

At the Start
Dec 7, 2004
Big scary hackers and evil threats. Or did I just have too much to drink and too little sleep last night?
Letting me access the main forum via the "forum jump" scroll bar at the bottom of the page. Have emailed Col.
Some King Cnut been buggering around? Got an Invalid Entry or something, but as soon as I went to 'New Topics' got in okay. A plague upon him and his house.
Don't you think these hackers must have tiny weenies - all those macho-macho-man pseudonyms they give themselves? Killermind Haxor, my Aunt Fanny. He needs a good spanking and no milk and cookies for a week.
Phil married his transgender sister and is now happily living in Western Samoa, fishing from a canoe he hacked out from a palm tree himself.
Phil married his transgender sister and is now happily living in Western Samoa, fishing from a canoe he hacked out from a palm tree himself.

Fortunately the food available to him is healthy and plenty of exercise is keeping him trim, as anyone who has spent substantial amounts of time in a self-made canoe will tell you, weight does matter....
Thank goodness it isn't just me; I thought I'd let something in from 'the dark side'. And then I kept clicking onto it to see if it was still there, like a child hiding under the bedclothes after a nightmare....
Fortunately the food available to him is healthy and plenty of exercise is keeping him trim, as anyone who has spent substantial amounts of time in a self-made canoe will tell you, weight does matter....


Classic. Well worked the pair of you.
I believe the hacker has now been outed on TRF - it was DENMAN, in an absolute fizz about KAUTO's endless publicity. He told Hacks Weekly magazine "Okay, I put my hooves up to it, so I do. So what? That Frenchie poser has been getting right on my tits with his photos everywhere, signing bloody autographs for all those groupies, and hogging the limelight as if no-one else mattered. No, it's not true that I put a tripwire across the second last for him, but yes, I hacked all the racing forums, and if that feckin' Matt Chapman comes to Ditcheat one more time to drool over the wretched nag, I'm having him, too."