Having another baby

I'd change her name immediately, Harry, to Cheltenham. She could be 'Cheltsy' for short...

Best wishes to all of you, especially baby, for a safe delivery and a very happy life.
Baby born 3:06am mum and baby asleep and fine baby 36 weeks 5 lb 14 oz Gloucester hospital English baby !!!! Lol
Baby born 3:06am mum and baby asleep and fine baby 36 weeks 5 lb 14 oz Gloucester hospital English baby !!!! Lol

Congratulations Harry, great to hear all is well - now make sure visiting times are after the last race at Cheltenham :)

All the best.
As my [ex] husband walked out of the hospital in disgust when I produced a baby girl thirty odd years ago, I think knowing the sex of a baby is really important! I've just spent a couple of weeks looking after my 9 month old grandson and have really got to know him, although the days when I've had to look after the three year old as well have totally knackered me. At such times you realise you're getting old. Good to hear that mother and baby are doing well.
Staying in Gloucester tonight ....hospital then will go to races and pick them up hopefully on way home if docs think she can leave coz she's a premature
Each to their own re knowing the sex in advance but to me, it just smacks a little of the instant gratifications society we now live in when having to wait for anything simply isn't an option.

In my opinion, nothing compares to that moment when your baby appears and you're told whether it's a boy or girl!

In a lesser vein, when one of the mares or cows give birth, you get an extra buzz of satisfaction when all's gone well when you check the sex of the newborn too. Other than when we've used sexed semen on one of the cows, of course - sheer rage if it's not what it was supposed to be ! :lol:
Staying in Gloucester tonight ....hospital then will go to races and pick them up hopefully on way home if docs think she can leave coz she's a premature

If you bribe them enough, you might persuade them to keep everyone in until Friday night, and what on earth would you do each afternoon?? :whistle:;)

Many congrats - glad everyone is ok :D

(not that I have any plans to find out,but Im not sure that Id want to know what sex any babies of mine are - tis a bit like knowing what Christmas presents you are going to get - though I can understand how immensely practical it would be for getting ready...)
Quick update April 10 was Baby Hermione rose's due date and we've had 4 weeks with our beautiful daughter already..some scares with her being admitted to hospital with jaundice but she's such a little angel and thanks so much to all of you for your messages :<3:
Hermione Rose is quite a classic name, Harry: anyone in the family with either of those? Are you going to be calling her 'Hermione' in full, or will it be abbreviated? Best wishes for her to continue to thrive and both of you to enjoy her. I often think parents must sometimes look at their little ones with awe and think, "I made that!" It's got to be a marvellous feeling - especially if the pride can persist through to adulthood!
Don't want to worry you, Harry [because it isn't something to be worried about] but, if Hermione was premature watch out for her possibly suffering from croup when she gets a bit older. My second grandson has had it twice, and each time we've been asked if he was premature [he was 3 weeks early but didn't stay in hospital at all when he was born]so it must be more prevalent in prem babies. It was really scary the first time it happened, but when it happened again we knew what to do..straight to A&E for a steroid jab. It always comes on late at night as well. I'd heard of babies getting croup; mine never suffered from it but several of my friends had babies that did. I thought you just put them in a steamy room [or wrap them up and take them outside]and they'd be ok but it's more complicated than that. I'm sure Hermione won't get it, but forewarned is forearmed and, like I said, it isn't anything to worry about as long as you know what to do. You are lucky having a little girl!
Hermione Rosebud is 8lbs now bouncing Babba

8 weeks old "really 4" as she's a month early:<3:
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