Hope No-ones Intending To Fly This Week....

Tim McVey is exactly my point - your posting is utterly inane, and made purely so you can spill your racist bile. Whiteys bomb out of hatred just as much as dem darkies do. On the one hand, you blame the FBI for not spotting him earlier, and now when our airport authorities and the police ARE taking positive action, you blather on about Indians and Pakistanis being 'sent home'. Considering how many were born here, this IS home. Your view is nothing at all to do with political correctness: it's boring old race hatred and idiotic.

We all know that a faction of Islam is pissed off with Britain and the US for their blind support of Israel, the current 'legal' (as in it's government-driven) mad dog killer of innocents. We've known for decades, actually, that there are factions within Islam which just detest everything the West stands for, and would gladly have our heads on a platter. So now and then, in our own interests, we have to put up with inconveniences in order to arrest and detain suspects. Which we are currently doing. Just leave the experts to do their best (hopefully without shooting dead a Mexican student this time) and bit by bit the cells will be closed down, just as the SLA, Bader-Meinhof, and the Red Brigades (all healthily white) were in their time.
Originally posted by krizon@Aug 10 2006, 10:27 AM
Tim McVey is exactly my point - your posting is utterly inane, and made purely so you can spill your racist bile. Whiteys bomb out of hatred just as much as dem darkies do. On the one hand, you blame the FBI for not spotting him earlier, and now when our airport authorities and the police ARE taking positive action, you blather on about Indians and Pakistanis being 'sent home'. Considering how many were born here, this IS home. Your view is nothing at all to do with political correctness: it's boring old race hatred and idiotic.
Yes it is now home for millions of them and I used a very extreme example of how to get people to sort things out within their own communities.
If they're living in 'their own communities', Craig, in the UK - how can they send their people 'home'? Their people are living in Salford, Bradford, Halifax, London, Brighton, Chipping Sodbury, Dundee, Merthyr Tidfil and probably the Shetland Isles - becoming Scottish, Welsh, or English Muslims in the process. They don't WANT to 'go back' to countries they've never lived in, any more than you'd want to be 'sent back' to England if you'd been born in Canada. Can you imagine the Canadians saying all the English who'd lived there for three generations should be 'sent back' because, say, two or three Englishmen went on a killing spree? It makes that much sense - none.
The sooner the better you go, Craig. Make sure you live in Texas, Alabama, or West Virginny. They like frying them darkies there any chance they get - Mr Bush makes sure of that.
But it won't work. How can you sort things out in your own community if you don't know what is happening? Even them, whatd o you propose? Lynch mobs? Crosses on the front lawn? Terrorists do not manage to pull off large scale attacks by blathering on to all and sundry about what the have planned; they tend to keep it pretty quiet. Incidentally, how do we check all those from Indian/Pakistani backgrounds? They pitch up at the airport and we do the same to them as everyone (did you pack this bag yourself....) and then ask them to step to one side while we tell them that they look suspicious and have to have their luggage checked thoroughly and have a full body cavity search too? Again, it won't work.
Calm down dear.

Like I said, extreme example.

The people who get caught for this, make an example of them, send them packing to the country and beliefs they are fighting for (British my a#se).
I agree that those caught should be mades example of but they are fighting not for a country but for personal beliefs so deporting them isn't an option. Would we send Rastafarian bombers (from England but have had a few too many tokes) to Jamaica? Of course not.
Originally posted by Craig_uk@Aug 10 2006, 12:09 PM
Just stop all Pakistani/Indian (yes that background) people and check them, the people plotting this are all of that nature.

Craig, please explain why you include Indian people. And what "of that nature" means.
Craig, Pakistan has enough problems trying to find all the nooks and crannies of its Al-Queda cells without us exporting them more trouble! I also think that perhaps (in spite of our open jails being an open joke) our high-security jails would be better at keeping the baddies than anywhere in Pakistan. There would be far too much temptation towards bribery of poorly-paid guards there.

I think that anyone convicted of plotting crimes against the state, whether indigenous or not, ought to be shipped off to some specifically-built jail, preferably in the middle of Salisbury Plain, not just chucked in with a general criminal fraternity. In Saudi, the political prisoners were housed in a separate wing of the main jails. Being in for very long terms, they were actually treated remarkably well and allowed to sell the handicrafts they made, unlike others. We could probably do the same here, and have them embroider cloths with quotations from the Buddha on them, in exchange for food and bedding.
I thought it would be nice for them to see an alternative viewpoint on matters such as humility, harmony, peace, love, and understanding, Respected Master.
It all makes me laugh this, why stop people now taking on baby food etc?

Why should these people now suffer when it's obvious they are no risk whatsoever, is this not to upset the other communities?

Utter joke.
Originally posted by BrianH+Aug 10 2006, 10:44 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BrianH @ Aug 10 2006, 10:44 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Craig_uk@Aug 10 2006, 12:09 PM
Just stop all Pakistani/Indian (yes that background) people and check them, the people plotting this are all of that nature.

Craig, please explain why you include Indian people. And what "of that nature" means. [/b][/quote]
I mean't colour/look but was afraid to say it due to being called racist, but that's how PC the world is now.
Anyway i'm off for a run, i'll let you know if i see any funny looking "types".

(yes i am having a joke).
Originally posted by Craig_uk@Aug 10 2006, 12:52 PM
I mean't colour/look but was afraid to say it due to being called racist, but that's how PC the world is now.
That would have had you and me being fucked then when the IRA bombers were at their peak.
Baby food, hair gel, lens solution. Seems like the warning had something to do with toiletries or food containers containing other substances.
Was there the same outbreak of unseemly anti-Paddiness then, Brian? I was out of the UK for the key periods, so don't know. Lots of jibes about dem Oirish, or was everyone well-behaved?
This is annoying: I have to start getting ready to meet 'n' greet owners up at the track soon, so I'll have to resume these fun and games later on. Pee, yes, it does seem that a disguised substance is a possibility, doesn't it? They can hardly just haul all of the non-white people to one side, though, and exempt them. One of them might be very pro, and carrying on behalf of someone else.
Nice to see that we seem to be the main target now due to our cretinous poodle foreign policy.
Originally posted by krizon@Aug 10 2006, 01:03 PM
Was there the same outbreak of unseemly anti-Paddiness then, Brian? I was out of the UK for the key periods, so don't know. Lots of jibes about dem Oirish, or was everyone well-behaved?
No. There was a small lunatic minority who asumed that "they were all the same". Unfortunately for some (eg the Maguire family) that minority included a fair proportion of police, MI5 and the Crown Prosecution Service as well as most of the supporters of Glasgow Rangers.