Having another baby

Uhhhh.... and to think I thought you were a bloke! Congratulations - try to make sure baby isn't 10 days early, though!
Thanx :<3: last 2 kids scans babes were still and sleeping but this little one was moving and kicking......soooo lush and at 11 weeks!!!
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Due in April? That gives you loads of time to flee the scene. Try to have no fixed address and dont answer the phone to Jeremy Kyle.
Do you know what 'it' is at this stage, Harry? I'm assuming it's a lot easier to plan for toys, clothes, etc., if you do. It's lovely to have a chap enthusing about another little sproglet - mums-to-be, yes, that's probably a given, but you don't often hear from happy daddies. But keep going... my cousin had to call it a day after No.7, but they were on track for their own footie team at that stage!
Kri, we find out at 20 weeks, the next scan, so 9 weeks to go!

Guess Punchestown isnt on the agenda nxt year:(
Best of luck Harry - hope it all goes well for you all !

But I really, really hope when my son and his fiancee start their family, they either don't ask or don't get told the sex of the baby. Of course I do appreciate that for some it's a necessity due to health issues and that's different but it has to be one of the biggest surprises you get in your life and I wouldn't have wanted to know - and even back then in the Dark Ages it was technically possible to !