
Fair point Clive, different times in 1989 but there were plenty of photographers around that day from the press and are many harrowing images from the day viewable. It took all of ten minutes to get the smear campaign started and its taken almost my entire lifetime for thr truth to officially come out
Agree, Clive. But I think the knee-jerk automatic response of many parts of the Establishment would still be to try and cover-up anything which reflects badly on them, no matter what the consequences on mere plebs!
We seem to be in an era of semi literate, intelligent football managers.

Pardew, Alladyce, Pulis, Hughes, Bruce, Wenger, Mourinho, Rednapp, Sherwood, and Moyes obviously excepted.
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I was at Old Trafford for the QF against Forest. Fergie played Lee Sharpe at left back for some reason and he was awful. We were pretty unlucky not to win overall. And of course if we had won Hillsborough would never have been used for the semi.
Is it true that in 1985, when there was a memorial service for Heysel before a Liverpool Arsenal game, this was drowned out by chanting?

And, how come Liverpool don't have memorials etc for Heysel?
Don't know about that the at the time the club itself went public and blamed Chelsea fans for the trouble at heysel. Yes really...

And a quick look at the net shows that that still goes on

Now a good proportion of the head hunters would have loved nothing more than a kick off on the continent and yes they may well have joined up with other fans ( this did happen )

But not with scousers No way. Never. They were very much on their own at that time

As someone who was in the section the "large group of Liverpool hooligans" breached the fence ( which was no more than a piece of chicken wire ), I don't know what you are alluding to here exactly? It has been well documented that the ground was not fit for purpose. I have already posted on here at some point in the past that what started life as a letter box size hole in the outer stadium wall ended up larger enough that I witnessed a mounted policeman duck his head and walk through. It was a disaster that should never befall anybody going to see what should be a fantastic footballing spectacle. No one should lose there life in such a way.
I'm sorry, but this is the same Bruce Grobelaar who was caught out by a sting operation saying he could get games "thrown"? I'm not even going to bother reading this article.

You'll have to explain this one to me.

You asked for evidence of Liverpool blaming Chelsea fans for the disaster.

You are supplied a link to a published article where a member of the Liverpool squad makes a statement that he believes Chelsea and Millwall fans were responsible for what happened.

I'm not sure where the thrown games bit comes in. Does that mean that he didn't say it? (Whether he actually believed it was true or not is irrelevant - he said it).

The search I put into Google to find it was "Liverpool Chelsea Heysel". A ream of stuff came up, from which I chose that.

On that evidence I would conclude that a fair body of people blame Chelsea fans for the disaster.
Its not just that Simmo, the chairman of the club did so and never retracted (thats on link too). Bent Bruce was just following that line. if he had retracted then fair enough but he refused to do so

If I recall rightly he more or less pointed the blame at the club too. May be wrong there but either way it ensured that Liverpool are by some distance the most despised club at the bridge. Im surprised you didnt recall this Dave. It stank out the whole place. A man utd mate of mine goes on about it to this day

Now i know liverpool well and have a lot of time for the city, but this typified what a lot of people see as the "its always someone elses fault mentality"