. Most jumps meetings are fine

As for comfort, you clearly havent been upstairs... Its open to all... most meetings. about as comfortable an area as there is at any track

Food is ok. Better than Newbury...which is poor outside of the restaurant

The mistake was going for a programme of so many fixtures in a part of the country where we are spolied for choice. Punters can simply pick and choose. Throughout this summer there have been many weeks where theres been evening meetings at Sandown Windsor and Kempton

Kempton transplanted to Essex would be a big success
Ok, I'll give you that upstairs is more comfortable than downstairs - the majority is plastic and concrete though.

Even a lot of the jumps meetings have lost any atmosphere they had really - the run of the mill meetings attract a larger crown than the AW, true, but still the place has the feel of a great, empty metal and concrete structure.

The food at Newbury is far superior to that of Kempton and I'm amazed that anyone could think Kempton comes out on top!! At Kempton you've the noodle bar, the fish & chips and the plastic Indian along with a sandwich stall selling not great sandwiches at a stupid rate. At Newbury there's all sorts - roast pork baguettes, roast beef baguettes, sausage baguettes (with decent sausages, not the usual crap) a decent sandwich place which, although it isn't cheap, the sandwiches are good, the seafood bar (if you like that sort of thing), the sandwiches, toasties and stuff available upstairs (decent ones at that) and so on ans so forth - and that's just in the Berkshire stand alone! (ok so the seafood bar is in the Hampshire stand)

I'm a regular at both tracks. At Kempton I stop and buy sandwiches to take with me before I go, without fail. At Newbury I'm usually quite happy to buy something there since I know I will find something worth eating there - unless I happen to be passing the great little baguette shop in Thatcham first, of course!
Ok Gordon Ramsey....will not argue with you there ;)

I swerve food at all these venues as a rule...

Did you know that Kempton is staging an evening jumps fixture next year?