Gwid 2019

Echo that Edgt. Myself, and many others are always quick to jump on Ruby, sometimes correctly so. But his rides today, inpaarticular Bellshill and Klassical were fantastic.
I think RTR would have won cosily with a better round of jumping. I haven't seen enough of his races to know if that's just him and that's he really just run to form but there's more there in terms of raw ability.
I think RTR would have won cosily with a better round of jumping. I haven't seen enough of his races to know if that's just him and that's he really just run to form but there's more there in terms of raw ability.

Agreed. He appeared to give away a length or two at quite a few fences

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Highlights of Weekend.

1. Apples Jade
2. Sir Erec
3. Le Richbourg

That treble is ~66/1 at Festival.

And as always, meeting random forumites is always a pleasure. Slim sends his love too.
I think RTR would have won cosily with a better round of jumping. I haven't seen enough of his races to know if that's just him and that's he really just run to form but there's more there in terms of raw ability.
Normally a good efficient jumper. Not sure why he was a bit off yesterday, perhaps the ground (albeit i always had him down as one that wanted nice ground, but perhaps not as quick as yesterday)

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ps.. I spent a while yesterday telling Perpetual that (his) Kemboy would win the IGC. He was too much of a gentleman to tell me he hadn't been declared.
Great to meet you AC and I'm definitely no gent based on my performance Saturday night!

Also good to meet up with a few others (Grey, Edgt & Archie) though missed Grassy (again) and Granger if he was about Sunday. Hopefully that can be rectified in March...
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